Source: Elyria Republican (Elyria,Ohio)
Volume: III Issue: 41 Page: 2
Dated: July 5, 1837
The whigs boast of being for the
"Supremacy of the constitution and laws." - Hear what the Ashtabula
Sentinel says about his whig brother of the Conneaut Gazette.
"Our neighbor of the Conneaut Gazette, seems to be
wonderfully delighted that the "Banner of the Union," a paper lately
started at Erie, Pa., did not receive support enough to warrant the
expenses of its publication. This paper was started with the
express intention of upholding the Constitution and laws of the
United States, and the rights of the people in every part of the
Union. This is undoubtedly the reason why the editor of
the Gazette rejoiced at its downfall." |
Source: Emancipator and Republican
September 26, 1839The Conneaut, Ohio, Gazette, will probably
be relieved of its wonder at the course taken by the U. S. District
Judge. It was the only course by which he could detain these
injured individuals in jail, to die by inches, or to be delivered over
to their Spanish oppressors. If not detained as criminals, they
would have been within reach of a habeas corpus from the State courts. |
Source: Republican Reporter
Feb. 22, 1842The Bridge over the Conneaut Creek, in Ohio,
recently fell, just as the Cleveland stage had passed it, and while
the hind wheels were on it. The driver was thrown off, but the
horses had a firm footing upon the bank, and sustained themselves.
The bridge was twenty feet above the bed of this deep creek. |
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel
Jan. 13, 1845Samuel P. Fenton has been
appointed Postmaster at Conneaut, Ohio, vice Judge Dart,
deceased. |
Source: Milwaukee Daily Sentinel
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jun. 24, 1846 We had the pleasure of
taking by the hand on Monday, our old friend ALLEN, of the firm
of Allen & Rollo, publishers of the Conneaut Reporter, a sterling Whig
Journal in the "Western Reserve." He was on a cruise up the
Lakes in the fine brig L. A. Blossom.
The Brig LADY A. BLOSSOM of Conneaut, Capt. J. L. Wood,
came into our port Sunday morning with a large load of freight, - 16
cabin passengers and 40 steerage.
This fine brig, of which Messrs. Lake and
Carpenter of Conneaut are principal owners, was launched at that
place last April. She measures 300 tonage - 24 feet 9 inches
beam and 9 feet 1 inches of hold. |
Source: Daily Sentinel and Gazette, Milwaukee,
Jan. 5, 1848We learn from the Conneaut Reporter that the
Academy in Kingsville, Ashtabula county, was destroyed by fire
early on Monday morning last. How the fire originated is not
known, but is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Most of
the apparatus connected with the school, a very flourishing one, was
destroyed, and the loss will be severely felt by Mr. Graves,
the Principal. Many of the books belonging to students were also
lost. |
Source: Albany Evening Journal
Dated: Sept. 22, 1848
From the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser.
MURDER. - Last night, about half past 11
o'clock, a young man named Stephen Brush, aged about 19
years, living at the Hydraulics, was murdered in Seneca-street.
It appears Brush, in company with three younger boys, named
Charles M. Patridge, Robert Mitchell and Lewis Bushly,
had been to the Theatre, where they had witnessed a play, in which
the character of a negro servant was represented. The boys
were passing down Seneca-street talking and laughing about the
performance, and something was said about the negro in the play.
Just at this time, when near Michigan-street, two negroes passed
them, and on hearing the remark, one of them turned round and asked
what was said about negroes. Some reply was given by Brush,
when he was struck by the one who had asked the question. He
then ran from the side-walk into the street, pursued by the negro,
and after a short scuffle cried out "boys," and fell.
His companions gave the alarm, and a number of men came
to their assistance, the negroes having fled. Brush was
carried to Crooker's tavern, where, on examination, it was
found that he had been stabbed by a dirk knife in five or six
different places. There was one wound about two inches wide,
in the abdomen, between the sternum and navel, and two between the
fourth and fifth ribs of the left side, all three of which
penetrated deep into the cavity of the body, either of which were
pronounced mortal by the physician. He received a severe stab
over his left eye, where the point of the knife is supposed to have
been left, as it was broken off - his left arm was cut to the bone
above the elbow - and one finger was cut off. He die not
survive five minutes after the wounds were inflicted, but died
immediately after he was carried to the tavern.
The alarm was given, and the Mayor called. There
was no cue to those who had committed the deed, except that they
were negroes. It turned out, however, that some one, among
those who assembled, had seen a negro by the name of Henry
Shorter with a dirk knife in the afternoon, which he declared he
would use upon somebody before the next day was out. A search
was made for him, and for another by the name of George Sharp,
who had been seen in his company. In about two hours they were
both arrested, one at a barber's shop under Whipple's Exchange and
the other at Exchange Hotel, near the Railroad Depot, and put in
charge of Constable Kester, of Eden, who happened to
be present. Blood was found upon both of them, and after the
arrest Shorter acknowledged that he had committed the murder
- said that it was unpremeditated - and impulse of the moment and
that Sharp had nothing to do with it, farther than he was in
his company. A Coroner's inquest was held, and the two sent to
the watch-house. They were brought out this morning before the
Police Justice, but the examination was postponed, and the prisoners
committed to jail.
The negro Shorter came here from Fredonia last
spring, and Sharp from Conneaut, Ohio, only a few weeks
since. |
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel & Gazette
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Aug. 1, 1849FIRE AT CONNEAUT - The town of Conneaut was
visited by a severe fire on Monday night. It broke out in the
large store and warehouse of Charles Hall, Arcade buildings,
which was destroyed. The lower rooms were occupied by Mr.
Hall as a Dry Goods store, and the upper story by Odd Fellows and
Sons of Temperance. The building was insured for $1200 in the
Portage Mutual and Mr. Hall had an insurance on his goods in
the Aetna for $5000. Goods mostly saved in a damaged state.
The furniture and regalia of the Odd Fellows insured for $200 which
mainly covers the loss. The Sons saved theirs - Cleveland
Her. |
Source: Boston Courier
Sept. 20, 1849Destructive Tornado.
A tornado passed over a part of Ashtabula County, Ohio, eight or
ten days ago, which did immense damage to crops, fences, trees, &c.
It came from the lake, and struck the shore not farm from Conneaut.
Its course first was nearly south, and after demolishing fences, acres
of woodland, growing crops, &c., it suddenly turned North, and when
again near the shore of the lake took an easterly direction, pouring
upon the earth a perfect torrent of water accompanied with hail.
Everything within its range was leveled with the ground for two or
three miles. East of Conneaut it continued about ten miles,
laying completely desolate a strip of country a mile wide. Large
sound forest trees, two and three feet through, were twisted off and
carried several rods. Some farmers lost all their crops by it,
and suffered much in their improvements. The aggregate
destruction is stated by the Conneaut Reporter to be very great. |
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel and Gazette
Aug. 13, 1850CONNEAUT, OHIO - By the recent census, it
appears that the population of this town is 2813. Increase 300
since 1840.
Source: The National Era
Washington D. C.
December 16, 1852Conneaut P. O., Ashtabula co., Ohio, Dec. 2,
1852. There never has been a time since the Era started that
subscribers could be obtained as easy as they can be at the present
time. Now is the time for Anti-Slavery men to work. I mean
that you shall hear from me again with another club before long. |
Source: New Hampshire Sentinel
New Hampshire
Nov. 11, 1867Weston failed a third time on his hundred mile
feat, Saturday, and stopped for the night at Conneaut, O., thoroughly
exhausted and with his feet badly swollen. He made the first 58
miles in 13 hours and 10 minutes, and the hopes then were strong that
he would succeed. He has one more trial. |
Source: Pittsfield Sun - Massachusetts
Dated: July 21, 1870
WORK OF STRYCHNINE. - The Conneaut (Ohio) Reporter
relates the following instance, illustrating the terrible
activity and virulence of Strychnine: A farmer named Chilson,
living near Girard, thinking to rid his cornfield of a troublesome
ground hog, managed to administer the quadruped a dose of strychnine,
which killed him nearly instantly. The carcass was suspended in
a tree, where the crows soon espied the savory bit, and proceeded to
appease their appetites. After partaking of the fatal meat the
crows would fly rapidly a short distance, as if in agony, and fall
dead to the ground. The bones being thoroughly stripped of their
flesh, remained exposed to the bleaching influence of sunshine, rain
and frost for nearly two years, when, falling to the ground, a
highly-prized dog masticated parts of them and died from the effects
in a space not exceeding ten minutes. |
Source: Jamestown Journal, Jamestown,
New York
Dated: July 29, 1870Accident to a Jamestown Lady in
Conneaut, O. -
Mr. O. E. Jones, who was on Monday
hastily summoned to Conneaut, O., by a telegram announcing that his
sister, Mrs. Sarah Hall, had been severely hurt, reports that
the accident was caused by a fractious horse. The following
are the particulars of it. Mrs. H. was going to church
and a gentleman called for her with a horse and carriage.
After she had got into the buggy and before the gentleman had taken
his seat the horse, which was a spirited one, gave a jump. The
driver was thrown against a fence and fell to the ground, the reins
being drawn from his hands. The horse ran some distance and in
crossing a sluice Mrs. Hall was thrown out.
Unfortunately her skirts caught in the steps and she was thus
dragged head downwards for some distance. Her clothing gave
way finally and she was left insensible on the road. Her
injuries consist of a dislocation of the hip, some of her teeth
knocked out and severe bruises and wounds about the head and body.
When Mr. Jones left her she was comfortable and hopes were
entertained of her recovery. We hope they may be realized as
Mrs. Hall would be sadly missed in Jamestown. She is one
of the best teachers in our school and socially has hosts of
friends. May her recovery be speedy and complete, will be the
wish of all. She of course remains with the friends whom she
was visiting in Conneaut. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: June 23, 1871
Death of a Singular Character
From the Erie Republican.
A singular character, named Buck, has just
died in East Conneaut, Ohio, at an advanced age. Years ago he
formed an attachment for a lady, made an avowal, and was rejected.
The young man (for he was young at that time) was not prepared for
such a rendering of affairs, and without even a remonstrance at his
charmer's decision gave up the society of the fair sex at once and
forever, purchased a sequestered spot, remote from the haunts of man
or the prying eyes of woman, reared a cot, staked out his earthly
domain, and settled down into a state of ultra "single blessedness."
But this decision was not the most remarkable or noteworthy feature in
this eccentric case; for, from the time of such settlement in his
hermitic home, he began to cultivate habits which grew upon him as
life advanced, and made him, at the age of 80 years, a perfect
nondescript, even among eccentricians. After rearing his house
and furnishing it with the comforts for which the heart of man longeth,
he proceeded to create from his own rib and person a woman, by
allowing his hair to grow long, and the purchase of a complete
wardrobe of female apparel, and from that time forward, when "at
home," he designated himself as Miss Buck, and never appeared
in another character, unless some one called, as was sometimes the
case, and asked for Mr. Buck. Being without ushers, he
answered in person what few calls he had. For instance, when he
went to the village to lay in a few of the necessaries of life, he
made the journey in the garb of a man and if, after having returned,
he had not changed his toilet and was called upon by some curious
specimen of humanity, he would ask such person whether it was
desirable to "interview Mr. or Miss Buck. In the case the
female deer was asked for, his reply invariably was "I will inform the
young lady, and she will greet you in due time." So, also, in
case the male member of the household was wanted, and he was
crinolined, a metamorphosis was gone through with by which Venus
was changed into Adonis in a space of time but little greater
than that required by William Horace Lingard in his famous
representation of the sexes. This man had a great variety of
costly dresses, such as are worn by females, as well as clothing worn
by the male fraternity. "Such is life" in one disappointed love
affair. |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) Page: 2
Dated: Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1872CONNEAUT:
How to Marry Without a License and No Go Out of Ohio - "Salems" -
Conneaut - The Earliest Settlers - A Mysterious Rise in the Lake -
It's Cause - Present Aspect of Conneaut - A Mammoth Brick
(Special Correspondence Cleveland LEADER)
CONNEAUT, November, 18, 1872.
Young people who stand on the verge of a life where
single blessedness is to end, and who either from youth or too great
haste prefer not troubling our Probate Judge for a license to pledge
themselves to love, honor, obey, reverence, cajole, etc., generally
take an express train on the Erie division of (the the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern, and sped on into Pennsylvania where they can
impose all those little obligations on each other without any of the
dry, red tape, legal formality comprehended in a license. The
people of the Keystone State showed a fine, chivalrous sense of
propriety when they refused to exact a license to commit matrimony.
They saw the great necessity in keeping all barriers out of the way
in order to let the course of true love run smooth if it would.
They knew that a certain poet once expressed the opinion that
"Love rules the camp, the course the grove And men below the God
They knew also that it was a flame a single look might kindle, while
all the oceans together could not quench it, and that the best way
to deal with it was to put the fewest possible obstacles in the way
of its progress. Therefore all must admit that the law makers
of Pennsylvania were wise.
There is a Buckeye
boy in the neighborhood of Conneaut, and on the very line that
divides the two states, who can also put in a claim for a few grains
of sense. Most of his land is in Ohio, but a small neck of it
runs into the Keystone state. When he built a house he laid
the foundations on the line, and built one room in Pennsylvania.
Some of his children were born in this room and are thereby
Pennsylvanians, notwithstanding the fact that they were half blind
as long as they stopped in that state, and never showed any signs of
intelligent life until they had passed some days in Ohio. When
called upon to serve in the Pennsylvania or Ohio forces during the
war, this citizen of a double birth-place hardly knew to which state
he belonged. He was born in Pennsylvania, but thought he never
saw daylight until he reached Ohio. As the war was against
state rights, and as a practical enforcement of that doctrine would
have drawn a knife through his birth-place, he entered the army and
did good service for the cause that just achieved another great
triumph in the last national election.
in this house, being in Pennsylvania and near
Conneaut, furnished me an excuse to open my letter with a few
remarks on the forethought of the Pennsylvania Solons. It is
in the room that a large number of marriages are consummated.
A young couple of the surrounding country have only to take a
carriage, obtain the assistance of a clergyman or justice of the
peace in Conneaut, drive out to this house, enter the convenient
East room, and there a safe defiance can be thrown to the license
law. It is a short, pleasant drive from Conneaut, and after
the ceremony the distance is equally short to the Commercial House,
at Conneaut, where the wedded ones will find every accommodation
suitable to the bright hopes and blissful visions always
accompanying such occasions.
This place which was known
once by the above name, has very interesting features connected with
its history. In 1797-]8 the original survey was made for a
town, and James Harper and family and Robert Montgomery
and sons were the first settlers. Aaron Wright, Samuel
Bemis and a few others joined the early settlers and this
Wright soon married Miss Anna Montgomery, without going
to the "Eastern room: for the performance of the ceremony. At
that time this settlement, together with half a dozen other
settlements along the late shore, where all known by the name of
"Salem." There were about twelve Salems in the state and the
mixture of letters in the different post-office was a greater plague
than the witchcraft in the old original Salem. At length
Mr. Hiram Lake, an esteemed citizen to-day, had the name of the
town changed, calling it after the Indian sppellation of the
stream that flows through it, and since 1831 it has been known as
In early steamboat days the
town was very lively and the citizens entertained no doubt whatever
that Conneaut would surpass Cleveland. The harbor is the best
anywhere along the north shore of Lake Erie and if a city were to be
built, as public edifices are, on the most suitable location, no one
could have wanted a better site than that which the Harpers
and Montgomeries selected for their home. Passengers
going to any place on the Ohio river found a daily line of stages
running from Conneaut to Beaver, where boats plied up and down the
river. The building of the Ohio canal soon put Cleveland ahead
and withdrew a little business from Conneaut. Next came from
formidable projects of building long lines of railroad, and the
establishment of a road from Pittsburgh to Cleveland dealt a heavy
blow to the rising fortunes of Conneaut. The line of stages
soon looked for a neighborhood more remote from railroads, and the
hotels, which had maintained a good trade through stage travel, saw
their business slip rapidly out of their hands as the stages
disappeared. Thus the fortune of Conneaut declined, while her
more fortunate but not more deserving rival, Cleveland, caught the
trade of all the surrounding country in her iron nets, saw the lake
year after year whitened with flying sails, and all the surrounding
suburbs noisy with the hum and whir of machinery, or smiling with
the presence of princely mansions.
While in Conneaut I was
told by Mr. Lake that the water of the lake had crept up the
bank about sixty rods higher than it was forty years ago. At that
period a broad, gray bench reached along up from the water's edge,
running back to hills that were never attained by the most
venturesome waves. At some points it was covered with pebbles,
at others large trees grew up wrestling with the stormiest winds of
the lake, and in other spots the early settlers had planted
orchards. All at once the water was seen to rise. Every
day it crawled a few feet and sometimes a few rods up the beach.
The trunks of fest and orchard trees were seen hidden
from view and in a few days the water had gained so much ground that
the whole broad beach was lost sight of. The green branches
arose as if the orchard had been planted in the bosom of the lake,
and apples were plucked from the trees by men in boats and boys in
the water. The shaggy forests moaned in the blasts a few
seasons and then disappeared.
of this phenomena was shrouded in mystery. The
Indians would have regarded it as a warning from the Great Spirit,
and men less prone to superstition would, in beating the winds for a
clue to the secret, have been disposed to ask nature to aid them,
and to say:
Party they blue lips, northern lake;
Moss-grown rocks, your silence break/
Wandering wave and tottering tree,
Explain this awful mystery.
The people of Conneaut,
however, did no such thing. They gave the subject a full
investigation, and soon learned that the rising wave was caused by
the building of the Black Rock dam at Buffalo. This dam was
built for the purpose of filling the Erie canal with water.
that Conneaut has encountered, the town has
prospered. They have kept it from becoming a metropolis like
Cleveland, but nothing could keep it from growing to a thriving
town. It now has two thousand inhabitants, with large brick
blocks and commodious stores. Among the business houses worthy
of a large city are those of Messrs. George J. Record, S. J.
Smith, H. Judson and L. Lyon. Conneaut has an
enterprising paper, the Reporter, owned and conducted by
Mr. Rieg, a newspaper man of experience and ability. It
has two cheese factories, one foundry, four grist mills, a large
paper-mill, a bank, and funds are now raised for a town hall.
Seven vessels are owned there, five of which belong to
Captain Capron, a gentlemen whose enterprise and public spirit
were praised by every man I met in Conneaut. The schools of
Conneaut, which are in the best condition, are under the direction
of Mr. Austin Jennings. Every establishment in town
does a good business, and the paper-mill averages about 3,900 pounds
per day, all strong manilla paper. I say nothing about the
churches, because every one must know that religion is not neglected
in the midst of such an enterprising community. The people are
all gentlemanly and intelligent, and have all the ability to support
the high positions which would have fallen upon them had their town
gone ahead as Cleveland has, and they stood at the head of their
A new enterprise in the way
of a brick manufactory is soon to be established in Conneaut, and it
is expected to add greatly to the business of the town. I was
told that parties had examined the clay all along the lake shore
with a view of opening a brick yard of mammoth proportions.
When they came to Conneaut, and tried the clay in that neighborhood,
they determined to stop there. It produced a smooth, hard,
compact, clear red brick. The color is most pleasing to
the eye, and the effect of a row of fine buildings of this material
would be invaluable among the imbellishments of a city.
Captain Capron, of Conneaut, has built a small tenement of
this brick just to show visitors what it is. A company is
being formed to manufacture brick, and it is expected that 70,000
brick per day will be produced. Whoever takes hold of it
cannot fail to make it a success.
Source: Jamestown Journal, New York
Sep. 12, 1873
It is generally considered in Conneaut that John
Sisson, aged eleven, has a hard skull; because one of the hind
wheels of a 8,050 pound wagon ran over his head and merely chafed the
skin. |
Source: Aberdeen Daily News - South Dakota
Dec. 12, 1889The Firey Element.
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 11 - This morning
fire destroyed the buildings of the Conneaut River Paper company and
the Herald newspaper office. Loss $40,000. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: June 7, 1890
Romantic Wedding of the Daughter of Orrin J. Crane
Marriage at Conneaut of Miss Lottie M. Crane and Mr. Homer L. Smith
- A Broken Engagement in Which a Theatrical Manager of New York
Figured - A Memorial Day Wedding Postponed Owing to the Wife's Ill
The marriage of a Cleveland girl took
place in Conneaut at 8 o'clock on the evening of June 4. It
was surrounded by some very romantic features and will be of
especial interest to people on the West Side, where the lady was
born in reared.
When the Seventh regiment, O. V. I., marched out of
Cleveland destined to enact so noble a part in the civil war that
raged the country a quarter of a century ago Orrin J. Crane
marched with it in command of company A. At the battle of
Ringgold, Nov. 27, 1863, he had been promoted to be lieutenant
colonel of his regiment. In that battle he was shot down and
killed by a rifle ball through the head a few minutes after his
superior officer, Col. Creighton, fell a martyr to the cause
of his country.
About the time of his death his daughter, Lottie
was born. Mrs. Crane continued her residence on the
West Side where her husband had left her and reared her daughter
there. The latter grew up to womanhood greatly beloved for
many estimable qualities by her companions and neighboring friends.
Of late years Mrs. Crane, with some of her
friends, has been in the habit of spending part of her summers in
Conneaut, where she met Mr. Homer Lake Smith, a prosperous
merchant in that thriving little town and at the head of a large dry
goods establishment. Acquaintanceship ripened into affection
and an engagement was formed. It was one of those unlooked for
things in life for friends of Miss Crane had previously
anticipated that she would reside further away from home in the
metropolis, as at one time an engagement was generally supposed to
exist between her and a Mr. Myron Rice of New York, the
manager of a theater there. This engagement must have been
terminated by the lady, however, for that Mr. Smith was
destined to be the happy man was evidenced by the fact that on May
29 Mr. J. W. Stinchcombe of this city took out a marriage
license for H. L. Smith and Lottie M. Crane. The
issuance of the license from the probate court here was a necessity
as Ohio law provides that a license must be taken out in the county
where the lady lives. Nevertheless, Miss Crane was in
Conneaut and the marriage took place there. The bride had for
some time been in ill health and indeed is in a very serious
condition even now, it is said. The marriage, which was
probably at first intended for Memorial day as a fitting occasion
for the wedding of the daughter of a brave officer who was killed in
action, was deferred until some time when she was able to go through
the ceremony. In the meantime no definite date was set as no
one likes a deferred marriage day, no matter now little
superstitious he may be.
Mr. Smith has fitted up a beautiful new home in
Conneaut for his bride and there they will live. A trip to
Europe will be taken at once for the restoration of Mrs. Smith's
health. "Bon voyage" will be the speeding of a great many
Cleveland friends.
SHARON WICK'S NOTE: Orrin J. Crane is in HISTORY of
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OHIO - In Three Parts: with Portraits and
Biographical Sketches, Published by D. W. Ensign & Co. 1870 |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Issue: 176
Page 2
Dated June 25, 1891
More Talk of a New Railroad Extension at Conneaut.
CONNEAUT, June 24. - [Special] - The much talked-of, much
speculated about and the cause of periodical booms in Conneaut real
estate - the Pittsburg, Shenango & Lake Erie railroad - shows signs
of coming this way again. Messrs. Dick and Huidecooper,
the nominal owners of the road, were in Conneaut the other day in
conference with our leading business men and while here drove out to
the harbor and looked over the situation. They were so much
pleased with the opportunity offered for the location of shops and
yards and the easy facilities afforded for approaching both, that
they assured our people that the completion of the road to the
harbor was merely a matter of time - which it has been for some time
- and that that time would not be later than this fall. As it
is now the terminus of the road is at Erie but the company is
encountering so much opposition and becoming mixed up with so many
law suits that it is growing very sick of Erie as a terminus, and is
beginning to look about for another terminus or two. The
branch which it is proposed to lay to Conneaut will leave the main
line at Lockport and will extend cross country a distance of
fourteen miles to East Conneaut, where it will use the Nickle-plate
bridge over the river and then follow closely the left bank to the
harbor. But here another difficulty will be encountered.
The Lake Shore Railroad Co. with its customary prudence and
foresight has secured a cinch upon nearly all the desirable water
front at the harbor, with a view to have a finger in the pie when
the harbor opens; and the Pittsburg, Shenango & Lake Erie will be
obliged to drive its piles and nail up its docks at such places as
the Lake shore don't want. But there is lots of room at
Conneaut harbor, and just as soon as the government gets a generous
streak and gives us a few hundred thousand to be expended in digging
up the sand at the mouth of the river, a general invitation will be
given to all the railroad in the country to come and help haul away
ore. |
Source: St. Louis Republic -
Oct. 28, 1891A Cyclone in Conneaut, O.
CONNEAUT, O., Oct. 27 - At 6:30
o'clock last evening a cylone swept over the town, destroying
about thirty houses. The large butter-tub factory owned by C.
J. Record is badly wrecked, thousands of dollars' worth of stock,
being completely destroyed. Record's loss is about
$50,000. The planing mill of H. E. Pond, adjoining
Record's, is greatly damaged. His lumber yard is strewn all
over the town and two smoke stacks are blown down. Many fine
residences suffered heavily, roofs being torn off and windows broken.
Two telegraph poles were blown through the roof of the Lake Shore
depot, and the baggage room was completely destroyed. The total
loss is $100,000. |
Source: Morning World Herald - Nebraska
Date: Oct. 28, 1891
The Wind Takes a Path Three Hundred Feet Wide.
CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 27 - (Special) A special from Conneaut, O.,
says that a terrible cyclone struck that town shortly after 6 o'clock
last evening, destroying about thirty houses and causing a loss of
$100,000. The terrific wind storm was accompanied by very little
rain. Record's butter tub factory, worth $50,000, was completely
wrecked. The Lake Shore depot was also demolished and wreckage
was strewn upon the tracks for half a mile, rendering them impassable
for several hours. Both the Nickel Plate and Lake Shore
telegraph wires were tangled up on the ground. Many fine
residences were unroofed and otherwise damaged. It is thought
that no lives were lost. The storm was very severe all through
Northern Ohio last night, and much damage to shipping is reported.
In Cleveland the velocity of the winds was from thirty-to forty miles
an hour all night, and Lake Erie was literally "turned inside out."
Several vessels are reported to have been wrecked, but no definite
news has as yet been received concerning them.
Another Conneaut dispatch says: A cyclone swept through
here last night about 6:45 o'clock, damaging property to the extent of
about $__,000. It came off the lake from the northwest,
consisting of hail and wind, and cut a swath between 300 and 500
feet wide. The wind first struck a building north of the Lake
Shore depot tearing it to pieces, and next took some of the roof of
the depot. From there it jumped to the Record Manufacturing
company near Broad street, blowing the roof off the buildings and
damaging property to the considerable extent. AT the Record
company's works it damaged the building over $25,000. Pond's
planing mill, standing near by, hand the brick stacks blown down and
damage to the extent of $10,000 done. From there the cyclone
crossed the Nickel Plate tracks, blowing down the telegraph poles, and
struck Wedon & Babbitt's warehouse, tearing off the roof and damaged a
number of dwelling houses. The ground was covered with tin roofs
and other parts of buildings. The storm seemed to rise as it
passed the eastern part of the city. Luckily no one was much
injured. |
Omaha World Herald -
July 17, 1894Conneaut is Calm
CONNEAUT, O., July 16. The militia broke camp yesterday
afternoon and went home to Geneva. All signs of trouble are
over. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page 14
Dated Mar. 28, 1895
The "Plymouth Rock" of Ohio is One of the Most Promising Harbors on
the South Shore of Lake Erie.
CONNEAUT HARBOR, the "Plymouth Rock" of Ohio, is one of the most
promising harbors on the southern shore of Lake Erie. About
July 3, 1796, a party of fifty-two surveyors landed. On July
4, they started to build a storehouse, which completed furnished
them a place for supplies and also shelter until they were prepared
to advance farther south. From the time they left the port
nothing was done until about the year 1825. During the year
1825 the first appropriation was made and docks were built, which
were in good shape until a few years ago.
The first dredging at this harbor was done in the year
1837 by Contractor David Noble. From 1825 until 1869
Conneaut harbor was the largest and best port on this shore of the
lake, all boats stopping there for fuel. A great passenger
business was also carried on. Such steamers as the Charter,
Indiana, and Southern made regular stops, besides exporting a great
quantity of lumber, staves, wheat and oats. The imports were
mostly supplies for the surrounding country. Wagons came from
Pittsburg, in fact from all of those cities, for their supplies.
There were five large warehouses located along the
river owned by John Hall, Calvin Appleby, Ike Ford and A.
Fargo. Between the aforesaid mentioned years (1825-1860) a
large number of boats were built here, being second to none in size.
Capt. O. Capron, who was perhaps the most prominent in ship
building, still resides in Conneaut. Some of the boats built
by him were as follows: Monitor, Anna Maria, Conneaut, Valentine, T.
B. Rice, M. Capron, Scow, Times. There were also a number of
boats built by other parties, as the steamers North America,
Constitution, Constellation, Brig, Banner, Lucy A. Blossom, the
schooners Nightingale, Indianola, Telegraph, Traveler, O'Grailla,
Rosenberg, Richards, J. W. Brown, May Gathrie, Venture, Conneaut
Packet, Kate Jillet, Sea Bird, H. G. Stamback, Henry McKinney, J. B.
Skinner, Dan Markle, Snow Drop and many others. From
'65 until 1888 there was scarcely anything done. During 1888,
however, Col. Dick of Meadville, Pa., assisted by A. M.
Cox, S. J. Smith, G. M. Whitney, A. C. Huidico_per,
succeeded in getting a railroad from the coal fields to the harbor
and from that time on things began to boom. In 1890 the P. &
L. E. railroad was completed, the docks rebuilt and three dredges
put to work widening the channel and now the largest boat that ___s
the lake can turn without the least of trouble. Four Brown
hoists were built and afterwards two King hoists were put up besides
this the harbor supports ten whirligigs. In 1893 the receipts
of ore was 203,207 tons, the shipments 135,930, leaving a balance on
dock May 1, '04, of 68,484 tons. IN '94 the receipts were
237,905 tons; on dock Dec. 1, '94, 199,365 tons, on dock March 1,
'95, 157,544 tons. Besides the ore handled, there was in 1893,
23,183 tons of coal shipped and in'94, 89,023 tons, which shows a
steady growth and the outlook for the coming season is very
flattering. With the two Conneaut and Port Dover ferryboats
under construction. Conneaut expects to do an immense
business. |
Source: Duluth News-Tribune
Sportsmen From Conneaut Tried to Ship Out Moose Meat.
Deputy State Game Warden John Green made an
important-seizure of moose and caribou meat and hides at Two Harbors
yesterday. He has had his eye upon a party of Conneaut, O.,
sportsmen that have been east of Two Harbors for some days, but when
they returned to Duluth they had nothing contraband about them so
Mr. Green took the back trail and went to Two Harbors to
On the platform in front of the engine house and just
delivered to a drayman the warden discovered about 500 pounds of moose
and caribou meat, some hides, two Winchester rifles and a Parker
shotgun, all billed to be shipped on board the steamer Olympia for
The guns, meat and hides are now the property of the
state of Minnesota and the Conneaut men will have to settle with
Sam Fullerton. They will most probably do this at long
range. Deputy Green is inclined to believe that the meat
was purchased from Indians, but even then it is liable to seizure. |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) Page 7
Dated: Wednesday, Apr. 7, 1897
A Youthful Horse Thief.
The police have in custody at the
Central Station a very youthful horse thief. The prisoner is
Theodore Gourley, fourteen years old, who lives in Amboy, O.
He admits his crime. A message was received at the Central
station Monday from Conneaut giving a description of the horse and
buggy, the property of J. H. Shaw, of Conneaut, which was
stolen from a church shed near Amboy last Sunday Sunday night.
While patrolling on Merwin street Monday evening, Patrolman Ganes
recognized a horse and buggy driven by young Gurley as the
stolen rig, and he arrested the boy, who confessed.
SHARON WICK'S NOTE: Gourley and Gurley are both as written in
this article. |
Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer
It has to Be Named After the Late Commander of the Fourteenth
Adjutant General Thomas J. Stewart announces for Governor
Hastings the following appointments on the staff of the
Corporal Hugh Murray, Ninth Regiment Infantry,
Wilkesbarre, to be Sergeant Major.
William T. Simpson, Scranton, to be Commissary
Sergeant, vice William H. Burke, honorably discharged.
Commissions have been issued during June for the
following officers:
First Brigade - Major David S. B. Chew,
Brigade Quartermaster, with rank from June 9, 1897, vice Beverly
Randolph Keim, resigned.
BATTERY C. - Second Lieutenant Bethel M.
Krohn, Quartermaster, with rank from June 17, 1897, vice Henry
H. Quimby, resigned.
Lieutenant William T. Burton, Company C. with rank from April
29, 1897, vice Charles F. Lumb, to Adjutant.
Staley, Company A. with rank from June 11, 1897, vice Winfield
L. Margerum, resigned.
First Lieutenant William C. Knox, Company A.,
with rank from June 11, 1897, vice Clarence H. Staley, to
First Lieutenant Charles C. Allen, Company C.
with rank from May 13, 1897, vice George E. Phillips, resigned.
Second Lieutenant Augustus D. Whitney, Company
C. with rank from May 13, 1897, vice Charles C. Allen, to first
Third Regiment Infantry - Second Lieutenant Henry D.
Reiss, Company B, with rank from June 21, 1897, vice Gustav
Schlachter, resigned.
Second Lieutenant Oliver Hough, Company G. with
rank from June 10, 1897, vice George A. Avery, resigned.
Fourth Regiment Infantry - Second Lieutenant Edward
E. Machamer, Company A, with rank from May 10, 1897, vice John
R. McKnight, resigned.
Fifth Regiment Infantry - Captain William M. Mahan,
Company F., with rank from May 15, 1897, vice David W. Simpson,
First Lieutenant Samuel H. Hughes, Company F,
with rank from May 15, 1897, vice William M. Mahan, to captain.
Second Lieutenant William F. Elkin, Company F,
with rank from May 16, 1897, vice Samuel H. Hughes, to first
Sixth Regiment Infantry - Captain Gibbons Gray
Cornwall, Company I, with rank from May 11, 1897, vice
Sharpless M. Paxson, resigned.
First Lieutenant Granville S. Bennett, Company I
with rank from May 11, 1897, vice St. Julian Ogier, resigned.
Second Lieutenant Herman J. Smith, Company I,
with rank from May 11, 1897, vice Granville S. Bennett, to
first lieutenant.
Brigade orders for the Conneaut Lake camp were received
in Pittsburg Wednesday. The camp will be known as Camp Joseph
H. Gray, after the former commander of the Fourteenth Infantry,
who died on the train on the way to New York to attend the Grant
Monument exercises some weeks ago. The routine of the camp
will be as follows: Morning gun, 6 o'clock; reveille, 6:05; police
call, 6:30; breakfast, 7; surgeon's call, 7:30; guard mounting, 8:30;
dinner, 12; supper, 7; tattoo, 9:30; taps, 10.45.
In the order it is stated that "Colonels and captains
have no power to excuse any one, and a failure to secure the proper
permission for absence may result seriously. It must not be
understood that the brigade commander has unlimited power to grant
leaves and furloughs, but can only do so for reasons which would be
sufficient in actual service in the field. Mere personal or
business inconvenience cannot be accepted as a ground for excuse.
It is the desire of the general commanding that this be made the best
and most successful encampment we have had, and to that end the
absolute and constant attention of all is invoked. Bathing in
the lake must be before 7 a.m. and after 8 p.m. and must be in proper
costume. Target practice will be discontinued during the time of
camp. The postoffice of the camp will be Conneaut Lake, Pa."
Colonel N. M. Smith, Eighteenth Infantry, went
to Greensburg Thursday to confer with Brigade Quartermaster E. E.
Robbins in regard to the movement of his regiment. Major
Robbins wanted the regiment to leave at noon Thursday next.
This would put the boys in to Conneaut at night, and in case it
should be raining on their arrival they would have to lie out all
night. As no detail will be sent ahead to erect tents, Colonel
Smith wanted to arrive in camp during the day, and suggested that
his regiment leave Pittsburg at night. The object in not sending
details to erect tents is to allow every man to learn how to erect his
own tent. Colonel Smith thinks this is something every
Guardsman should know.
The camp orders for the Fourteenth Infantry were issued
Thursday. The regiment will leave Pittsburg Friday morning at
7.30. Captain A. T. Easton will have command of the
detail that will leave Wednesday to erect the tents and put the camp
ground in readiness. Captain J. F. McLain has been
detailed as Officer of the Day July 16, and Lieutenant E. E.
Fulmer, Company C, as Officer of the Guard.
A meeting of the officers of the Fourteenth Regiment
was held Monday evening and some action taken in the fight between the
regiment and Captain T. J. Keenan, of the brigade staff, who is
now in Norway.
A meeting of the Eighteenth Regiment Line Officers'
Mess Association was held Thursday evening. Captain Charles
H. Roessing was elected president; Lieutenant Detmer Straub,
secretary, and Lieutenant George Ward, superintendent.
The bitter feeling between resident of Homestead and
the Guard cropped out again this week when members of the Fourteenth,
who had been working at the rifle range across the Monongahela River
from Homestead, went to that town for provisions. They drove
across in a wagon, which was attacked by a mob of toughs.
Privates Stocke and Ray were pulled from the wagon and
kicked insensible. The toughs then fled. The next detail
that visits Homestead will give the toughs of that town some
excitement if they were attacked.
Some of the members of the Guard in Pittsburg fear the
coal miners' strike may interfere with the movement of the brigade by
the railroad at the break of camp. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 2
Dated: Friday, Oct. 1, 1897Fire in a Conneaut Hotel.
Special to the Plain Dealer.
CONNEAUT, Sept. 30. - The Central house came near being burned
this afternoon. Fire started in the apartment occupied by the
female help and but for the promptness of the fire company the hotel
would have been destroyed, entailing a heavy loss. The women
escaped from the burning building. One nearly lost her life.
The nineteenth district convention of the W. C. T. U.
closed a two days' session here tonight. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue 68 Page
Dated: Wednesday, Mar. 9, 1898
Farm Buildings Burned.
Special to the Plain Dealer
CONNEAUT, Mar. 8. - Unknown parties set fire to the
buildings on C. Renke's farm last night. The house,
barn and out-buildings were all destroyed. The family had a
narrow escape from death. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue 30 Page 3
Dated: Monday, Jan. 30, 1899
Origin of a Fire at Conneaut Harbor is Unknown.
Special to the Plain Dealer
CONNEAUT, Jan. 29. - A large boarding house at the harbor, owned by
Charles Robinson of Cleveland, treasurer of the Standard Contracting
Co., was totally destroyed by fire at 4 o'clock this morning.
The fire, the origin of which is not known was communicated to the
building from a small adjoining building used as a barber shop,
situated on property owned by President Jones of the Standard
company. there were a number of occupants of the boarding
house, some of whom had narrow escapes. The loss is estimated
at nearly $4,000, which is partly covered by insurance. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue 30 Page 3
Dated: Monday, Jan. 30, 1899 |
Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Oct. 7, 1899
JEFFERSON, Ohio, Oct. 6 - Andrew Carnegie has made public
his plans to give the citizens of Conneaut and the dock laborers and
employes at the harbor a fine public library building. The
drawings have been approved by him. |
Source: New York Tribune (New York, New York)
Page: 10
Dated: Dec. 6, 1899
Ashtabula, Ohio, Dec. 5 (Special). - All of the
shovellers on the wharves at Conneaut Harbor, the northern terminus
of the Bessemer Railroad, numbering more than five hundred, are out
on a strike. They demand an increase of one cent a ton for
loading ore from the wharves into cars, also the removal of the
steam shovels and other mechanical loading devices now used. A
report from Erie, Penn., this evening, is to the effect that the
shovellers at that harbor are also on a strike and ask an increase
in wages. It is believed that the dock company at Conneaut
will grant the increase in wages, but will not even consider
removing their improved loading machinery.
At Conneaut are the great Carnegie harbor interests,
and the latest ore and coal unloading machinery is in operation.
The erection of the gigantic automatic ore unloader in the present
season has not met with the approval of the men. These
machines when erected will displace hundreds of laborers at every
port. The automatic The automatic ore unloader at Conneaut is
the only one thus far on the lakes. |
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
May 4, 1900Box in Which Body Was Found at
Cambridge Springs, Purchased at Conneaut, Ohio.
Special to The Inquirer.
CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, Pa., May 3. - Just a ray of light was
today thrown on the corpse mystery. Chief of Police Sutton went to
Conneaut, Ohio, this morning, taking along the box in which the woman's
body was found, the place of false teeth and a photograph of the dead
face. A clerk at Pelton's dry goods store, recognized the box as one
of two boxes he sold April 15 to a man who looked like a workman, and who
said another man would call for them. The other man, described as
about 50 years old and well dressed, called a little later and took the
boxes away.
The theory that the false teeth plate was made in
Conneaut is dissolved by all the dentists of the town declaring they never
saw the plate before. There are various rumors and sensational
stories regarding the affair, but the foregoing covers today's
developments, and the matter is as much a mystery as at first. The
story that a bullet wound has been found in the body is pure sensation.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
It was the Greatest Republican Demonstration Ever Held in Northern
Special to the Inquirer.
ASHTABULA, Ohio, Oct. 31. Tonight in
Conneaut, Carnegie's Great Lake port, Governor Stone, of
Pennsylvania, delivered an address at one of the greatest Republican
demonstrations ever held, in Northern Ohio. The city was
profusely decorated with flags and bunting. The parade was
nearly a mile in length.
A feature of the parade was the marching of the
laborers employed on Carnegie's docks. The Hungarians, Italians
and Fins formed in separate companies, under different banners.
The line of march included Conneaut Harbor, two miles from the city,
where are located the extensive ore and coal docks. The total
number of foreigners in the parade was about 700. Nearly 200
foreigners were in attendance from Ashtabula. The foreigners
from here were from Mark Hanna's docks.
Special trains were run a distance of twenty-five
miles. Geneva, Jefferson, Saybrook, and Kingsdale sent large
representations. Nearly every outside town in the county to the
west sent a brass band. Governor Stone was given a rousing
reception. |
Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Jan. 9, 1901
Largest Tube and Pipe Works in the World, to Cost Twelve Million
PITTSBURG, Jan. 8 - In explanation of extensive land purchases of
the Carnegie company at Conneaut Harbor, Ohio, President Charles M.
Schwab today made clear the plans of the company with respect to
these purchases.
Mr. Schwab states that for over a year the
Carnegie company has contemplated entering into lines of manufacture
other than those in which it has been engaged hitherto, and the first
step in carrying out this purpose is to be taken at once by the
establishment of the largest pipe and tube manufacturing plant in the
world, at Conneaut Harbor, Ohio, which is the Lake Erie terminal of
the Carnegie, Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie railroad, 153 miles from
The company has purchased 5,000 acres of land
immediately east of the Conneaut Harbor docks and a large part of this
vast tract will be utilized as a site for the tube works.
The works will stretch over a mile of the lake front
and will be the most extensive and complete plant of its kind ever
built. The investment, exclusive of ground, will reach
Source: Grand Forks Herald
North Dakota
Conneaut, O., July 11 - Just after 10 o'clock today three cars of
the east end local freight went through the Nickel Plat bridge at
Springfield, PA. The train left Conneaut only a few minutes
before the accident in charge of Engineer Wm. Griffith of
Buffalo and Conductor Phil A. Moore of Buffalo. The
latter was killed outright. The bridge crew was at work on the
bridge and the 11 men killed and 10 men injured are mostly working
men. A fill was being made at the bridge and about 25 workmen
were about the structure. The Conneaut wrecking train with local
officials and doctors left for the scene at 11 o'clock.
The horrible affair occurred just after passenger train
NO. 3 had pulled through. The local, after the passing of the
passenger train, pushed three cars heavily laden out on the structure
to unload stone for the masons working beneath on the large stone
abutments. The unloading had hardly been begun when without
warning the whole structure bearing the three laden cars filled with
laborers fell with an awful crash into the valley. So sudden was
the affair that only one man, a mason named George Smith, had a
chance to leap in time to save himself from injury. The list of
dead include:
Conductor Phil A. Moore, Conneaut.
J. Zaboss, workingman, Cleveland
George Swartz, workman, Springfield.
Homer Beckwith, foreman, Conneaut
Five Italians, names as yet unknown.
Randall West, Springfield.
The men as the train fell had all leaped as far as
possible so that only two or three were buried beneath the awful mass
of debris at the bottom of the ravine. These were easily pulled
out and carried to the top of the hill and placed on the lawn awaiting
the arrival of medical assistance, which came promptly. As soon
as news of the accident reached Conneaut, a wrecking train and a
hurriedly constructed ambulance train were dispatched to the scene.
The wounded were first attended to. They were placed in cots and
all were brought to Conneaut with the exception of the men named
Randall, Beckwith and Swartz, who were taken in charge of
by their parents at Conneaut. The living were conveyed to the
hospital. The remains of the dead were transferred to the morgue
to await identification. |
Source: The Worcester Spy
Men Working Below buried in debris
Cleveland, O., July 11 - Just after 10 o'clock today three cars of
the east end local freight went through the Nickel Plate bridge at
Springfield, Pa.
The train left Conneaut only a few minutes before the
accident, in charge of Engineer William Griffith of
Buffalo and Conductor Phil A. Moore of Buffalo. The
latter was killed outright. The bridge gang was at work on the
bridge and the 10 men injured are mostly workmen.
A fill was being made at the bridge and about 25
workmen were about the structure.
The horrible affair occurred just after passenger train
No. 3 had passed, pushed three cars heavily laden on to the structure
to unload stone for the masons working beneath on the large stone
foundations. The work of unloading had hardly begun, when,
without any warning, the whole structure bearing the laden cars,
filled with laborers, fell into the valley. So sudden was the
accident that only one man, a mason named George Smith, had a
chance to lean in time to save himself from death.
The dead:
Homer Beckwith, foreman, Conneaut
Phil A. Moore, conductor, Conneaut
George Swartz, laborer, North Springfield, Pa.
John Cenos, laborer, Cleveland
Carl Randall, West Springfield
Five Italian laborers, names unknown.
The injured: -
J. J. McDermott, a brakeman, Ashtabula, jaw
broken, badly bruised.
Five Italian laborers, names unknown
The place where the accident occurred was at Crooked
Creek, directly north of East Springfield, Pa.
For many years the creek has been spanned by a heavy
structural steel bridge. On May 1 the work of filling up the
valley was commenced. Down in the ravine 55 feet below, masons
were at work building a large stone abutment.
The wreck presented a terrible appearance. The
steel was wrenched and distorted into one huge mass. The three
cars containing stone were broken to bits and the railway track was
obliterated in the pile.
The cause of the wreck can be laid only to accident.
For a long time all the trains have been required to reduce their
speed to four miles an hour in passing over the bridge. The
railroad men regard it as little less than miraculous that the
structure withstood the strain of heavy laden passenger train No. 3,
which passed over it a short time before, and then fell with three
loaded cars standing upon it.
Conductor Moore was on one of the cars while the
crew of workmen was waiting underneath to level off the stone as it
was dumped off. Without a word of warning the bridge gave way.
The three cars with their heavy loads were buried into the gulley a
distance of about 80 feet.
Into the very midst of the workmen the train tumbled
and many were crushed.
Special trains from Conneaut and Erie carried physicians
to the scene of the accident. The work of recovering the dead
and rescuing the injured, was difficult, as they were buried under the
heavy cars. It appears from later reports from the scene of the
accident that the engine did not go down with the wrecked bridge.
Only the cars heavy loaded with stone, were carried down. It was
at first reported that engineer Griffith had been killed but
this now seems to have been erroneous. |
Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot (Jackson,
Michigan) Page: 4
Dated July 12, 1901
Train Goes Through a Bridge near Conneaut, Ohio
Eleven People Killed and a Number Injured.
Scene of the Wreck Presented a Horrible Appearance.
Cleveland, O., July 12 - According to information
given out at the head-quarters of the Nickle Plat road here, nine
men were killed as the result of a collapse of a bridge at
Springfield, Pa., while a construction train was passing over the
The Bridge was being repaired. When the
locomotive and cars went down a gang of Italian laborers working
beneath the bridge, were caught in the wreck. At least seven
of the Italians were instantly killed and a number of others badly
injured. P. A. Moore of Conneaut, the conductor, and
William Griffith of Buffalo, the engineer of the construction
train, were also killed.
The wrecked bridge is located seven miles east of
Conneaut, O.. It spanned a gully 80 feet deep.
The place where the horror occurred was at Crooked
Creek, directly north of East Springfield, Pa. For many years
the creek has been spanned by a heavy structural steel bridge.
On May 1 the work of filling up the valley was commenced. Down
in the ravine, 55 feet below, masons were at work building a large
stone abutment. The scene presented a horrible appearance.
The steel was wrenched and distorted into one huge mass. The
three cars containing stone were broken to bits and the railway
track obliterated in the pile.
Besides the physicians who were present, Master
Mechanic E. A. Miller, Supt. Horham of Cleveland and
Rev. Father Murphy were on the ground assisting in the removal
of the bodies. The accident stopped all traffic on the line.
The passengers were sent over the Lake Shore.
The freight trains were held up, part of them going to
Girard over the Lake Shore. The cause of the wreck can be laid
only to accident. For a long time all trains have been
required to reduce their speed in passing over the bridge.
The railroad men regard it as little less than
miraculous that it withstood the strain of the heavy-laden passenger
train No. 3, while moving slowly over it, and five minutes later
fell while only the weight of three uncoupled cares were standing
upon it. |
Source: Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, MT) Vol. XIII
Issue: 118 Page: 14, 12, 13
Dated: Jan. 1, 1902
GENERAL CHRONOLOGY (includes the following)
Jan. 8 - The Carnegie company announces its purpose to build a
$12,000,000 steel plant at Conneaut, Ohio. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 1
Dated: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1902
Smoking a Pipe in Bed Started the Blaze.
CONNEAUT, O., Sept. 29.
Samantha Hugaboon, aged sixty-eight, was burned to death at her
home near Pierpont, this county, Sunday morning as the result of a
fired occasioned by the careless use of her pipe. It is
thought that she had been smoking in bed and dropped off to sleep
with the pipe still burning. The house in which she lived was
saved. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 10, 1902
Unknown Man Killed at Conneaut
CONNEAUT, O, Nov. 9 - The body of an unknown man was found at the
Broad street crossing of the Lake Shore this morning. It was
evidently the body of a laboring man, but no identification has been
made. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: Feb. 27, 1903
Alleged Strangler Interested in Hamilton Murderer's Case
Conneaut Woman Identifies Prisoner's Picture as Her Assailant's
Joseph Kirwin, accused of strangling Maggie
Snedegar to death in her Lake street room, is taking a deep
interest in the Knapp case at Hamilton. There is a
marked similarity in the way which Knapp disposed of some of
his victims and means employed to kill the Snedegar woman.
Kirwin has read every newspaper account of the confessions
made by Knapp. He is also willing to talk about the
case and compare it with the one in which the police think that he
had a hand. Kirwin declares that Knapp's
confession is some proof that he is innocent of the terrible charge
for which he awaiting grand Jury action.
"I look at it this way," explained Kirwin last
night. "Knapp is guilty of all that has been laid at
his door. As long as he was at liberty he was able to keep the
knowledge of his crimes locked up in his own breast. But
just the moment that the police got hold of him he broke down and
was ready to confess when the police clamped down upon him. He
knew that he was guilty and his conscience made him tell the truth."
Kirwin insists that he would not have been able
to stand up under the crossfire that has been aimed at him unless he
was innocent of the crime that is laid at his door. Kirwin
declares that the ordeal to which he has been subjected during the
examinations given him by Chief Corner, Detective Captain
Kohler and Detective Gilbride has been strenuous.
"I have spent many hours in the company of those officers." said
Kirwin, "and I think that they will tell you that I have
stuck to my story. If I was guilty of anything that they are
trying to fasten upon me I would never have been able to stand those
examinations. And I want to say that no other man would have
been able to stand the quizzing that those officers have given
Kirwin sighed as he remarked that he supposed he
would be put through more examinations, but insisted that no amount
of "sweatbox" sessions would be able to shake his story. He
expressed himself as feeling sorry for Knapp and declared
that he believed the Hamilton man is crazy. "Still he is done
for," he said. "He may not go to the chair, but I would not
want to be in his place. I much prefer to be here in cell No.
13, though some say that it does look black for me."
According to a special dispatch from Conneaut to the
Plain Dealer last night Mrs. John T. Hall is coming to
Cleveland today to see if Kirwin is the man who assaulted her
last fall. The special is self-explanatory:
Early last fall Mrs. Hall, wife of John T.
Hall, proprietor of the Perry house at Conneaut, was attacked in
her room at midnight and strangled nearly to death. She
finally beat him off and summoned help, but meanwhile the assailant
had made his escape. A lamp was burning in the room and
Mrs. Hall viewed the man without recognizing him. It was
supposed he was some sailor. Today a copy of the Plain Dealer
containing a photograph of Joseph Kirwin, the alleged
murderer of Maggie Snedegar of Cleveland, was seen by her.
She immediately recognized him from the cut as being her assailant
of last fall. She will go to Cleveland to fully satisfy
herself. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: June 24, 1903
New Bridge at Conneaut Opens New Residence Section.
CONNEAUT, O., June 23 - A new High level toll bridge
has been opened, connecting Conneaut with East Conneaut, across a
wide raving. The bridge is 1,835 feet in length and eighty-two
feet high. It has opened a fine residence part of the city,
and will be the means of bringing the hamlet of East Conneaut into
the city. |
Source: The Idaho Daily Statesman
CONNEAUT, O., Feb. 25 - Fire today practically wiped out the
business portion of Conneaut Harbor. The loss is $100,000. |
Source: Morning World-Herald
Date: Feb. 26, 1904
Bank, Postoffice and Three Stores Destroyed - Loss $100,000
Conneaut, O, Feb. 25 - Fire today practically wiped out the
business portion of Conneaut harbor. Among the buildings burned
where the Mutual block the Marine bank building, with their contents,
including the Marine bank, the postoffice and several stores.
Loss estimated at $100,000 partially covered by insurance. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page: 1
Dated: Feb. 25, 1904
Probable That Entire Business Section of the Harbor Will Go Up In Smoke
CONNEAUT, O., Feb. 25 - The entire business
section of Conneaut Harbor, about two miles from Conneaut, is threatened
with destruction by a fire which started at 1:30 o'clock this morning
and was still burning at 4 o'clock, without any likelihood of its being
stopped until it has burned out.
The fire started in a business house on Day street and
burned blocks on each side of it at the corner of Day street and Clark
avenue. Among the buildings burned are the Mutual block and the
Marine bank building, with their contents, including the Marine bank,
the postoffice, Potky & Bredner's hardware store, Bjerdstead's bakery, a
barber shop, several doctors; offices and other establishments.
A general alarm was sent in for Conneaut fire engines,
and everything possible is being done to stay the progress of the
flames, but the department is badly handicapped by the fact that the
water pressure was partly shut off by frozen water mains. The
firemen could not secure a stream that would reach the top of the roof
of the two story buildings on fire.
It is difficult to estimate the probable losses, but
they will reach nearly $100,000. |
Source: Morning Olympian
December 21, 1904
Two other Banks Suspend.
Mrs. Chadwick the Cause of Trouble in Conneaut, Ohio.
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 20 - The First National Bank of Conneaut and the
Marine bank of Conneaut Harbor did not open their doors for business
today. The suspensions resulted from runs on both concerns during
the past few days. Officials claim the concerns are entirely
solvent, and declare that business will be resumed again in a short time.
The two banks are closely affiliated, O. C. Lilly, the cashier of the
First National bank, being the president of the Marine bank of Conneaut
Cashier Lilly made the following statement on behalf of
the First National bank:
"Ever since the exposure of the Chadwick matter our
depositors have been withdrawing their funds. We do not hold any Chadwick paper, but there was a general feeling of unrest. The money
has been taken out gradually, but on Saturday $50,000 was withdrawn.
On Monday practically the remaining cash on hand was taken out."
Source: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: Dec. 21, 1904
Officials Claim Concerns Are Solvent and Will Resume.
Conneaut, Ohio, Dec. 20 - The First
National Bank of Conneaut Harbor, did not open their doors for
business today. The suspension resulted from runs on both
concerns during the past few days. Officials claim the
concerns are entirely solvent, and declare that business will be
resumed again in a short time.
The two banks are closely affiliated. O. C.
Lilley, the cashier of the First National Bank, being president
of the Marine Bank of Conneaut Harbor.
Cashier O. C. Lilley made the following
statement today on behalf of the First National Bank:
"Ever since the exposure of the Chadwick matter
our depositors have been withdrawing their funds. We do not
hold any Chadwick paper, but there was a general feeling of
unrest. The money has been taken gradually, but on Saturday
$50,000 was withdrawn. On Monday practically all the remaining
cash on hand was taken out." |
Source: Omaha World Herald - Nebraska
Dated: Dec. 31, 1904
MORE BANKERS GONE WRONG - President and Cashier at Conneaut, O.,
Cleveland, O., Dec. 30 - Cashier O. C. Lillie and
President C. M. Traver of the First National bank of Conneaut,
O., were placed under arrest late this afternoon at Conneaut by
United States Marshal Chandler upon a warrant charging the bankers
with a violation of the national banking laws, the specific charge
in Mr. Lillie's case being the making of a false entry in the
books of the bank. Mr. Traver is charged in the warrant
with being an accomplice of the cashier in the alleged
Cashier Lillie this evening waived preliminary
examination and gave bail in the sum of $10,000.
President Traver arrived in this city late
tonight in charge of a deputy marshal. He was immediately
brought before the United States commissioner, where he waived
preliminary hearing and gave bail in the sum of $10,000 for his
appearance at the February term of court.
The First National bank term of court, closed its doors
nearly two weeks ago after a run on it the preceding day. The
bank has a capital stock of $50,000.
The cause of the run, the bankers said at the time, was
that the report had gained currency that Mrs. Chadwick had
succeeded in securing large loans from it. The bank officials
deny holding any Chadwick paper. |
Source: Idaho Daily Statesman
December 31, 1904Bank Officials Arrested President and Cashier
of Conneaut, O.,
Bank Must Answer Charges
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 30. - Cashier O. C. Lillie and President C. M. Traver of the National Bank of Conneaut, Ohio, were placed under arrest
this afternoon at Conneaut by United States Marshal Chandler upon a
warrant charging the bankers with a violation of the national banking
laws, the specific charge in Mr. Lillie's case being the making of a false
entry in the books of the bank. Mr. Traver is charged in the warrant
with being an accomplice of the cashier in the alleged falsification.
Cashier Lillie waived preliminary examination and gave bail in the sum of
The National Bank of Conneaut closed its doors nearly
two weeks ago, after a run upon it the preceding day. The bank has a
capital stock of $50,000.
The cause of the run, the bankers said at the time, was
that the report had gained currency that Mrs. Chadwick had succeeded in
securing large loans from it. The bank officials deny holding any
Chadwick paper.
Source: Anaconda Standard - Montana
Dated: Aug. 14, 1905
Which of one of the engineers said to be ___ and this may have caused
the wreck - Engine and three cars of passenger scoot over freight and
tops and sides of coaches cave in like paper boxes, planting occupants
down. Long list of badly injured.
Cleveland, Aug. 13 - A fast eastbound
passenger train on the Nickel Plate road collided with a westbound,
freight train early to-day at Kishman, Ohio, near Vermillion,
resulting in the death of 12 persons, while at least 25 others were
injured. 8 of whom probably will die. The wreck,
according to the officials of the company, was caused by a
misunderstanding of orders, or neglect to obey them, on the part of
the crew of the freight train.
CHARLES W. POOLE, engineer of passenger train,
Conneaut, Ohio.
FRANK WEAVER, Findlay, Ohio
Nine Italian laborers
The injured include the following:
John W. Long, Cleveland
Richard A. Long, son of J. W. Long;
Mrs. John W. Long
Louis Rheinbold, Bascom, Ohio;
E. E. O'hara, Findlay, Ohio
B. L. Kerr, Grafton, Ohio
John W. Murphy, West Haven, Conn.;
Philip Baskima, Tiffin, Ohio;
Floyd Trumer, Ada, Ohio;
John Dedtout, Tiffin, Ohio;
Frank Phillips, Findlay, Ohio
Aside from the engineer, the men killed
on the passenger train were all riding in the smoking car and were
mostly foreign laborers in the employ of the Standard Oil company on
their way from Fort Seneca, Ohio, to Brookfield, Ohio, in charge of a
foreman. Engineer C. W. Poole of the passenger train was
killed while trying to reach for the air brake. His fireman
saved himself by jumping.
Terrific Impact.
The high speed of the passenger train threw its
locomotive and first three coaches over on the engine of the freight
train, telescoping the smoker and the car following. Several
cars of the freight train were splintered to fragments.
Of the passengers in the smoker none escaped injury.
Fortunately there was no fire, but the heavy timbers of the wrecked
cars pinned down many and prevented them getting out until assistance
arrived. Doctors were sent on a special train to the scene of
the accident from Loraine. The injured were hurried to Loraine
and placed in the hospital. The dead were conveyed to the morgue
at Loraine.
Passengers dozing.
When the trains came together, almost
everybody in the smoker was dozing. The sudden jar hurled them
out of their seats into the aisle and threw several persons to the
roof, and the roof and sides of the car seemed all at once to crush in
like a paper bag, pinning down the passengers. The passengers in
the second care were more fortunate. There the violence of the
impact was not so severe, though few got off without cuts,
bruises, sprains or broken bones. No passengers in the sleepers
were injured.
The men on the train who escaped injury worked hard to
rescue the victims and were aided by residents from the vicinity of
the wreck. Some of the injured were laced in the sleeping cars,
while others were removed to houses near the scene.
Engineer's Watch Slow.
President Caniff of the Nickel Plate to-day stated
that from the information in the hands of the officials the freight
crew had orders to go on the siding at Kishman and there await the
passage of the passenger train. Why this was not done in
time to permit the passenger train to go by or a flagman sent out has
not yet been learned. A rigid investigation is being made by the
railroad officials. It is stated that the watch of the engineer
of the freight train was slow and that the engineer believed that he
had eight minutes to get from the station to the siding before the
passenger train was due. The freight train had slackened speed
and was about to back in on the siding from the main track when the
passenger train came tearing along at the rate of 45 miles an hour and
dashed into it. |
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
President and Cashier of Conneaut Institution Declare their Innocence.
CONNEAUT, Ohio - Dec. 13 - President Traver and Cashier
Lillie of the defunct Conneaut First National Bank, who were
arrested and taken to Cleveland last night on the charge of violating
the national bank laws, have returned here after giving bond for their
appearance before the Federal Court. Both men declare that they
will be able to prove their innocence.
According to the statement of the officials the
wrongful entry made by Cashier Lillie, showing the bills receivable to
be $10,000 less than they were, was made for the purpose of covering
up a deficit of years standing, before Lillie had any connection with
the bank. The entry was made, it is claimed, to avoid trouble
for the bank.
Travers' act on which the charge of embezzlement
is based, consisted of renewing a note for $5000 held against him by
the bank. As president he extended the time on the note which
recently became due. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: Sept. 14, 1905
Handsomely Attired Woman From Conneaut Saved Him From Beatings.
Carried Black and Tan to the Central Station; "Cops" to Find Him a
Attired in a fawn colored suit of the
latest mode, a handsome woman clutching a dirty black and tan dog
under her arm, walked into the central police station yesterday
afternoon and deposited her charge on lieut. Walker's desk.
"You will take care of him, won't you," asked the young
woman, looking appealingly into the lieutenant's face. The
lieutenant replied in the affirmative, and tured the "kyoodle" over
to the tender mercies of the wagon men.
The young woman was Mrs. J. F. Lane of Conneaut.
She was walking along Superior street near Bond street shortly after
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon when she was attracted to the curb by
the cries of a little dog that was being kicked unmercifully by a
burly colored man. Although several men were witnessing the
man's brutal actions, no effort was made to make him desist, and it
was not until Mrs. Lane seized him b the arm and threatened
him with arrest that he suffered the unfortunate animal to escape
his kicks.
Mrs. Lane looked around for a patrolman, but
none was in sight. The colored man took the opportunity to
slip away in the crowd, and Mrs. Lane was left on the curb
with the trembling animal at her feet.
Without a moment's hesitation she picked the little dog
up in her arms and inquired the way to the central station.
His dirty paws and mud stained coat left their marks on her light
colored fall suit. The little animal struggled to escape, and
before she arrived at the central station her dress was in a sorry
Mrs. Lane told Lieut. Walker to notify
her at No. 201 Main street, Conneaut, in case a humane owner could
not be found for the dog.
"I'll give him a good home in Conneaut if you can't
take care of him,' she said.
The dog was given a ig supper by Lieut. Walker
and a sleeping place was provided for him in the haymow over the
patrol station. An effort will be made to find a new owner for
him among the patrolmen in the first precinct. Should
Lieut. Walker fail within the week, the dog will be shipped to
Conneaut C. O. D. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 8
Dated: Saturday, Nov. 25, 1905.
Conneaut Couple's Gift in Memory of Daughter Who Died.
CONNEAUT, O., Nov. 24, Mr. and Mrs. George J.
Record of this city have given the local Congregational church
$25,000 to be used in erecting an addition to the church.
The addition will be known as the May Record Findley
memorial, and it will commemorate the life of Mr. and Mrs. Record's
daughter, who died recently. The addition will be in the shape
of an auditorium sixty by seventy feet in dimensions and seating 800
people. According to the proviso the church will establish a
library, organize a Y. M. C. A. and a Y. W. C. A., and set aside the
Sunday nearest Mrs. Findley's birthday each year as a rally
day. |
Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Issue: 200 Page: 5
Dated: July 19, 1906
Hundreds of Volunteer Fire Fighters in Conneaut for Big
Keen Competition Expected in Contests and Records May be
CONNEAUT, July 18 - The eighteenth annual convention and
tournament of the Northern Ohio Volunteer Firemen's
association, which is being held in this city for three
days, beginning today, promises to be the largest attended
in the history of the organization. Hundreds of
visiting fire laddies from all parts of Ohio and
Pennsylvania, and several from New York, have arrived and
every train brings its quota to the meeting. Many
sightseers are also thronging the city and the week will be
a gala one for this section.
On the first day of the meet, nothing was done except
to assemble the companies and install them in their
respective places. It is estimated by Chief Andrews
of the local department that fully 1,000 men are already in
the city, while |
tomorrow is expected to swell
the number by as many more. The entire town has been
thrown open to the visitors, and gay
decorations of bunting and flags adorn the principal
business houses and residence sections. A carnival is
holding forth on the main streets.
Tomorrow the convention will be held in the city hall,
when offices will be elected for the ensuing year and a
program rendered. In the afternoon the big parade, in
which all the firemen will participate and which will be
accompanied by thirty bands, will be held.
The majority of the sightseers are in attendance to
witness the hose races, which will be held on Friday
afternoon. Among the famous racing teams which will
enter those events are the Union City, (Pa.) team,
ex-champions of the world; the Bridgeport (O.)
Independents, who won first money at the St. Louis
exposition, and other well known teams. Large prizes
have been offered for every race, the aggregate being
$1,000, and it is expected that some records will be broken.
Besides the hose races and a water fight between two local
companies will be features of the convention.
Source: Duluth News-Tribune (Duluth,
Minnesota) Page: 9
Dated: Sept. 8, 1906
Accident Occurred at Conneaut.
Stern of Boat Badly Damaged.
(News Tribune Special)
CONNEAUT, Sept. 7. - While entering port late last
night the steamer Sahara ran into the western end of the east
breakwater. The stern of the boat was badly injured and it
will have to be dry docked. A 50-foot section of the concrete
breakwater was displaced several feet and two more were badly
cracked. The accident was caused by thick weather. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Apr. 19, 1907
Attacked in Conneaut, He Comes to Cleveland in a Dazed Condition.
ANTON LUMBERG, 1330 W. 78th st.,
sent for a doctor when his brother-in-law, JOHN KENNEY of
Conneaut walked into his house Wednesday night, bleeding and dazed.
Kenney, who runs a saloon at Conneaut, said
three men assaulted and robbed him of $300 the night before.
He got on a train for Cleveland, not knowing what he was doing and
wandered about the city all day Wednesday
Source: The Duluth News Tribune
Young Boy Detained by Police Admits That He Ran Away From Parents.
Jacob Lemponen, a 15-year old
runaway boy from Conneaut, Ohio, was detained yesterday at the central
police station until his parents could be notified. It was only
after being locked up that the lad began to realize the error of his
way and when not looking out of the window he lay on a cot bewalling
his fate. Were it not for a cross-fire of question put to him
yesterday by Lieutenant Scoon the boy might still be wandering
about the city or on his way west. He claimed that he left home
with the intention of going to 'Frisco.
Roaming the Streets.
"I'm looking for my father. He's a
tall man with a light suite of clothes and if you can't find him I
want a place to sleep," was the reply of the boy to a query of
Police Officer Pounder when he found the lad roaming about the
lower end of town early yesterday morning. Further questioning
led the officer to become suspicious and he took the boy to the
central station, where he was turned over to Lieutenant Scoon.
Contradictory stories were told the lieutenant with the result that
the boy was searched for marks of identification.
Lad Breaks Down.
The first think the officer found was a
22-caliber revolver in a hip pocket while another contained a couple
of dime novels. The lad broke down when divested of his weapon
and finally made a clean breast of things. He said he left home
Sept. 8, and came to the head of the lakes by boat. He worked in
a camp as a "cookee" for a short time. He earned money enough to
buy a revolver which he said he wanted for protection on his way west.
"It's a small reason that caused me to leave home,"
said the lad between sobs. "Mother was good to me, but father
was so cruel and I couldn't stand it any longer. I ran away just
because father whipped me when I wouldn't go to school. This old
blue suit of overalls is the best I ever hand and I wouldn't be seen
at school with such old clothes. I guess I have had enough of
this knocking around and if the folks will send a ticket I will be
glad to go home and try to get along better."
The police have communicated with the authorities at
Conneaut with the expectation that the boy's parents will arrange for
his transportation home. |
Source: Duluth News Tribune
Jun. 28, 1908LOCAL DISBANDS AT CONNEAUT, (News Tribune Special)
CONNEAUT, June 27 - Another Conneaut local of the
longshoremen's association was disbanded Friday night when No. 98
resolved to dissolve. About 100 hoisters and engineers were
members of the organization. Local 154 of the same organization
was dissolved on Thursday last. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Jan. 27, 1909
Bishop Leonard Says Episcopalianism Entered Ohio Three.
CONNEAUT, O., Jan. 26. - Conneaut was the first city to
introduce Episcopalism to Ohio, according to William A. Leonard,
bishop of the diocese of Ohio. In addressing a meeting at the
consecration services of the St. Paul's church here today, Bishop
Leonard stated that Robert Searle brought Episcopalianism
to this city early in the eighteenth century, being the first
missionary of that creed to touch Ohio.
He was followed in 1816 by Dr. Chase, who drove
from Canada across Lake Erie on the Ice and preached a sermon here. |
Source: Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque,
New Mexico) Volume: CXXIV Issue: 72 Page: 1
Dated: Dec. 11, 1909
Big steamer Loaded with Coal Cars Left Conneaut Tuesday Morning in
Wintry Gale and Was Seen No More.
(By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire)
Detroit, Dec. 10. - All hope that the car ferry
Marquette and Bessemer No. 2, outlived the wintery gale that has
made Lake Erie a watery grave during the last seventy-two hours, has
been practically abandoned. It is believed that Captain R.
R. McLeod of Conneaut and his crew of thirty-one have gone down
to death with the steamer.
The boat left Conneaut, O., at 10:25 o'clock Tuesday
morning for Port Stanly, Ontario, with thirty loaded coal cars, adn
under ordinary circumstances should have reached her destination at
2 p. m. the same day. She has not ben sighted by other
boats. An empty green yawl boat and some wreckage was seen by
the steamer W. B. Davrock near Long Point, in the path the
ferry boat would have taken. The yawl boats of the No. 2 are
painted green.
The Marquette and Bessemer No. 1 left Conneaut at 6
p.m. Tuesday for Port Stanley and it was about sixty hours before
she was heard from. She has since searched the lake toward
Point Peice but has found nothing of her sister ship. Tugs
have scoured the lake and report no trace of the No. 2. |
Source: Duluth News-Trubune (Duluth,
Minnisota) Page: 1
Dated: Dec. 14, 1909
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 13. - The field of search for
the 23 bodies from the wrecked car ferry No. 2 which are still
unfound, was changed today by the discovery that the ferry within a
very short time of the disaster was within two miles of the port of
Conneaut. It was from here that the lost Marquette & Bessemer
No. 2 put out on her last journey.
A Pullet, harbor employe, and the captain and engineer
of the steamer Black say that they saw the vessel about midnight
Wednesday trying to make this harbor. Evidently Captain
McLeod decided that he could not get his boat inside and steered
away toward Erie.
It is now thought that the remaining bodies will be
found on the southern shore not far from here or floating some place
in the remaining yawls.
There are three of these which have no been found, the
three first launched. the one that was found with nine of the
dead was No. 4 and always the last to be lowered. |
Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Dated: Feb. 27, 1910
ASHTABULA, Ohio, Feb. 26. - John Castler of
Conneaut got into more trouble than he knew when he blithely entered
court in the pursuit of a divorce. His first session on the
witness stand ended when Judge J. W. Roberts sent him to jail
for contempt of court. The grand jury thereupon indicted him for
perjury, who which charge he was arranged today. Now Castler's
counsel has asked that a medical examination be made to ascertain
whether Castler is insane. Castler therefore faces
a chance of a permanent retirement from the world, originating in the
fact that he could not get along with his wife. |
Source: Lexington Herald
(By Associated Press)
ASHTABULA, Ohio, April 14 - Edward Payson Weston, tramping,
passed through here this evening. Word came at 9 o'clock that he
had reached Conneaut and would spend the night there.
Weston covered fifty miles today. |
Source: The Bellingham Herald
April 15, 1910Weston Now in Pennsylvania
(Associated Press by Leased Wire.)
Conneaut, Ohio, April 15. - Edward Payson Weston,
left here at 5 o'clock this morning and in a few minutes crossed the
Ohio state line and entered Pennsylvania. He hopes to reach
Northwest, Pa., tonight, a distance of sixty-one miles. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 5
Dated: Wednesday, July 20, 1910
State Examiner Culls Licking County Officials Lax and Annuls
Conneaut's Treasurer's Bond.
COLUMBUS, O. July 19 - Licking county school and township
officials do not hew close to the line of the law.
State Examiner J. C. Fowler, in a report on
these officials filed today with the accounting bureau, finds that
they made illegal payments of $938.86 and drew $148.27 too much in
In a report on Conneaut, Examiner Delano Marfield
says that City Treasurer, W. S. Wood will have to give
another bond of $50,000 because the one he has on file is signed as
surety by the Conneaut National Loan & Trust Co., and its charter
does not give it authority to act as surety. Because of this
the bond is invalidated. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: Dec. 24, 1910
Gets Cheering Christmas News, That He Was Left $60,000 or More by
Rich Uncle Who Died Eight Years Ago.
CONNEAUT, O - Dec. 23 - Sixty thousand dollars, perhaps
more, is the fortune that is waiting for James Bolster Ferguson,
39, a carpenter of Conneaut.
"I am not sure whether it is a dream or a reality,"
said Ferguson tonight soon after he had learned of his unexpected
inheritance. "I guess it must be true, but I shall keep right
on working until I know the money's mine. I have worked for
twenty years and I think I have earned all the comfort such a legacy
might bring."
According to Ferguson's story, his uncle James
Bolster, went to California in the golden days of '49. After a
long struggle for riches, in which several times he faced
starvation, the miner "struck it rich" one day and thereafter lived
on the wealth the earth had yielded him. He died eight years
ago. His next of kin, he said in his will, was James
Bolster Ferguson, and to him he left his entire estate.
But the address of Ferguson was not given in the testament and
Ferguson here did not know that his uncle had died.
For eight years California attorneys have been
searching for Ferguson. Advertisements in eastern newspapers
finally were brought to the attention of the Conneaut man, who
furnished the lawyers with proof of his kinship to the old miner.
Word came today from the law firm that the Ferguson is the man who
has been sought.
According to the letter received from the California
attorneys, the estate has a value of at least $60,000, and perhaps
is worth $100,000. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 8
Dated: Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1910
Conneaut Man Learns Inheritance is Three Times as Great as Expected.
Will Go West With Children to Claim $190,000 Estate.
James Bolster Ferguson, the Conneaut carpenter
who, it was reported last Friday, had fallen heir to an estate of
$60,000 left by James Bolster, a wealthy uncle who had died
in California, is three times as lucky as he thought he was - and
then some. Instead of inheriting only $60,000, he was left
$190,000 besides two large blocks in Los Angeles, two houses and an
immense orange grove, according to Mrs. Charles B. Haskin,
Ferguson's daughter, who lives at 3028 Wade-av S. E.
Ferguson, who is 57 years old, instead of 39, as
reported, got word Saturday from an attorney in Los Angeles of the
increase in the legacy. According to Mrs. Haskin there
is no other claimant. Ferguson, with his children,
Joseph and Dorothy Ferguson, both living with him at Conneaut,
and Mrs. Haskin, will go to Los Angeles next March to claim
the estate.
"I have worked for twenty6 years and I think I have
earned all the comfort such a legacy might bring," said Ferguson,
when he learned of his good fortune.
James Bolster, according to Ferguson,
went to California in the gold rush of '49. He struggled hard
for many years, during which he faced starvation, but finally
"struck it rich."
Bolster died eight years ago, four years after a
visit to his relatives in Conneaut, and in his will left his entire
estates to James Bolster Ferguson, who, he said, was his next
of kin. Ferguson's address was omitted from the
testament, however, and Ferguson did not know his uncle had
Since 1902 California attorneys have tried to locate
Ferguson Advertisements appeared in eastern papers again
and again, and finally one of these was brought to Ferguson's
attention. He immediately furnished the attorneys with proof
of his relationship to the Californian. Last week he received
word that he was the man sought, and on Saturday he was further
notified that the legacy was three times as large as he had at first
supposed. |
Source: The Duluth News-Tribune
CONNEAUT, July 2. - Collector of Customs J. P. Reig and
completed his report of the business done at the local harbor during
the month of June. The report shows that receipts of ore were
320,772 tons, which is 90,000 tons less than the same month last year.
Source: Duluth News-Tribune - (Duluth, Minnesota) Vol.: 43
Issue: 111 Page: 9
Dated: Aug. 25, 1911
CONNEAUT, Aug. 24 - The Gillen Dock,
Dredge and Construction company completed the work on the new
breakwater today. It is not known when the contract will be
let by the government o when the work will start on the addition to
the west breakwater.
It is thought that August will be the banner month of
the season in regard to ore receipts at the local harbor. At
the present time they are within a few thousand tons of the million
ton mark.
The steamer Gratwick cleared today for Fort William
with cement. The steamer Chilli will sail tomorrow for the
same place, the vessels carrying 17,000 barrels of cement. |
Source: The Duluth News Tribune
Jun. 7, 1912Conneaut Lumberman Killed by an Employe
CONNEAUT, Ohio, June 6, - F. R. Brydle was shot and killed
today at the yards of the Pond Lumber company of which he was vice
president by Jesse Sharp. Sharp was arrested and hustled
away in an automobile to Jefferson to avoid a possible lynching.
Sharp was an employe of the yards. The
cause of the shooting is not known.
Brydle was wealthy and prominent here.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated: June 7, 1912
CONNEAUT, O., June 6. - While a mob clamored around the jail in
which cowered Jesse Sharp, a carpenter, accused of the murder
here this afternoon of Fred E. Brydle, lumber dealer, the
police slipped up to the rear of the building in an auto and hurried
the prisoner to the county jail at Jefferson to save him from
threats of lynching. Tonight the townspeople still are in an
inflamed mood, but the object of their wrath is safely quartered
within the stone walls of the county institution.
Brydle, who was vice president of the Conneaut
Lumber Co. and one of the town's wealthiest business men, was shot
through the body just above the heart following an altercation at
the lumber yard early this afternoon. He died almost
immediately. According to statements of workmen, Sharp
and Brydle had had words over business affairs during the
morning and they say the quarrel was renewed in the afternoon.
The police say that Sharp obtained $3 from a
grocery store proprietor while he was on his way home at noon and
with the money purchased a revolver and a supply of cartridges in a
hardware store, saying that he intended to shoot rats. About 1
o'clock after Sharp returned to work, employes say he engaged
in an argument with Brydle, as they walked down an alleyway
in the lumber plant. A shot was heard and Brydle
staggered toward a workman, exclaiming "I'm shot."
After the shooting Sharp left the lumber yard
and the police found him at his home changing his clothes. He
said he was preparing to go to the station and give himself up.
A crowd gathered about the building and threats of
lynching were heard, so Chief of Police Randall decided to
hurry Sharp to Jefferson for safety. Before the trip
Sharp was given a preliminary hearing and Pleaded not guilty to
first degree murder, claiming self-defense.
While en route to Jefferson the police say Sharp
gave this version of the shooting:
"Brydle has always had it in for me, and has
found fault if I would quit when the whistle blew. When the
whistle blew this noon I got off my wagon and started home.
Brydle started to abuse me. After the argument I went to
dinner. When I came back I went into the office to tell
Brydle how to straighten out some lumber before going to work.
Brydle said I could not tell him anything. I went out
and he followed. I told him not to follow and pulled my gun.
Brydle kept coming with his fists doubled up. He
threatened to fix me. Then I shot.
Brydle leaves a widow and two children, besides
and aged mother, who collapsed at the news of her son's death and is
reported to be in a serious condition. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio)
Page: 11
Dated: Nov. 6, 1910
Conneaut Young Woman Pleads Successfully for Pardon of Tramp Life
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 5. - On the plea of Miss Grace
Watson of Conneaut, O., John Walker was pardoned today
after having been sentenced to four months imprisonment for
Last July Miss Watson fell into a creek near
Conneaut. A tramp who was passing saved her when her
companions were unable to effect a rescue. The tramp accepted
the girl's thanks and departed without giving his name and refusing
further reward.
Recently the mayor of Conneaut received a letter from
John Walker who said he was the man who had saved the life of
Miss Watson. Walker asked her intercession.
Miss Watson wrote the St. Louis mayor of the circumstances and
Walker's released followed today. |
Source: The Sunday News Tribune
June 8, 1913Will Allow Boy to Retrace Steps Conneaut Police Wire
for Information and Are Told to Free 15 Year Old Joe Brown.
Joseph Brown, a 15-year-old Superior boy,
was detained by the police of Conneaut, Ohio, pending word from the
police of Superior as to what disposition to make of the boy.
In reply to a telegram received by Chief of Police
McKinnon from Chief of Police Randall of the Ohio city asking for
information concerning the runaway the latter wired in effect as
"Turn him loose and let him see if he can find his way
Brown is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brown of
5529 Sylvia avenue, Superior. He has been missing from home sine
last February, and on being apprehended by the police of Conneaut
stated that he desired to return to Superior but that he had no funds
with which to pay his fare.
Chief McKinnon, before replying to the Conneaut police,
communicated with the boy's father and ascertained that the elder
Brown was not worrying about the disappearance of his son.
"He's having his fling," said Brown senior. "To
make his way home on his own resources without assistance may have the
desired result of curing him of the desire to leave it. |
Source: The Duluth News Tribune -
Because a Jeffery Quad proved its ability to
negotiate the heavy mud roads leading into a tract of timber near
Erie, Pa., after teams and rear drive trucks had been abandoned in
dispair, the Conneaut Shovel company of Conneaut, Ohio, saved 40,000
feet of first quality white ash timber.
"We purchased this timber under a contract with a
teaming concern to haul the logs into Erie at $7.50 per thousand,
loaded on the train." says G. W. Benton, secretary,
treasurer and manager of the Conneaut Shovel Company, in a letter to
C. W. Nash, president of the Nash Motors company.
"The teamsters went into the woods with three big teams
and worked two months. At the end of that time they had made no
advancement and we were forced to loan them money to continue their
contract, incidentally advancing the price per thousand to $10.50.
They finally threw up the contract.
"I went to Kenosha and saw a Jeffrey Quad
perform. We tried the Quad on the timber and found that we could
bring the logs from Erie at a saving of $7 a thousand. |
Source: Macon Weekly
Telegraph - Macon, Georgia
Sept. 22, 1914
CONNEAUT, O., now has a municipal dance hall. |
Source: Aberdeen Daily News
June 29, 1914Municipal Summer Resort.
Little Town of Conneaut, O., is Run Strictly for Benefit of People
CONNEAUT, O., June 29 - The little city of Conneaut with only 9,000
inhabitants and lying forty miles east of Cleveland on Lake Erie has "out-municipated"
municipal Cleveland. This quiet little port claims the distinction
of being the only municipal summer resort in the country.
Every night hundreds of men and women leave the wharves
and glass factories to enjoy a municipal swim at the municipal beach, to
eat a municipal meal or to sleep in a municipal bed at the municipal
hotel. If they wish they can dance at the municipal dance hall or
ride in the municipal roller coaster, and Sunday they can see a baseball
game played by municipal teams. For twelve years Conneaut saw its
resort which had been purchased at a cost of $12,000, mismanaged and run
down by private individuals to whom it had been leased. Last fall D.
W. Brace was elected mayor and S. W. Mahaffey director of public service
on a Socialistic ticket. Brace had been a railroad conductor and
Mahaffey a day laborer. The first thing Brace and Mahaffey did was
to clean up the park so that it might become a real place of rest for
people of small means. That they succeeded was shown in the first
warm days of June when people had to be turned away for lack of room.
Enlargement of the resort is planned for next year.
Source: Duluth News - Tribune
Dated: Jul. 8, 1914
CONNEAUT, Ohio, July 7 - Conneaut is
keeping up with former years in the matter of ore receipts,
notwithstanding the slow condition of the lake trade. The
report of business done during June, as givne out by Deputy
Collector of Customs Reig. shows that the ore receipts for the month
were 1,157,262 tons, about 90,000 tons behind the corresponding
month of 1913. Coal shipments for the month amounted to 17,094
tons. Exports were valued at $115,038 adn imports $11,623.
there were 169 arrivals and 166 clearances. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: November 15, 1914
Conneaut is Swamped.
CONNEAUT, O., Nov. 14. - Ashtabula Harbor high won easily from
the weakened Conneaut squad today 73 to 0. Conneaut had seven
men in the line-up suffering from vaccinated arms and the team had
had no practice for three weeks. Poad and Burrell were
the stars for Harbor while Kaiser put up a fine game for
Conneaut - 0 |
Position. |
Harbor - 73 |
Jacobs |
R. E. |
Randall |
Evans |
R. T. |
R. Miller |
Smith |
R. G. |
C. Miller |
Sanders |
C |
Stolmack |
Graham |
L. G. |
Squires |
Cameron |
L. T. |
Pilmer |
Wyman |
L. E. |
Neilson |
McKenzio |
Q |
Poad |
Kaiser |
R. H. |
Fairbairn |
Eads |
L. H. |
McKay |
Carlson |
F |
Deeney |
Touchdowns - Poad 5, Deveney
3, Fairbairn 3. Referee - Phelps, Ashtabula.
Linesman - Stone, Conneaut. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: November 26, 1916
Ohio Balks Conneaut in Absorbing E. Conneaut.
Special to The Plain Dealer
CONNEAUT, Nov. 25, - "When you own that bridge, tell
us. Then we will talk business with you."
These words spoken by a committee of residents of East
Conneaut has not been able to annex East Conneaut.
The spot-- the barrier between Conneaut and East
Conneaut - is the only toll bridge in the state of Ohio and one of
the very few in the United States.
Known as the high level bridge, the viaduct spans
Conneaut creek at a height of nearly 100 feet with a length of over
_00 feet and connects East Conneaut with Conneaut.
A short time ago city council passed an ordinance to
annex to the city East Conneaut, which is a rapidly growing suburb
of nearly 1,000 inhabitants. But the people of that section
put up strenuous protests.
At the present time they have city lights, city water,
pavements and all the other conveniences, but they have to pay their
cent each time they cross the bridge. As most of them work on
this side of the creek it means a lot of money to them in a year.
The bridge was built by Girard, Pa., capitalists about
fifteen years ago, in order to allow the Cleveland & Erie Electric
line to enter this city. When the road was reorganized several
years ago, the company that owned the bridge took it over, and the
street car company now pays toll.
The bridge takes in considerable amount of revenue
every day, just how much officials refuse to state. But when
the number of people that use for which a toll of from 5 to 10 cents
each, is taken into consideration, it is evident it is a good money
Two yeas ago the Conneaut Chamber of Commerce and the
county commissioners tried to get the county to buy the bridge, but
the county would only pay $80,000; while the owners wanted almost
double that. At that time the bridge could have been built new
for what the county was willing to give, but at the present time,
with the increase in costs, it would be impossible to build a new
bridge at that price.
Then the question of a site looms up; there is no other
good place. The bridge is the key to the whole situation.
East Conneaut residents want to come into city, but
will not as long as they have to pay one cent every time they cross
from one side to the other. The city wants them to come in and
help it grow, but can't afford to bond itself to buy the bridge.
The county, would like to eliminate the toll part of it, but can't
find enough money.
The only person who is really pleased about it at all
is William Hanlon, Civil War veteran, who collects the fee at
the little station at the west end of the bridge. And no one
gets by him either. But he is not worrying, for he lives in
East Conneaut, and it costs him nothing to go and come. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: April 1, 1917
CONNEAUT GIRL, 12, is Violin Artist
(Special to The Plain Dealer)
CONNEAUT, March 31 - Miss Arlene GIBBONS, twelve year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gibbons of this city, has been
hailed by Ashtabula county musical critics as one of the most
talented violinists in this section of the state.
This precious young miss, who has been studying the
violin the pat six years, plays with a local orchestra and is violin
soloist for the leading moving picture house in the city.
She is much in demand by clubs and at entertainments
all over the county. She is a student of Lloyd Heath of
Conneaut and Sol Marcosson of Cleveland. |
Source: Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
May 2, 1917Times-Leader Travelette, CONNEAUT
Conneaut, Ohio is where iron meets coal. It is a
shore city on the Lake where the coal trains from the Pennsylvania
fields are dumped into boats and the boat-loads of iron and copper
ore from the Michigan fields are dumped into trains.
Incidentally, it gives the impressive glimpse of the power and
immensity of the steel industry of our Eastern district that is
doing so much to win the war.
The steel coal-cars come rumbling down to the
lake-front and on each car is stenciled its weight and its capacity.
The two figures will total seventy or eighty thousand pounds.
A string of them makes the earth shake and the car of Juggernaut
looks like an infant's perambulator. But as each car reaches
the wharf it is seized by a disrespectful and sturdy piece of
mechanism that jerks it up on end as though it were a toy car and
shoots the coal into a waiting steamer's hold. After the black
torrent has crashed down, the giant power adds the last touch of
indignity by giving the car a few careless shakes to dislodge stray
lumps, and then reaches out for the next. It is an impressive
No less impressive is the contrary process of unloading
the copper and iron ore from the boats. The ore is dumped in
huge red hills along the shore that dwarf the ships that bring them.
By this process both boats and exchanging burdens at Conneaut.
The scheme for this simple and efficient back and forth traffic was
one of the things that built the Rockefeller fortune.
For the rest, Conneaut is a pleasant, three shaded
little Ohio city, with the lake before it and the broad fields
behind; prospering in the shadow of the ceaseless flow of the
minerals that make the skeleton of modern civilization. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 4, 1917
Conneaut Girl is New England Bride
CONNEAUT. Nov. 3 - A former high school teacher here,
Mrs. Bruce T. Kocher, is now living in Ossittee, N. H., where
her husband is county farm agent.
They were married in Conneaut a short time ago.
Before the wedding she was Miss Cora Louise Mitchell. Mr.
Kocher's former home is North East., Pa., just across the state
line. |
Source: The Macon Daily Telegraph
Feb. 15, 1918(Sharon's Note: This is funny)
A CHIROPRACTOR (whatever that is), of Conneaut, Ohio, advertises,
"Eye and Ear Glasses Fitted." We are foolish about keeping up
with the styles, but if the 1918 rules require us to wear specs on our
ears, that's were we renig. There ain't no sense in it. |
Source: Aberdeen Daily News
Dated: March 16, 1918
Fred Dean of Conneaut, Ohio,
formerly Aberdeen barber, pleaded guilty to the charge of perjury in
circuit court this morning and was sentenced to three years in the
state penitentiary by Judge Bo__k.
In a suit for divorce Dean swore falsely as to the
length of his residence in South Dakota. |
Source: Ft. Wayne News & Sentinel
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Apr. 12, 1918Conneaut Baker Loses License.
WASHINGTON, April 12 - The food administration today revoked the
license of Albert B. Bauss, a baker of Conneaut, Ohio, charged
that during the month of March he used only five per cent, substitutes
in his bread instead of the required twenty per cent. He has
been notified that his license will be renewed April 20 if he proves
himself willing to comply with the regulations.
Source: Miami Herald Record
Dated: Sept. 29, 1918
The following casualties are reported
by the Commanding General of the American expeditionary forces:
Among others is the following:
Killed in action:
Norman H. Veith, Conneaut, Ohio |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page:
Dated: Sunday, Nov. 26, 1916
Only Toll Bridge in Ohio Keeps Conneaut From Annexing Suburg
(Click on picture to make larger)
Last Toll Structure in Ohio Balks Conneaut in Absorbing E. Conneaut
Outsiders Won't Consent to Come in Until Toll is Taken Off.
Special to The Plain Dealer
CONNEAUT, Nov. 25. - "When you own that
bridge, tell us. Then we will talk business with you."
Those words spoken by a committee of residents of East
Conneaut to members of city council recently, suggest why Conneaut
has not been able to annex East Conneaut.
The span - the barrier between Conneaut and East
Conneaut - is the only toll bridge in the state of Ohio and one of
the very few in the United States.
Known as the high level bridge, the viaduct spans
Conneaut Creek at a height of nearly 100 feet and with a length of
over 900 feet and connects East Conneaut with Conneaut.
A short time age city council passed an ordinance to
annex to the city East Conneaut, which is a rapidly growing suburb
of nearly 1,00 inhabitants. But the people of that section put
up strenuous protests.
At the present time they have city lights, city water,
pavements and all the other conveniences, but they have to pay their
cent each time they cross the bridge. As most of them work on
this side of the creek it means a lot of money to them in a year.
The bridge was built by Girard, Pa., capitolists about
fifteen years ago, in order to allow the Cleveland & Erie Electric
line to enter this city. When the road was reorganized several
years ago, the company that owned the bridge too it over, and the
street car company now pays toll.
The bridge takes in considerable amont of
revenue every day, just how much officials refuse to state.
But when the number of people that use it, together with all the
auto traffic for which a toll of from 5 to 10 cents each, is taken
into consideration, it is evident it is a good money maker.
Two years ago the Conneaut Chamber of Commerce and the
county commissioners tried to get the county to buy the bridge, but
the county would only pay $80,000; while the owners wanted almost
double that. At that time the bridge could have been built new
for what the county was willing to give, but at the present time,
with the increase in sots, it would be impossible to build a new
bridge at that price.
Then the question of a site looms up; there is no other
good place. The bridge is the key to the whole situation.
East Conneaut residents want to come into city, but
will not as long as they have to pay one cent every time they cross
from one side to the other. The city wants them to come in and
help it grow, but can't afford to bond itself to buy the bridge.
The county would like to eliminate the toll part of it, but can't
find enough money.
The only person who is really pleased about it at all
is William Hanlon, Civil War veteran, who collects the fee at
the little station at the west end of the bridge. And no one
gets by him either. But he is not worrying, for he lives in
East Conneaut, and it costs him nothing to go and come. |
Source: Tampa Tribune - Florida
Dated Nov. 5, 1918
Among many other names, the following was listed:
Wounded in Action (Degree Undetermined)
Sharp, Dewey N., Conneaut, O |
Soruce: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: Nov. 8, 1919
Man Resembling Conneaut School Head Appears at Rooming House.
(Special to The Plain Dealer)
CONNEAUT, Nov. 7. - Following receipt of information
indicating that J. Howard McIntyre, Conneaut school principal
who disappeared a week ago, is in Canton, police today notified
Canton authorities to hold the man.
Mayor M. R. Smith was informed this morning in a
telephone conversation with Cleveland Police that McIntyre
was belieeved to be working for a Cannon insurance agency.
McIntyre was engaged in the insurance business
in Cleveland for a number of years.
McIntyre was believed to have gone to work for
the insurance company Monday, but company officials at that place
said that no such peson went to work there.
In was learned that a man answering McIntyre's
description appeared at a rooming house at 1503 tth street N. E.
Canton. Tuesday night, giving the name of Lewis, and
answering to the description of McIntyre. He left
Wednesday, according to report, saying he had found work caring for
a physician's automobile. The man appeared depressed,
according to Mrs. Prelutzky, the landlady, and said he wanted
shop work, although appearing to be a man used to clerical work.
Police here admitted tonight having asked for arrest of
the man if he proves to be McIntyre.
* * *
(Special to The Plain Dealer)
CANTON, Nov. 7. - Howard McIntyre,
principal of the Broad street school, Conneaut, who disappeared a
week ago, is believed by Canton authorities to be working here.
Discovery by Detective Riffle today that a man
answering the description of the missing man, spent Tuesday night
and Wednesday at a house in the northeast end, has centered interst
in the search for McIntyre here.
Chief Riblet today pointed out that the
information obtained by Detective Riffle shows that the
description of an overnight roomer at a rooming house, 1501 5th
street N. E., and the missing school teacher tally closely.
The roomer had no baggage and has story that he was a farm hand did
not gain credence because of his dress and appearance.
Word was received by the chief from Conneaut that
McIntyre was reported to have started work Moonday far an
insurance company here.
Investigation today rveealed no man working for
the insurance company answering the description of McIntyre. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Sept. 17, 1920
CONSUMERS OF GAS ORGANIZE COMPANY - Conneaut and Ashtabula County
Will Finance Own Corporation -
(Special to The Plain Dealer)
CONNEAUT, Sept. 16 - Gas consumers of this city have decided to
finance their own corporation capitalized at $500,000 to purchase a
plant, take stock in a distributing company and deliver gas to
themselves, charge themselves a reasonable rate and put the profits
back in their own pockets.
And Ashtabula county outside of the city of Ashtabula,
faced with the certainty that gas service will be shut off Oct. 21,
are subscribing for stock.
The Chamber of Commerce initiated a plan to organize
consumers of the county outside of the city of Ashtabula into a
corporation. A campaign ended today with $50,000 subscribed by
500 consumers at the rate oaf one share each.
Chamber officials announced this afternoon that the
bars had been let down to those who had asked to make larger
subscriptions. This will insure the raising of the entire
capitalization, it is said.
At the same time residents of adjacent villages and
municipalities throughout the country are joining consumes here to
form the consumers' company to be known as the Conneaut Oil & Gas
Already 75 per cent of the consumers of North
Kingsville between Conneaut and Ashtabula, have subscribed.
The county was denied gas when the state public
utilities commission on Aug. 13 rendered its decision on the
application of the Northeastern Oil & Gas Co. to discontinue service
in Ashtabula county Oct. 21, because of failure of the gas
supply. The decision held that the company should continue to
furnish gas in Ashtabula, if a reasonable rate was offered.
The city of Ashtabula was the only municipality in the county to
send its officials to Columbus to protest against the proposed
discontinuance of service.
Practically all of the gas supplied by the Northeastern
Oil & Gas Co. comes from the Saybrook field, west of Ashtabula,
where the supply has been dwindling during the last two or three
M. B. Daly, Cleveland, president of the
Northeastern company, wrote council offering to sell his plant to
the city.
City officials and the Chamber of Commerce investigated
the advisability of Conneaut buying the plant or building an
artificial plant, and decided the city was unable to finance either
The chamber then appointed a gas committee which made a
report two weeks ago. A mass meeting of gas consumers was held
and it was decided to form a $300,000 corporation. The first
step was to purchase the Northeastern Oil & Gas Co. plant for
$240,000. New wells were to be drilled immediately and later
an artificial plant was to be erected. Another motion directed
that city council be asked for a franchise under a sliding scale of
$1.50 a thousand feet. Council granted the franchise to
Harry A. Gleason as trustee of the proposed Conneaut Oil & Gas
Later the committee learned of the possibility of
connecting with a well of 750.00 feet daily capacity in Madison,
Lake county. This well is owned by the Commercial Oil & Gas
Co., Ashtabula, being re-organized with Pittsburg capital taking
over the controlling interest. Negotiations between the
chamber's gas committee and the well owners resulted in a proposal
to form a distributing company to lay seven miles of pipe to get
this gas into the northeastern line of Geneva. This plan
involved the purchase of $150,000 worth of stock in the distributing
company by the Conneaut Oil & Gas Co.
The proposition was approved by the Chamber of Commerce
directors. The chamber went before the gas consumers
with a proposal to incorporate for $500,000 instead of $300,000, and
consumes approved the plan.
Now it has been decided to permit anyone to subscribe
as much stock as he desires. With the whole capitalization of
$500,000 subscribed, the new company will purchase the Northeastern
plant, and ask permission of the public utilities commission to
furnish gas to Ashtabula county. In the meantime Ashtabula
city council passed a $1 rate ordinance, but its operation in time
to get gas this winter is threatened by the possibility of a
referendum. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page:
Dated: Oct. 23, 1920
U. S. Officials Search Vessel at Conneaut and Find Liquor on Board
Seizure of the freighter Lakeport,
bound from Montreal light, by customs officers at Conneaut yesterday
morning was declared by Prohibition Agent Counts last night to be
the start of a cleanup of liquor running from Canada by means of
steamers plying between the dominion and the United States.
Thirty three quarts of whisky were found in the cook's
galley. Steps were found in the cook's galley. Steps
were taken by United States District Attorney Wertz, after a
consultation with Agent Counts, to libel the steamer
and get a court order to sell it at auction.
The boat is 60,000 tons, with a capacity of 2,000 tons.
It is owned by the Lakes & St. Lawrence Navigation Co., with offices
in Cleveland. Owners and the master, Capt. t. B. Greenway,
said that they had no knowledge of the liquor on board.
The Lakeprot is the first large boat to be seized in
Ohio. Two launches were seized earlier in the summer.
They were laden with intoxicants supposed to have been taken off
steamers outside harbors.
Traffic is Extensive.
Traffic in intoxicants between Canada
and the United States has continued all summer, according to the
prohibition agent. It has been found difficult to enforce the
Volstead act along the lake shore because of activities of liquor
runners, he said. This condition ahs approached the
proportions of a "public scandal," Mr. Counts added.
Intoxicants have been removed from steamers off
Cleveland by yachts, lighters and private craft, he asserted.
In the early summer most of the whisky was of Canadian make but
recently much has been shipped to Montreal from Kentucky warehouses
for medicinal purposes and this has found its way back to the United
The seizure is intended to be a warning to all men
engaged in lake traffic against permitting liquor running on their
vessels, Mr. Counts said.
The Lakeport was released on bond and allowed to
proceed up the lake with a cargo of coal which she had taken on at
Conneaut. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page: 6
Dated: Dec. 3, 1921
Conneaut to Get New Span; Plans Also Approved for Ashtabula Project.
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 2. - Ohio's only toll bridge
that on the Buffalo-Chicago road at the entrance to Conneaut, is
destined to pass into history soon, along with similar bridges of
earlier time, according to State Highway Director Herrick.
At a conference today between the county
commissioners of Ashtabula county and Commissioner Herrick,
plans for constructing a new free bridge at Conneaut and also at
Ashtabula were tentatively approved. The two projects will
cost approximately $1,250,000, Director Herrick said.
Herrick said it is probable that only the
Conneaut bridge will be built next summer as the federal department
probably will object to furnishing so much money in one year for the
two projects. The federal department, he said, has tentatively
approved the Conneaut project.
The two bridges are each approximately 1,500 feet long.
The Conneaut bridge is to be located about 600 or 700 feet north of
the present location and the one at Ashtabula, some distance from
its present location, in order, Herrick said, to permit
traffic to go straight through the city without necessitating
numerous turns as at present.(Plain Dealer
CONNEAUT, O., Dec. 2 -
Tentative acceptance today by state officials of plans for a new
high level bridge for Conneaut may be said to mark the culmination
of a long fight by the citizens of Conneaut for a free bridge that
began almost as soon as the Pennsylvania & Ohio Bridge Co. of Erie
had erected the present toll bridge back in 1903.
The old bridge is 2,700 feet long and spans Conneaut
creek, connecting Conneaut and East Conneaut. Since it was
built a toll of 1 cent for each pedestrian has been charged, 3 cents
for all stock on foot, 5 cents for each automobile and 1 cent
additional for each passenger.
The Cleveland & Erie interurban line between Conneaut
and Erie pays the bridge company 1 cent for every passenger carried.
Part of the bridge was moved to its present location from Girard,
Pa., where it was used by the Nickel Plate railroad to span Elk
Three years after its removal it began
to sag, a portion of it giving away while an electric car was
crossing it. Soon thereafter the agitation for a free bridge
began, county commissioners endeavoring to buy the old one but being
unable to agree on a price.
The agitation which now seems to have resulted in
getting state and federal aid for the bridge, ahs extended over two
years during which numerous public meetings have been held with the
view of ridding Conneaut of the reputation of being the only toll
bridge town in Ohio.
At a recent public meeting at which citizens voted
overwhelmingly in favor of a Main street approach to the bridge as
at present. Williah Culberson, president of the bridge
company, offered the old bridge to the county for $225,000. No
action has been taken. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Pg. 19
Dated: Sunday, Apr. 9, 1922

Public to be Received Tuesday at New Institution Built as Memorial
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O., April 3, - A public reception and
celebration will be features of the formal opening, Tuesday of Brown
Memorial hospital, Conneaut's new $80,000 institution, constructed
by popular subscription on a site donated by William H. Brown
The hospital was constructed by
remodeling and enlarging the Brown family home founded here by
John Brown, grandfather of the donor of the homestead.
There original John Brown walked to Conneaut
from Vermont in 1816. He bought a farm of 120 acres on which
the hospital now stands in 1821, then walked back to Vermont to
claim his sweetheart, Arethusa Hosford, whom he married and
brought back with him. She made the trip on horseback while he
The original home was a log cabin, torn down in the
50's to make room for a frame structure, which later gave way to the
brick structure which was donated for the hospital. Six of the
Brown children grew to maturity in the home and four of them
died there.
It was in this home that George Morton Brown, 90
year old bank official, was shot down by an unknown intruder in
November, 1919. He was the last of the children of John
Shortly after the banker's death, W. H. Brown,
grandson of John Brown, disposed of his banking interests in
Bloomington, Ill., came to Conneaut and took charge of the property
left by his uncle.
At the time of G. M. Brown's death, Grace
hospital had for years been maintained by a citizens' association.
A movement was under way for a new hospital, but the financing of
the project loomed so great little headway was made.
Then Brown offered the family homestead and
grounds for hospital purposes, provided the hospital would be
erected as a memorial to his family, of which he is the last male
The directors of the association accepted his offer.
Necessary funds were raised in three public campaigns.
Contributors number 2,000.
New equipment has been installed throughout the
hospital. Major and minor operating rooms, X-ray room, nurses'
demonstrating room and other features of the modern hospital have
been provided. A training school for nurses will be conducted
in conjunction with the hospital.
Wednesday and Thursday will be moving days for nurses
and patients now at Grace Hospital. |
Grand Forks Herald
North Dakota
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Nov. 15 - Frank Delahenty, former major
league baseball player and former member of the Ohio legislature was
arrested here late today on charges of transporting intoxicating
liquor. When arrested he was driving a motor truck containing 16
half/barrels of beer, according to the officers.
Police say Delahenty confessed to having made
regular trips between Erie and Conneaut for several months.
Delahenty resigned as a member of the
legislature from Cleveland in 1919 after pleading guilty to a charge
of accepting a bribe in connection with legislation pending. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 27
Dated: Sunday, Dec. 3, 1922
Arms He Has Not, Ambition A-Plenty Conneaut Boy, Deformed at
Birth, Does Most Things Able-Bodied Do.
CONNEAUT, O,. - Dec. 2 - One of Conneaut's most enterprising and
ambitions young citizens is known to the neighboring boys who have
grown up with him as "No-Arm Johnny."
He is John P. King, born in this city May 19,
1905, coming into this world of knocks and opportunity with a good
brain, a stout heart, plenty of ambition and plenty of pride, but
with no arms.
He is one of five children of Mr. and Mrs.
Steven King of this city, and is the only child born on either
side of the family as far as can be traced with any kind of
King has no sympathy nor
patience for the cripple or unfortunate of the beggar type whose
ambition is to make capital solely of his deformity, trading upon
the sympathy and generosity of his more fortunate fellowmen.
King's own ambition and
determination is to become a lawyer.
"I have traveled extensively and have interviewed many
successful men, including lawyers and judges," said King,
"and before deciding upon a profession I was convinced from what
I have learned and from advice and encouragement by them that there
is no reason why I should not make a success of my life if I stick
to my aims and equip myself to take full advantage of the talents I
"I am going through high school and
expect to finish a year from this spring. After that i
am going to take up the study of law at Ohio State university, and
will not stop until I have earned the right to practice law solely
upon my merits and ability, asking for and receiving no favors from
King spent one summer vacation traveling with a
show, "but never again," he says. "The world has no time,
except a moment of passing sympathy or curiosity for those who lie
on the world's sympathy. I know I could get rich in a few
years without working, but what good would it do me? My
companions would only be beggars, doing the same as I, and, after a
while, I would be getting old, my story would be an old one and I
would be dropped by the wayside. I have no desire to be cast
aside by the world that does things. I want to associate with
people who amount to something in the world by being one of them.
King is not sensitive and does not resent the
interest and attentions of others. He mingles with other boys
and girls in the sports and to a surprising extent partakes of their
activities but does not intrude on them or insist upon doing things
which he can't.
Learns to Play Baseball.
While a small youngster he started to help himself,
and soon commanded respect by the manner in which he could use his
legs to help himself and to defend himself. He practiced by
himself until he could play baseball on the corner lot, stopping the
ball with his feet and throwing it with his instep. He catches
a ball between his shoulder and chin. He holds a bat in the
same manner and has skill in hitting the ball, asking no favors in
the pitching.
He has learned to use a cue so skillfully that none of
the boys in his section of the town are a match for him on the
pocket billiards table. He holds the cue with his chin and
shoulder and guides it with the bridge. He also played
considerable football, although he has given this up.
"I got hurt severely several times," he says, "and
decided that I could not afford to cripple himself."
His opponents found that he could spill a runner better
than many with two good arms, and could use his feet to advantage in
felling players in scrimmage. His kicks are good for fifty to
sixty yards any time.
In the lower grades in school he did everything the
others did, taking off his shoes and stockings and doing all his
writing with his toes in the school room with the other pupils.
In high school, however, he has confined his work in the school room
to recitations, arrangements having been made by school authorities
for him to do his writing at home.
"When I got older I decided I did not care about having
the others staring at me." he said. An exception is made for
him in examinations in mathematics, he being given a chance to write
out these papers in a school room with only one of the teachers
present. He carries books under his chin, always asking
someone to get them out of the desk or put them back.
Has Combed Own Hair.
At home he learned early in his life to
handle a knife and fork with his toes but in later years does not
resort to this method, having his food cut for him. He dresses
himself, except for buttoning his clothes and tying his shoes.
He gets one shoes on himself but needs assistance for the second
shoe. He can get into his own overcoat and has on numerous
occasions combed his own hair by fastening a comb to some object and
rubbing his head against it.
Johnny also can handle a pencil effectively in
drawing. He attracted attention in the fifth and sixth grades
when he won second prizes in county drawing contests. His
chief delight in drawing is to reproduce scenery from memory or copy
drawing of landscapes.
"I do not have the imagination or originality, however,
to make original drawings, and for that reason never took up
painting." he said in sensible recognition of his own limitations.
Johnny at one time had a paper route
for the local paper, a younger brother helping him.
Johnny is a good conversationalist, with a clear
voice well adapted for public speaking. He was a member of the
high school's debating team that participated last year in the
annual triangular debating contest of Conneaut, Geneva and
Painesville and will be on the team again this year.
He was on the program for a school entertainment a few
days ago, delivering a speech on "Our Duty as Americans to vote."
He is a frequent contributor to the Tattler, the school's monthly
publication his latest article being a several thousand word
description of his trip east last summer.
"Writer's Cramps" in His Insteps.
"It took me parts of four days to write it and I
got tired before I got through." he said. The article is
written in a breezy, happy style. Johnny gets his
"writer's cramps" In his instep.
Another of his accomplishments is driving nails by
handling an ordinary hammer with his feet.
Johnny is not satisfied with representing the
school in its literary activates, but attends all the athletics
events and participates in the inter-class track meets. He
took several places in the dash events in last years meet and this
year plans to try for the varsity.
"I believe it's a good thing for me, even if I do fail
to make the teams." he says. "I know that if I get
through what I have mapped out for myself I have to take care of
myself and will need all the physique I can build up. In this
way my athletic training ought to be a big help to me.
One might think he would excel in the distance runs,
abut he handicapped in getting a start in the dashes but just the
opposite is the case. His legs give out on him in the long
runs, although he successfully has run the 440, the trackman's
nightmare - He is better in the 220 yard dash and at his best in the
100 yard dash invariably beating all his opponents on the getaway
and finishing strong. Last year he ran the 100 yard strong
Last year he can the 100 yard dash in 1815 seconds and this year
hopes to cut his time down enough to make the varsity team.
This interview was procured on the morning of
Thanksgiving Day, and, while it was causing the writer to be
thankful that he had two good feet, a good head and plenty of nerve
and ambition to use them.
He recalled a newspaper story of a child born without
arms or legs, whose father wanted the doctors to let the child die.
"That man was crazy somewhere." avers Johnny.
"Give the boy a chance. He has no arms, nor legs, but he has a
head and who knows but what great things may come from it.
After all, the chief essentials for getting through this world, I
believe, consist of a good, healthy brain and nerve enough to get
out in the world and use it.
I have met others in the same predicament as myself,
some of whom have trained themselves better than I have.
"I have met others infinitely worse off than I.
One girl I met had neither hands nor feet and could no nothing for
herself. Her sole accomplishment was talking.
"Why should I kick. I find people are most
generous. I have been helped mostly by business men.
Poor people have all they can do to look out for themselves and the
rich are out of touch with the rest of us. It's the business
man who is generous and most unselfish. My experience has been
that people are willing to give you a chance, and that is all one
has a right to ask."
In parting Johnny said:
"Of course, I'm thankful for the chance I believe I
have. I am happy and am enjoying in the greatest of all
schools, experience. You can tell the world that I'm glad I am
alive." |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio - pgs 1 & 9
Dated: Saturday, July 19, 1924

Conneaut marked the opening of its new viaduct
yesterday with a pageant, a part of which is seen in the above
picture, waiting on the structure for word to proceed toward the
west approach into the city.
In the lower photograph is seen an old prairie
schooner, drawn by two yoke of oxen, which appeared in the pageant
depicting the Western Reserve's transportation development since the
days of the red man.

CONNEAUT BRIDGE OPENS TO 30,000 - Visitors From Three States
Watch Dedication of $516,000 Viaduct.
BY J. K. SCHMIDT. - Staff Correspondent.
CONNEAUT, O., July 18 - A crowd estimated at 30,000 people
gathered at the west approach to the new $516,000 viaduct over
Conneaut creek here this afternoon to witness the formal dedication
of the magnificent 1,317-foot concrete span on the main
Buffalo-Cleveland-Chicago highway.
Conneaut, gay with flags and bunting, marked the
bridge's opening with a mile-long pageant depicting the history of
transportation development in the Western Reserve from the days of
the Indian.
This city of 12,000 made the occasion a holiday and
closed all places of business during the dedicatory ceremonies.
Automobiles bearing Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York licenses filled
every street.
Cyrus Locher Speaks.
While Cyrus Locher of Cleveland,
state director of commerce, was conveying the official regrets of
Gov. A. V. Donahey - detained at his office because of the
Lorain relief work - Director Locher's remarks were punctuated
by the explosion of bombs dropped by an airplane pilot.
As D. A. Boulay of Toledo, state director of
highways, was accepting the structure from E. L. Wilcox,
secretary-treasurer of the Pitt Construction Co., Pittsburgh, the
contracting firm, Conneaut's name was being written by the airman in
huge letters of blue smoke overhead.
Upon being tendered the viaduct by Director Boulay,
A. F. Gordon of Washington, D. C., senior bridge engineer of
the federal bureau of public roads, accepted it on behalf of the
government, and declared he believed the $200,000 in federal aid
expended on the project had been well spent.
"There has been no stinting of cement on that
structure," asserted J. R. Burkey, engineer in charge of the
construction of the viaduct. "It is all that the best of materials
and the best of workmanship can produce."
Says Co-Operation Built it.
"Co-operation built this bridge,"
declared Director Locher. "The governor has asked me to
say that the people of this city and county and of Ohio as a whole
are to be congratulated upon the completion of this monument to our
"You taxpayers are to be congratulated on this
investment, which will pay increasingly large returns in service as
the years go by."
Thad H. Brown, secretary of state, stressed the
importance of highway maintenance and repair and said that so far in
1924, a total of 1,2000,00 motor vehicles had been licensed
in Ohio, bringing into the highway maintenance fund of the state and
into the funds of taxing units close to $11,000,000.
"Ohio is receiving $5,000,000 in federal aid of the
$50,000,000 appropriated" Vernon M. Pierce of Washington, D.
C., chief of the bureau of public roads, declared, adding that since
the passage of the federal road act in 1916, $452,000,000 has been
apportioned among the states in federal highway aid.
This state's intercounty highway system, now half
completed, will be entirely improved within the next five years,
Director Boulay asserted.
"The people of Cleveland congratulate Conneaut's
enterprising citizenry on the completion of the improvement," said
City Manager W. R. Hopkins of Cleveland, who pointed out that
Moses Cleaveland, founder of the Western Reserve's metropolis,
established his headquarters on the site of Conneaut eighteen days
before his party anchored at the mouth of the Cuyahoga.
Many Ties Bind Two Cities:
"Cleveland and Conneaut are
bound by many ties of sentiment, many of them based upon incidents
of their early history," he said.
R. R. Richardson, general superintendent of the
Conneaut docks of the Pittsburgh Steamship Co., as master of
ceremonies also called upon Charles, Sargent of Jefferson,
O., prosecuting attorney of Ashtabula county, who paid tribute to
present and former county officials for their zeal and energy in
carrying the project through.
Other speakers were Congressman John G. Cooper,
of Youngstown; G. F. Schlesinger, chief engineer of the state
highway department; A. W. Zesinger, chief engineer of bridges
of Ohio; G. R. Logue of Conneaut former state bridge
engineer, and Wendell P. Brown of Cleveland, and viaduct's
designing engineer.
Woman, 90, Christens Bridge.
After the speaking came the
christening of the structure by Mrs. Ella Chiddester, 90,
said to be the city's oldest woman resident. Water from
Chicago, Buffalo, Cleveland and Conneaut was poured into a large
glass jug and swung from one of the viaduct's pylons. The jug
was an unusually durable one and Mrs. Chiddester threw it
against the concrete pylon three times before the glass was
Then came the pageant over the bridge, led by
William Luce, 89, of Conneaut, declared by his fellow townsmen
to be the last surviving scout who served under Gen. Custer
in his Indian campaigns.
Behind the Conneaut Finnish band, on ponies rode a
score of men dressed as Indian braves, arrayed in feathers and war
paint. They were followed by a number of warriors afoot, no
less vividly decorated, and accompanied by squaws and children, who
apparently had vied successfully in the art of warpaint make-up.
A corps of young men, wool-whiskered and bearded to
represent pioneers, was followed by floats representing Washington
surveyors in costume, Moses Cleaveland's landing party and
many others. A four-ox team, a reputed original prairie
schooner placarded "Crossed Great Divide in 660 Days" and original
coaches in which Gen. La Fayette and King Edward VIII
as the Prince of Wales rode while visiting in this country, were in
the procession.
Conneaut citizens rubbed their eyes to see the old
Central house bus of many years ago in the line. In the
bicycle division were a half dozen high-wheelers and two tandems.
An Albion, Pa., band and several fife and drum corps were
interspersed among quaint automobiles of ancient vintage and smart
motor equipages of the modern day.
The production of the pageant, said to have been the
most pretentious in the history of northeastern Ohio, was in charge
of R. E. Handertmark, an instructor of Conneaut High School.
Displaces Last Toll Bridge.
The new viaduct, as several
speakers pointed out, displaces the last toll bridge within the
state and eliminates two of the most difficult hills on the
Chicago-Buffalo highway. Of reinforced concrete, the structure
has seven main arch spans and six small approach spans. It
contains 12,500 cubic yards of concrete and 1,100,000 pounds of
The total weight is put at 30,000 tons. The width
between the curbs is 32 feet and the height from water to sidewalk
is 85 feet.
For pictures, taken by Sharon Wick, of the bridge
before its demolition and replacement, click here
These pictures were taken to preserve the beauty of the structure.
For more pictures, click here |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: July 10, 1926
Hunt Conneaut Man. 86
CONNEAUT, O., July 9 - Police have been asked to search for R. J.
McSwan, 86, who disappeared from his home here two days ago.
Roderick J. McSwan at Glenwood Cemetery at
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: July 10, 1926
In Vain in Conneaut, Says Chief in Order to Children
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O. July 9 - Curfew in Conneaut is going to mean something
more than ringing the fire bell at 8 o'clock, Chief of Police M. C.
Childs has decreed.
boys and girls under 16 must be off the streets after
that hour. Complaints of depredations by children led to the
order. |
Source: Repository - Canton, OH
Dated: Oct. 10, 1928
Six Cavalry, Battery Warriors Go To 62nd Reunion
CLEVELAND, Oct. 10 - Six of the 2,000 original
members of the second Ohio cavalry and the 25th Ohio battery of the
Civil war ranging in ages fro 82 to 92 years, attended their 62nd
annual reunion here.
H. J. Kinney, 92, Geneva, was elected president
by Alden Hazen, Chardon; E. M. June, Greenwich;
Comrade Benson, Conneaut; Nelson Root, East Cleveland,
and W. R. Austin, Cleveland. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland - OH
Dated: Aug. 8, 1929
Conneaut Fish Companies Set for Activity Sept. 1
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O. Aug. 7 - Conneaut fish companies are anticipating heavy
catches when the fishing industry opens in earnest Sept. 1.
Nets are being repaired and tarred. The Conneaut
Fisheries Co. is building a breakwall to the northwest of its plant
to prevent undermining of buildings during heavy lake storms. |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 20
Dated: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1929
Man, 80, Trapped on Upper Story, Is Burned.
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O., Sept. 23. - A. Demick, 80, was in
Brown Memorial Hospital today with severe burns on the head and arms
and five others escaped death early this morning, when firse
destroyed the Norman Van Gorder home in East Germany.
Demick, who lived with the Van Gorders,
was trapped on the second floor of the house and was forced to jump
out of a window.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Gorder, their daughter and her
husband and their small grandchild were forced to flee in their
night clothing.
Origin of the blaze is unknown. The family was
awakened by the smoke to find the house in flames. |
Source: Morning Star - Rockford, Illinois
Dated: Oct. 12, 1930
CONNEAUT, O. - (UP) - An apple measuring 14 1-8 inches in
circumference and weighing one and one half pounds, is the prized
possession of M. A. Ring, Conneaut fruit grower. The apple is of the
Baldwin variety and remained on the tree until it had matured. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: May 20, 1931
Edwin Simons, 14, was in the hospital with
severe head bruises after the automobile in which he was riding was
in a collision. Five others, occupants of the two automobiles
in the crash, escaped. |
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Pg. 17
Dated: Sunday, Nov. 8, 1931
Mrs. W. A. Kimball and daughter, Mrs. Howard
Messenger of Conneaut, O., are spending the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Sell of 1411 12th Street NW. |
Source: Seattle Daily Times - Washington
Dated: Feb. 17, 1935
By United Press
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Saturday, Feb. 16. - The mother of a dead baby
girl and her hired man were arrested today after the child's body
was found on a hillside near here.
Sheriff Jerry Benson announced the 4-year old
child, Rita Lent, had been slain only recently and her body
placed where it was found. He ordered the arrest of Mrs.
Oliva Lent and her farmhand, Martin Quinn.
Benson said the child could not have been dead
since Nov. 22, when she disappeared.
After the child disappeared Mrs. Lent asked
officers to search for the baby and for a big police dog that
disappeared at the same time. Shortly after dark Mrs. Lent
announced that the dog had returned. The animal's paws were
not muddy, despite the fact that it rained earlier in the day.
Authorities tried to connect Rita's
disappearance with a divorce suit pending between Mrs. Lent
and her estranged husband, Darrell Lent. After the
child disappeared they arrested Mrs. Lent and Quinn
for questioning, but released them.
A schoolboy discovered the body on the farm of Carl
Hall, about two miles from the Lent farm. Hall
insisted the body had been placed on his farm recently.
"I passed that spot a dozen times recently, and it
wasn't there," he said. |
Source:: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: April 13, 1938
Ohio Bowler Delivers in Last Chance on A. B. C. Alleys as He
Turns in Perfect Game.
CHICAGO, ILL. April 12, (AP) - Mike BLAZEK of Conneaut,
Ohio, rolled a perfect 300 game in the American Bowling Congress
Tuesday. He became the fifth an in the thirty-eighty-year
history of bowling's world series to pitch twelve consecutive
strikes straight and true down the drives.
BLAZEK entered the bowling hall of fame on his
last game. He bowled 610 Monday night with the Renner Beer
team. HE completed his doubles Tuesday with 614.
His first singles games produced only scores of 171 and
145. One more game and BLAZEK was through with the 1938
A. B. C. with an undistinguished record.
His last game set the Conneaut bowler apart from the
thousands who had preceded him in the six-week-old tournament.
It was not BLAZEK's first 300 game. Four
times previously the Ohioan had reached perfect figures on one
occasion he cleaned the drives twenty-four times in a row for two
perfect games. But, on new A.B.C. alleys under tournament
conditions, a 300 score is more difficult to achieve.
BLAZEK's game did him no good in the singles or
all-events ratings. His two mediocre games pulled him down to
a 616 total in the singles and 1,840 in the combined standings.
Ervin ROLOFF and Allie ROGAHN of
Milwaukee started out headed for the doubles leadership Tuesday.
After accumulating 903 pins in the first two games, they needed but
433 more for the lead. They slipped to 379 and their 1,282
total left them well out of the running. It was loftiest two
man count of the day. |
Source: Morning Star - Rockford, Illinois
Dated: May 10, 1938
Monoxide Fatal To 'Other Woman' In Ohio Murder
Conneaut, O., May 9. - (AP)
Death wrote a sequel today to one of Ohio's most baffling murder
Miss Theresa Ludwig, once the in-amorata of
Deuber S. Cable, Canton contractor whose wife was slain
mysteriously 14 months ago, was found dead under her automobile in
the garage of her sister's home here. Police Chief Kenneth
Pounds said she was a carbon monoxide suite.
She apparently had died about 10 hours after a dramatic
"showdown" with Cable in which, the contractor declared, she
had demanded money for "the seven best years of her life."
In Canton, 140 miles from here, Cable disclosed
the 46-year old divorcee had come to the home of his brother, A.
B. Cable, about 10 p.m. Sunday. Cable said he and
his brother refused his demand for money and told her she had no
claim upon them.
Voices Threat
Miss Ludwig was ejected from the house, he said,
when she became abusive and threatened to "make it tough" for him.
"You haven heard the last of me," Cable quoted
her as crying as she drove away.
For 10 days last year Miss Ludwig was held with
Cable on technical charges of "suspicion" while police sought
information that would lead them to the killer of the contractor's
47-year-old wife. Cable subsequently was freed of the
charge. Miss Ludwig was released on bond, and the
charge still was pending at her death.
The divorcee, who once ran a Canton dress shop, came to
the home of her sister, Mrs. George Rodebaugh, shortly after
she was released on bond.
Slaying Unsolved.
Coroner c. C. Webster said Conneaut police were
satisfied it was a case of suicide, and indicated he thought no
further investigation was necessary.
For months Canton police have sought an answer to the
question "who killed Mrs. Cable?" The matron, active in
Canton lodge affairs fell fatally wounded by a charge of birdshot on
the night of March 11, 1937, while she was with her mother in
the sunroom of the Cable home.
Cable, 49, was in Cleveland at the time,
investigators determined. Detained for questioning, he said he
had maintained an apartment in Akron for Miss Ludwig.
Police who went there found a well stocked bar. |
Source: Dallas Morning News
Nov. 27, 1941Handy Lake Serves in Dousing Human Torch
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Nov. 26 (AP)
- The proximity of a small pond probably saved the life of Stephen
Reydak, 18.
Working with an acetylene torch on an old automobile in
a scrap yard he was showered with flaming fuel when the automobile's
gasoline tank exploded.
His clothing aflame, he leaped into the pond. At
Conneaut Hospital he was treated for burns about the thighs. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: May 29, 1958
G. J. Record Scholarship Unit Formed.
Plain Dealer Special
JEFFERSON, O., May 28 - State certification of the
George J. Record Foundation was received today by Probate
Judge J. Philip Perry from the Ohio secretary of state.
The foundation will have responsibility to select Ashtabula county
students to be schooled with Record money.
The incorporation charter notice ends litigation
stretching over a period of many years.
The Conneaut Industrialist died in 1920.
Record's wife, Mary, died in 1938 and the
legal battles began then. Record's will left a
charitable trust of $250,000 to be used after her death to establish
a Protestant polytechnic school or go to an existing school that met
his religious requirements. The original $250,000 grew into
more than a million dollars over the years. Trustees said they
could find no school that qualified.
In a 20-page opinion handed down by Judge Perry
on April 5, establishment of the foundation to distribute the
$1,300,000 trust was approved.
The foundation will provide scholarships to approved
colleges and universities for Ashtabula County high school
graduates. First preference will be given to Students of
Conneaut, second to Geneva, and third to other Ashtabula County
The foundation board of trustees consists of the
present trustees of the estate, Attorney George Kingdom and
Robert Haliday, both of Conneaut, plus Jerry S. Benson,
Jefferson; John C. Soet, Conneaut and J. Allan Pinkerton,
Conneaut. |
Source: Springfield Union (Springfield, MA) Page 2
Dated: Thursday, Dec. 26, 1963
CHRISTMAS FIRES. (This news excerpt is among fire stores
of other areas)
Fire leveled another two-story home, at Conneaut, O.,
killing an uncle and his nephew attending a family reunion for the
holidays and injuring eight other members of the family.
Killed were Ralph Finlaw, 33 and Wilbur Finlaw, 63. |
Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer
Dated Mar. 21, 1976
Source: News Herald
Dated Aug. 28, 1984
The first woman Mayor of Ohio, she was
born May 2, 1891, in Elyria, Ohio. She was the daughter of the
Joseph Vilhelm Kaukonen's. She was "the first Finn kid: to
graduate from Conneaut High school, in 1910, going on to study
medicine at Pennsylvania Women's Medical College, where she was its
youngest graduate.
Her father, Joseph
Kaukonen, organized the Conneaut Shovel Co., in 1906, employing 100
people, in 3 shifts. The ore shovel was invented by another
Finn, named Mikkola. Conneaut Shovel was later bought by
American Fork and Hoe.
Dr. Kaukonen, described as an
attractive, petite blond, married James Lawrence Walsh, of Boston,
in 1920. He died in 1971; they had no children. She was
a practicing physician in Fairport Harbor, Ohio, Seattle,
Washington, and San Francisco. They returned to Ohio in 1936.
In 1922, at 31, she was elected
mayor of Fairport Harbor, promising to "wage war against the whiskey
runners," which she did. This was during prohibition, and
Fairport Harbor had a national reputation as a bootlegger's
paradise. It was reported she received a black eye while
participating in a raid, on a speakeasy. An article in the
Cleveland Plain Dealer, in 1923, said of her "Ever since she
assumed the reins of the local government, there has been constant
excitement in the little city.
Dr. Kaukonen's last days were spent in
Painesville, Oh., where she was cared for by niece Maija Niemela.
She died August 26, 1984, aged 93, at Lake County Memorial Hospital,
and was buried in Edgewood emetery, State Road, Ashtabula, Ohio.
(Sources: Reva Aho; Torma Kaukonen; Eli Nikolai Hersimaki;
Helen Humrichouser, Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 21, 1976, and
Janet Podolak, the News-Herald, Aug. 28, 1984.) |