Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio
Embracing the Counties of
Geauga and Lake.
Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1893
foreman of the car department at the Nickel Plate shops,
Conneaut, Ohio, was born in Germany, Feb. 25, 1848, and brought with him
to this country the thrift and energy so characteristic of the people of his
native land.
His parents, Frederick and Sophia (Hunterman)
Tatgenhorst, both natives of Germany, landed in America about 1869, two
years after the arrival of their son in this country. Frederick Tatgenhorst
did an extensive business as a shoemaker in Germany, and after coming to the
United States and settling in Steubenville, Ohio, opened a shop for the same
business, which he followed up to the time of his death, Apr. 25, 1891, at the age of seventy-four years. His wife died
Jan. 16, 1881, at the age of sixty-two. Both were members of the
Lutheran Church. In their family were four sons and two daughters,
namely: Charles, the subject of this sketch; Didrich, who died in
Steubenville, Ohio, at the age of thirty-one years; Christopher, a resident
of East Liverpool, Ohio; Harman, of Wichita, Kansas; Kate, wife of
Henry Cook, of East Liverpool; and Kazena, who died at the age of twelve years.
Charles Tatgenhorst received his education in his
native land. He learned the carpenters' trade there, and worked at it
from the time he was fourteen until he was nineteen, at which age he came to
America. He set sail from Bremen, April 16, and after a pleasant
voyage landed in New York on the 28th of the same month, 1867. Three
days after landing in that city he was met by his uncle, William Tatgenhorst,
of Albany, New York, to which place they went. After working on the
farm with his uncle one month, and feeling the need of learning our
language, he obtained employment with eight other men, none of whom could
speak German, and he soon learned the English tongue. Next, we find
him at Steubenville, Ohio, where he had German acquaintances, and where he
worked at his trade fourteen years, his parents in the meantime having
settled there. In 1871 he spent five months in Kansas City, Missouri,
at the end of which time he returned to Steubenville, and from there went to
Dennison, Ohio, where he was employed in the Pan-Handle shops three years
and a half. After that he spent five months in East Liverpool,
building houses. Then he went to Bridgeport, Ohio and built twenty
houses for the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad Company, after which he
was employed in the same company's shops at Lorain one year. In 1882
he entered the service of the Nickel-Plate Road. In their employ he
traveled through the West, going from La Fayette to Chicago, then to Lima,
and from there to Conneaut. Since 1882 he has been foreman of the car
department of the Nickel-Plate shops at Conneaut. Mr. Tatgenhorst made
his own start in the world, and by his honest toil and careful economy has
won his way to success. He owns four beautiful houses nicely located
on Liberty street.
Mr. Tatgenhorst was married, Jan. 16, 1868, at
Steubenville, Ohio, to Augusta Ohm, daughter of Christian and Hannah Ohm, of
Germany. Four of the nine Ohm children grew to maturity, Augusta being
the only one who ever came to America. He and his wife have three
children: Sophia, Kate and Minnie. Sophia is the wife of
William Attwood, a native of Sheffield, England, who has been in this country seven
years. Mr. and Mrs. Attwood have one child, Charley.
Mr. Tatgenhorst of the Congregational Church. He is a Mason and an
Odd-Fellow, and in Politics is a Republican.
(Transcribed from Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio
embracing Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties; published in
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1893 - Page 546) |
L. A. THAYER, who is
engaged in the lumber business at Conneaut, Ohio, was born in this county,
Aug. 11, 1826, son of Jacob and Harriet (Kent) Thayer, the former a native
of Massachusetts, and the latter of Vermont.
Jacob Thayer was one of the earliest pioneers of
Conneaut. He came here in 1812 and settled on the farm now owned by L.
A. Thayer and his son, D. C. Thayer. He and his wife had a family of
six sons and three daughters, namely: Luke, Lewis, Jacob,
Andrew, Galand and
John, and Annis, Sallie and Abigail, most of whom have passed away.
Both parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and were among
the most substantial and highly respected people of the community. The
father died in August, 1866, at the age of seventy-six years, and the mother
died Dec. 3, 1835, aged thirty four, consumption being the fatal disease
that called her to an early grave. Her parents died at the home of
Jacob Thayer many years ago. The Kent family was composed of four
children: Hiram, Asa Harriet and Irene, all having passed away except
L. A. Thayer, the subject of his sketch, has
been engaged in the lumber business for many years, at the same time
conducting farming operations on his land. Mr. Thayer was one
of the charter members of what is now the First National Bank of
having served as a director of the same. He has been a Councilman of
Conneaut several terms.
Oct. 15, 1850, Mr. Thayer married Miss Laura
M. Haviland, daughter of John and Mary (Hayward) Haviland.
John Haviland was born in Danville, Vermont, June 26, 1792; married
Mary Hayward in 1814; came out to Conneaut, Ohio, in 1816, when this
country was all a wilderness, it being three months before his wife saw
another woman here. Mrs. Haviland died in 1847, and a few years
later Mr. Haviland married Miss Uranie Spalding, who was born
in Chelsea, Vermont, Aug. 11, 1806, and who died Mar. 11, 1892. Her
parents settled in the town of Monroe, Ohio, in 1816. She was the
youngest in a family of eight, all of whom have passed away. In the
Haviland family were eight children, three of whom are living, namely:
Mrs. L. A. Thayer, Mrs. Alvin Huntley, and Ms. Augustus Horton.
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer have five children, as follows:
Alice, wife of George W. Miley, Chicago, has two children,
Lewis and Frederick G.; Burton E., whose biography follows this
sketch; Carlos H. Hinsdale, Illinois, married Amy Slocum, of
that place and has one child, Robert T.,; Danford, a resident
of the southern part of Conneaut township, married Rosa Krommer; Edson C.,
of Conneaut, married Nellie Ford, and has one child, Frank B.
Both Mr. Thayer and his wife are members of
the Christian Church, of which he is a Deacon and Trustee. He is a
member of the Masonic fraternity, and in politics is a Republican. He
and his good wife are highly respected residents of this county. They
encountered many of the deprivations and trials incidental to Ohio pioneer
Burton E. Thayer, Cashier of the First National
Bank of Conneaut, Ohio, was born in Ashtabula county, this State, Jan. 18,
1855, son of L. A. Thayer. He received his education in
Conneaut and Painesville. His first business enterprise was that
conducted under the firm name of Guthrie & Thayer, the firm being in
a drug business two years. Then for three years he was Deputy
Postmaster under M. B. Keyes, after which he was bookkeeper for S.
J. Smith until the First National Bank was organized, since which time
he has been cashier of the bank. He helped to organize the bank of
Lake, Thayer & Smith, and afterward the First National Bank.
He has been associated in business with Mr. Smith for the past
seventeen years. In 1887 he established a livery business in
and is still interested in the same, having begun on a small scale and from
year to year increased his facilities until he now keeps twenty-six horses
and a fine assortment of carriages and other vehicles. Since March,
1892, he has had a half interest in the Commercial Hotel of
Conneaut; and
Conneaut, by the way, boasts of the best hotel accommodations between
Buffalo and Cleveland. Few men of this city have its best interests
more at heart than he. For the past fifteen years he has served as
Township Treasurer, his continued re-election being ample evidence of the
high degree of satisfaction he has rendered.
Mr. Thayer was married Sept. 5, 1878, to Miss
Clara Risdon, daughter of E. Risdon, of Conneaut. They have
four children: Lee Carl, Alice E., Hazel J. and Harry E.
In fraternal as well as business circles Mr.
Thayer is prominently known. He is a member of Maple Lodge, No.
217, Conneaut, and also the
Conneaut Division, No. 145, Uniform Rank K. of
P.; Evergreen Lodge, No. 222, F. & A. M.; Salem Lodge, No. 1314, K. of H.;
Conneaut Council, No. 780, R. A. M., and
Conneaut Tent, No. 100, K. O. T. M.
Although not a church member, he attends the Christian
Church and is a supporter of the same.
(Transcribed from Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio
embracing Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties; published in
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1893 - Page 549) |
TODD, whose rural home is
located near North Sheffield, Ohio, was born in Kingsville, Ashtabula
county, this State, July 1, 1817.
Erastus and Susan (Morse)
Todd, his parents, both natives of Connecticut,
came to Ohio in 1816 and located on a farm two miles south of
Kingsville. Erastus Todd began life a poor young man, and here on what was then the
frontier he acquired a little farm, which he improved, and there he reared
his family. His life was characterized by simplicity, honesty and
industry, and was adorned by Christian acts of kindness. For over
forty years he was a member of the Baptist Church, and few men in the
community were held in higher esteem than he. He was born in December,
1786, and died Feb. 5, 1863; his wife Susan, born Aug. 10, 1792, died Apr. 3, 1833. Of their family of five children, we make the following
record: Martha, wife of Amos Gear, died Oct., 12, 1872, aged
sixty-one years; Mary and her husband, Jonathan L. Haines, are both
deceased, her death having occurred Apr. 12, 1891, at the age of 76;
William Todd, whose name heads this sketch; Rev. Julius
Todd, Berlin,
Wisconsin, is a minister in the Seventh-Day Baptist Church; John Todd, born
July 26, 1821, died May 15, 1864. Five years after the death of his
first wife Erastus Todd was united in marriage to Mrs.
Asenath Bowman, who
survived him ten years.
William Todd has been a farmer all his life, an energetic, thrifty,
successful farmer. He came to his present location in 1850, and has
been a resident of Sheffield township since Nov. 4, 1842. His farm
contains 86 acres, nearly all improved land, and is beautifully located,
being used for the propagation of the diversity of crops. During his
long residence here he has gained the good will and high regard of a large
circle of acquaintances. He has taken a commendable interest in public
affairs, having served for about 16 years as Township Trustee, not, however,
successive years.
Mr. Todd was married May 14, 1842, to Miss Huldah Morse, a native of
Kingsville, Ohio, born Sep. 17, 1819. She is a modest, kindly-disposed
and motherly Christian woman, and highly respected as she is widely known.
Her parents were Phineas and Abigail (Luce) Morse. Her father was born
Mar. 3, 1795, and died Jul. 2, 1876. He was one of the pioneer farmers
of this part of Ohio, having come here from his native place, Litchfield,
Connecticut, about 1816, making the journey with ox teams. His farm of
160 acres, located half a mile west of the County Infirmary, is now owned by
Dick Woodburn. Few men in Ashtabula county were better known than he.
For many years he was an active member of the Baptist Church, giving
liberally to the support of the ministry. His wife, born Aug. 15,
1798, he wedded Nov. 18, 1818. She, too, was a Baptist, being
identified with that church for a period of sixty-seven years. After
living a long and exemplary life, she fell asleep in Jesus. With her
passed away one of Kingsville's sturdy pioneers, who had energy and pluck to
leave home scenes and friends, and start afresh in a new country. She
leaves behind her, besides the members of her grief stricken family, many
friends who lovingly cherish her memory with grateful hearts.
Following are the names of their nine children: Mrs. Todd,
Hiram M.,
Mary, Almira, Angeline, Almon, Laura, Alden, George W., all living except
Mr. and Mrs. Todd have had five children, viz.:
Adel, who died at the
age of fourteen months; Ada; Almon, who married Ella Fascet, resides on a
farm in Sheffield township; Melzo, who married Mary Santee and lives in
Sheffield township, has three children, Otis, Carl and Tula; and
Bertha, of
the same township, is the wife of Delos VanSlyke, and has two children,
Fannie and Abbie.
Our subject and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, in which he has
been a Deacon for many years. Politically, he is a Prohibitionist.
(Transcribed from Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio
embracing Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties; published in
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1893 - Page 591) |
Postmaster of Conneaut, Ohio, was born in Windsor county, Vermont,
Oct. 23, 1835, son of William and Hannah G. (Gibelow) Townsend,
the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Vermont.
Grandfather Thomas Townsend and his brother Daniel were
Revolutionary soldiers, Daniel being killed in that war.
William Townsend went from Massachusetts to
Vermont at an early day and settled on a farm. He was twice
married in that State, first in 1806, to Miss Susan Smith, a
native of New Hampshire, all of his children by her having passed
away, the last one, Aurelia, wife of Rev. Horace Herrick
dying in 1891, at the age of eighty years. Mr. Townsend
and his second wife, Hannah G. Bigelow whom he wedded in
1820, had eight children, the oldest dying in infancy and the others
being as follows: Eliza, a fine scholar and popular
teacher, has been engaged in teaching for many years in Vermont;
Frederick V. A., who married Aurelia Royse, lives in
Vermont; Isabel, wife of Henry Waterman, is a resident
of Kansas; F. Torrey, who married Charlotte Stebbins,
is a merchant and Postmaster at Clay, Iowa; Van Buren married
Anna Austin and lives in Florida; Velette P. married
Emily Stebbins, and after her death Eliza Ann Hallet,
and at this writing he is Postmaster of Quinsigamond, Massachusetts;
and Marquis D., whose name heads this article. The
mother of this family died in 1884, at Redding, Vermont, aged ninety
years. She was a member of the Congregational Church.
The father passed away in 1865, at the same place, at the age of
Mr. Townsend was reared on his father's farm in
Vermont and was educated there. In 1856, he went to Washington
county, Iowa, where he settled on a farm and was engaged in
agricultural pursuits until the war came on. Aug. 15, 1862, he
enlisted in Company A, Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry,
Fifteenth Corps, and served two years, participating in numerous
engagements, the siege of Vicksburg and the battles leading up to
that siege, etc. Twice his clothes were pierced with bullets.
About the time of the surrender of Vicksburg he was taken sick and
as this unfitted him for further field service he was sent to Camp
Chase, Ohio, where he served as Librarian and General Ward Master
of the Hospital until July 15, 1864, the date of his discharge.
After his discharge from the service, Mr. Townsend
came to Conneaut and engaged in the mercantile business, he and his
partner, James Babbitt, conducting one of the two leading
stores in the town until 1878, when they closed out. Mr.
Townsend was then on the road as traveling salesman for about
ten years, the most of the time representing the Record
Manufacturing Company, of Conneaut. He traveled until he
received from President Harrison his commission as Postmaster, in
February, 1891, since which time he has been serving in that
capacity most efficiently. He has been councilman and recorder
of Conneaut several terms and has served as Cemetery Director eight
or ten years.
Sept. 19, 1858, Mr. Townsend married Miss
Cordelia Hicks of Conneaut, daughter of Josiah and Julia Ann
(Badger) Hicks. She died Oct. 21, 1870, at the age of
thirty-five years, leaving one daughter, Carrie C., now the
wife of D. B. Phillips, of Conneaut. Mrs. Townsend
was a granddaughter of Elder Badger, the noted Congregational
missionary. Sept. 29, 1874, Mr. Townsend wedded Miss
Mary A. Palmer, his present companion. She was born in
Girard, Erie county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 25, 1846, the oldest of a
family of four children, her parents being James and Nancy
(Martin) Palmer, the former a native of Vermont and the latter
of New York. Her father was one of the early pioneers of Erie
county, where he developed a farm and reared his family, and where
he lived for thirty-six years, his death occurring in 1870. He
was seventy-six years of age, and his wife, who died in 1885, was
aged seventy-seven years. Both were devoted members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Of the rest of the Palmer
family we record that William H., the second born, a
farmer and dealer in produce and agricultural implements at Girard,
Pennsylvania, died in 1874, aged forty-three years; Fanny is
the wife of Hon. C. G. Griffey of Michigan, at one time a
member of the State Legislature; and J. G. Palmer is a
druggist in Conneaut. Mrs. Townsend was a popular and
efficient teacher in Girard for several years previous to her
marriage. They have had two children, namely: Fanny G.,
born Jan. 7, 1878, a pupil in the public high school, is devoting
much of her time to music, for which she has already developed a
special talent; and Mildred, who died in 1886, aged seven
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend are members of the
Congregational Church of Conneaut, the former having served in
various official capacities. He was Sunday school
Superintendent several years, and at the present time a Deacon of the
church. He also served on the Building Committee during the
erection of the new church edifice. He is a member of the
Masonic order, the Knights of Honor, the Royal Templars, and the
Custer Post, No. 9, G. A. R., in all of which his influence is felt
for good, he frequently being chosen to occupy important official
positions in these orders. Mr. Townsend has been a very
influential G. A. R. man. He was chosen Commander of
the Custer Post in 1876, and was re-elected four consecutive
terms; was chosen Assistant Adjutant General in 1878, and Chaplain
in 1880 and 1881. On account of disabilities incurred while in
the service he is drawing a pension. He has been identified
with the Republican party ever since its organization. In the
Lincoln campaign of 1860, he laid aside business affairs and gave
his whole time in helping to organize the Republican party in his
county (Washington, Iowa).
Such is a brief sketch of one of the
most highly
respected citizens of Conneaut, and of one who has contributed
largely toward its developments.
(Transcribed from Biographical History of
Northeastern Ohio embracing Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties; published
in Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1893 - Page 205)
NOTE: Buried in East Conneaut Cemetery aka Furnace Road
Cemetery & Lakeville Cemetery. |
who is engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in
Conneaut, Ohio,
has been identified with the interests of this city since 1883.
Mr. Traver was born in Canada, Dec. 6, 1837, and
his parents, Jonathan and Anna (Weeks) Traver, are natives respectively of
Kinderbrook, New York, and St. Albans, Vermont. Jonathan Traver was
born Mar. 17, 1801, and is now a venerable citizen of Conneaut, having
resided here since 1889. He is a veteran of the Canada Rebellion,
having served on the Reformers' side. Until the early part of the
present year (1893) he has never employed the services of a physician, and
for a man of his age is remarkably well preserved in both mind and body.
He has been an Elder in the Presbyterian Church for more than two
generations. His wife was a Presbyterian until quite recently, when
she united with the Congregational Church. They have had eight
children, as follows: Delia, widow of Peter Yager, resides with her
parents in this city; Angeline, widow of Cephas Peterson, is a resident of
West Superior, Wisconsin; Marshall, a resident of Bridgeman, Michigan;
George W.; Rev. Albert Traver, minister of the First Presbyterian Church of
Brockville, Canada, died at the age of thirty-six years; Louise, wife of
Charles Arthur, of Trenton, Canada, died at the age of twenty-four years;
and Edwin and Charles, hardware merchants of
George W. Traver received his education in Canada, and
for three years taught school there. In 1857 he engaged in the
carriage business in Chicago, Illinois, and was thus employed until the war
came on. In October, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Seventeenth
Kansas Volunteer Regiment, which company he raised in Leavenworth, Kansas.
His first battle was that of Prairie Grove, Missouri. He afterward
participated in the battle of Pea Ridge and numerous other engagements.
After the war Mr. Traver returned to Chicago, and
engaged in the stone business in Chicago and Lemont, Illinois, being thus
engaged until 1876. By the great Chicago fire he lost everything he
had except his pluck and energy. Subsequently he was connected with
Kimball & Co. in Alabama, that firm having the contract to build five locks
in the Tennessee river. In 1883 he came from Alabama to
Ohio, where he has since resided, He was engaged in the hardware
business here until the spring of 1891, when he sold out to Hubbard & Co.
Since that time he has been doing a real - estate and insurance business, and
has been very successful in his operations. He was elected a member of
the City Council in April, 1891, and is still serving as such.
Mr. Traver was married, in 1880, to Miss
Tillie Alexander, daughter of James Alexander, of Leighton, Alabama. She is a
graduate of Tuscumbia college. They have three children: Albert,
and Anna. Both he and his wife are members of the Congregational
Church, of which he is now serving as Deacon, Treasurer and Trustee.
He is a Royal Arch Mason, and has been identified with the Masonic
fraternity for the past twenty years. Politically, he is a Republican,
having cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln.
(Transcribed from Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio
embracing Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga Counties; published in
Chicago: Lewis Publ. Co., 1893 - Page 548) |