HARWOOD BLOCK added to National Register

News-Herald Reporter
Conneaut, Ohio - July 20, 1978
The Harwood Block, located on the corner of
Broad and Main Streets, has been added to the U.S. Department of
Interior's National Register of Historic Places, according to Dr. Thomas
Smith, director of the Ohio Historical Society.
The National Register is a nationwide listing of
districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in
American history, architecture, archaeology and culture, according to
Application for the listing was submitted in late 1976
by owner of the building, Mrs. Elarka Hakansan of Cleveland. The
application included historical and architectural information for which
the building was selected, a society spokesman said.
The Harwood Block, built in 1889, housed an opera house
on its third floor until 1903. This was a major stop for touring
companies between Buffalo and Cleveland, providing the historic
qualifications of the building for the national listing.
The third floor was then leased to the National Guard
for drills, and after World War I became a dance hall. The stage is
still intact. The building housed the former Pelton Store for a
number of years and several merchants now occupy the first floor.
The historic architecture leads to the high Victorian
Italianate mode. The cast-iron storefront was produced in Chicago
and shipped to Conneaut on the Nickel Plate Railroad. With no
instructions for its installation, Main Street was roped off and pieces
assembled on the street, then attached to the building, the application
Along with the application, a photo, slides and
detailed condition of the building was also submitted, a society spokesman
After the qualifications were approved by the Ohio
Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board, the information was sent to the
Department of Interior, Washington, D. C. for review and approval by
architecture historians, according to David Simons coordinator.
Simons said an average of 30 nominations are submitted
every six weeks to the Department of Interior.
The listing qualifies the building owner to apply for a
number of grant programs established to protect, stabilize, preserve,
rehabilitate, restore or reconstruct historic properties. Any
renovations could then be made privately as well, with tax-deductions in
effect. |