Other Newspapers
Outside of
Ashtabula County, OH

This page contains excerpts from some of the Newspapers

NOTE:  The abbreviation inst. (instance) means the current month.
The abbreviation ult. (ultimate) means the previous month.


Source:  Daily National Intelligencer
Dated: May 8, 1833
CONNEAUT, Ohio, May 2, 1833.
Suicide. - In this township, on Tuesday morning last, Federal Blakeslee, Esq. put an end to his existence by committing suicide.  The particulars in relation to this fatal affair, so far as we have heard, are, that about 2 o'clock in the morning, he got out of bed, put on his pantaloons and vest, and proceeded to the barn, where he took a rope and made it fast to a beam, then ascended a ladder and swung himself off.  About twenty minutes after he left the house, his wife became somewhat alarmed at his absence, called up his brother, and they proceeded to search for him; and on opening the barn door, the lifeless body of the husband, and the brother, was before them.  We believe the cause which led to this fatal act, is unknown.  He was a man of correct morals, and industrious habits.  He moved from Caledonia, N. Y. last January, to Colebrook, in this county; where he remained until about two months since, when he moved his family to this place.  During his residence in this township his conduct was exemplary, and there were no indications of mental aberration.  He has left an amiable wife and three small children - Gazette.
Source:  Columbian Register
Also reported in: The Essex Gazette, Massachusetts.
Nov. 28, 1835

From the Conneaut Gazette of Nov. 13
Shipwreck and Loss of Life

Shipwreck and loss of Life - At an early hour this morning a hull of a vessel was seen off our harbor, and with the aid of a spy glass, one person was discovered on board; but as the Lake was rough, and the wind to the northward, it was impossible to go out to the vessel.  About 8 o'clock, however, when she had drifted within about thirty rods of the shore, one mile west of the Harbor, two or three individuals plunged into the Lake, and succeeded in getting on board, when a scene of horror and distress presented itself to their view.  The individual before discovered, proved to be the mate, by name Henry Waghorn.  He was unable to help himself much and seemed indifferent about getting on shore, and by his side, lashed to the windlass, were the lifeless bodies of two men, and in the cabin ten more of men, women and children.  The mate was put on shore, and soon after the lifeless bodies of four men, three boys, four girls, and one woman, were taken on shore, and decently interred, in the burying ground attached to the Presbyterian Meeting House.
     After the mate had become revived and able to converse we learned from him the following particulars relative to the accident.  The schooner is the Trader, of and from Otter Creek, Canada, loaded with lumber and bound for Cleveland, with a crew of four, including captain and mate, and ten passengers.  There was a widow lady and six children, name not known, and three gentlemen, one by name of John Richardson.  On Wednesday morning, when between Ashtabula and Grand River, about daylight, a squall struck the schooner, which split all the sails and rendered her unmanageable; and about 11 A.M. two heavy seas struck her in quick succession, which capsized her, and carried away both her masts and bowsprit, and stove a hole in her larboard bow.  At the moment she capsized, all on board were below.  In about five minutes she righted again, when the mate, two of the hands and one passenger (name not known, ) got upon deck, and all succeeded in lashing themselves to the windless, except the passenger, who was swept overboard.  The captain and remainder of the passengers did not attempt to come on deck, but remained in the cabin, about two-thirds filled with water, until they died, which was between 10 o'clock that night and day-light the next morning.  The groans and cries for help continued until about day-light.  The widow was bound for Cleveland, where she has a son residing.

Source:  New Hampshire Sentinel
New Hampshire
May 17, 1838

A young man named Orrin Thomas, engineer on the new steamboat Cleaveland, was instantly killed on Monday evening, just as the boat was leaving Conneaut for Detroit.  While engaged in fixing some part of the machinery, his head came in contact with one of the ponderous cranks, by which it was crushed to pieces.  His age was only 18 years.

Source:  Emancipator and Republican
September 26, 1839

The Conneaut, Ohio, Gazette, will probably be relieved of its wonder at the course taken by the U. S. District Judge.  It was the only course by which he could detain these injured individuals in jail, to die by inches, or to be delivered over to their Spanish oppressors.  If not detained as criminals, they would have been within reach of a habeas corpus from the State courts.

Source:  The North American and Daily Advertiser.
July 2, 1840

The schooner Commercial of Conneaut, with 250 bbls of salt on board, was run into and sunk by the Great Western on Monday night, on Lake Erie - Alb. Dai. Adv.

Source:  Republican Reporter
Feb. 22, 1842

The Bridge over the Conneaut Creek, in Ohio, recently fell, just as the Cleveland stage had passed it, and while the hind wheels were on it.  The driver was thrown off, but the horses had a firm footing upon the bank, and sustained themselves.  The bridge was twenty feet above the bed of this deep creek.

Source:  Milwaukee Sentinel
Jan. 13, 1845

Samuel P. Fenton has been appointed Postmaster at Conneaut, Ohio, vice Judge Dart, deceased.

Source:  Milwaukee Daily Sentinel
June 24, 1846

BRIG. LADY A. BLOSSOM of Conneaut, Capt. J. L. Wood, came into our port Sunday morning with a large load of freight, - 16 cabin passengers and 40 stearage.
     This fine brig of which Messrs. Lake and Carpenter of Conneaut are principal owners, was launched at that place last April.  She measures 300 tonage - 24 feet 9 inches beam and 9 feet 10 inches of hold.

Source:  Daily Sentinel and Gazette, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jan. 5, 1848

We learn from the Conneaut Reporter that the Academy in Kingsville, Ashtabula county, was destroyed by fire early on Monday morning last.  How the fire originated is not known, but is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.  Most of the apparatus connected with the school, a very flourishing one, was destroyed, and the loss will be severely felt by Mr. Graves, the Principal.  Many of the books belonging to students were also lost.

Source:  Albany Evening Journal
Dated: Sept. 22, 1848
From the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser.
     MURDER.  - Last night, about half past 11 o'clock, a young man named Stephen Brush, aged about 19 years, living at the Hydraulics, was murdered in Seneca-street.  It appears Brush, in company with three younger boys, named Charles M. Patridge, Robert Mitchell and Lewis Bushly, had been to the Theatre, where they had witnessed a play, in which the character of a negro servant was represented.  The boys were passing down Seneca-street talking and laughing about the performance, and something was said about the negro in the play.  Just at this time, when near Michigan-street, two negroes passed them, and on hearing the remark, one of them turned round and asked what was said about negroes.  Some reply was given by Brush, when he was struck by the one who had asked the question.  He then ran from the side-walk into the street, pursued by the negro, and after a short scuffle cried out "boys," and fell.
     His companions gave the alarm, and a number of men came to their assistance, the negroes having fled.  Brush was carried to Crooker's tavern, where, on examination, it was found that he had been stabbed by a dirk knife in five or six different places.  There was one wound about two inches wide, in the abdomen, between the sternum and navel, and two between the fourth and fifth ribs of the left side, all three of which penetrated deep into the cavity of the body, either of which were pronounced mortal by the physician.  He received a severe stab over his left eye, where the point of the knife is supposed to have been left, as it was broken off - his left arm was cut to the bone above the elbow - and one finger was cut off.  He die not survive five minutes after the wounds were inflicted, but died immediately after he was carried to the tavern.
     The alarm was given, and the Mayor called.  There was no cue to those who had committed the deed, except that they were negroes.  It turned out, however, that some one, among those who assembled, had seen a negro by the name of Henry Shorter with a dirk knife in the afternoon, which he declared he would use upon somebody before the next day was out.  A search was made for him, and for another by the name of George Sharp, who had been seen in his company.  In about two hours they were both arrested, one at a barber's shop under Whipple's Exchange and the other at Exchange Hotel, near the Railroad Depot, and put in charge of Constable Kester, of Eden, who happened to be present.  Blood was found upon both of them, and after the arrest Shorter acknowledged that he had committed the murder - said that it was unpremeditated - and impulse of the moment and that Sharp had nothing to do with it, farther than he was in his company.  A Coroner's inquest was held, and the two sent to the watch-house.  They were brought out this morning before the Police Justice, but the examination was postponed, and the prisoners committed to jail.
     The negro Shorter came here from Fredonia last spring, and Sharp from Conneaut, Ohio, only a few weeks since.
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel & Gazette
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Aug. 1, 1849

FIRE AT CONNEAUT - The town of Conneaut was visited by a severe fire on Monday night.  It broke out in the large store and warehouse of Charles Hall, Arcade buildings, which was destroyed.  The lower rooms were occupied by Mr. Hall as a Dry Goods store, and the upper story by Odd Fellows and Sons of Temperance.  The building was insured for $1200 in the Portage Mutual and Mr. Hall had an insurance on his goods in the AEtna for $5000.  Goods mostly saved in a damaged state.  The furniture and regalia of the Odd Fellows insured for $200 which mainly covers the loss.  The Sons saved theirs - Cleveland Her.

Source:  Boston Courier
Sept. 20, 1849

Destructive Tornado.
A tornado passed over a part of Ashtabula County, Ohio, eight or ten days ago, which did immense damage to crops, fences, trees, &c.  It came from the lake, and struck the shore not far from Conneaut.  Its course first was nearly south, and after demolishing fences, acres of woodland, growing crops, &c., it suddenly turned North, and when again near the shore of the lake took an easterly direction, pouring upon the earth a perfect torrent of water accompanied with hail.  Everything within its range was leveled with the ground for two or three miles.  East of Conneaut it continued about ten miles, laying completely desolate a strip of country a mile wide.  Large sound forest trees, two and three feet through, were twisted off and carried several rods.  Some farmers lost all their crops by it, and suffered much in their improvements.  The aggregate destruction is stated by the Conneaut Reporter to be very great.

Source: Ashtabula Weekly Telegraph
Dated: Mar. 27, 1850

     (Death of Capt. John Edmonds - We learned that Capt. Edmonds, master of the steamer Southern died at Buffalo on Sun. morning, Capt. E. was a resident of Monroe.  We understand his disease was cholera morbus, strongly resembling the cholera of last season.

Source: Ashtabula Weekly Telegraph
Dated: April 10, 1850

At Conneaut, on the 2d. inst. of consumption, Capt. J. L. Wood, aged 35.

Source:  Summit County Beacon
Oct. 14, 1885

Wife of Virgil P. Kline, Esq., became the mother of twins Sept. 28, and shortly after was attacked by peritonitis from which she died at 4 o'clock Monday morning.  The children are doing well.  The maiden name of Mrs. Kline was Cozzens.  Her home before marriage was in Conneaut.

Wife of Virgil P. Kline, Esq., became the mother of twins September 28, and shortly after was attacked by Peritonitis from which she died at 4 o'clock Monday morning.  The children are doing well.  The maiden name of Mrs. Kline was Cozzens.  Her home before marriage was in Conneaut.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: June 3, 1896
Cleveland, June 2 - Mrs. Eleanor McClellan
was found dead on the lake shore at Conneaut, Ohio, last Sunday morning and it is now believed she was murdered.  Mrs. McClellan who was about 50 years old, was formerly a school teacher at some place in New York but had been employed as a domestic in this city for some time.  She disappeared a few days ago.  Before her dead body was found at Conneaut she told several persons with whom she came in contact that she had run away from Cleveland to escape her divorced husband.  She had evidently been struck on the head with some blunt instrument.
Source:  Aberdeen Daily News - South Dakota
Dec. 12, 1889

The Firey Element.
     CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 11 - This morning fire destroyed the buildings of the Conneaut River Paper company and the Herald newspaper office.  Loss $40,000.

Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 8
Dated: Saturday, June 7, 1890
Romantic Wedding of the Daughter of Orrin J. Crane.
Marriage at Conneaut of Miss Lottie M. Crane
and Mr. Homer L. Smith - A Broken Engagement in Which a Theatrical Manager of New York Figured - A Memorial Day Wedding Postponed Owing to the Wife's Ill Health.
     The marriage of a Cleveland girl took place in Conneaut at 8'o'clock on the evening of June 4.  It was surrounded by some very romantic features and will be of especial interest to people on the West side, where the lady was born and reared.
     When the Seventh regiment, O. V. I., marched out of Cleveland destined to enact so noble a part in the civil war that ravaged the country a quarter of a century ago Orrin J. Crane marched with it, in command of company A.  At the battle of Ringgold, Nov. 27, 1863, he had been promoted to be lieutenant colonel of his regiment.  In that battle he was shot down and killed by a rifle ball through the head a few minutes after his superior officer, Col. Creighton fell a martyr to the cause of his country.
     About the time of his death his daughter Lottie was born.  Mrs. Crane continued her residence on the West side where her husband had left her and reared her daughter there.  The latter grew up to womanhood greatly beloved for many estimable qualities by her companions and neighboring friends. 
     Of late years Miss Crane, with some of her friends, has been in the habit of spending part of her summers in Conneaut, where she met Mr. Homer Lake Smith, a prosperous merchant in that thriving little town and at the head of a large dry goods establishment.  Acquaintanceship ripened into affection and and engagement was formed.  It was one of those unlooked for things in life for friends of Miss Crane had previously anticipated that she would reside further away from home in the metropolis, as it was at one time an engagement was generally supposed to exist between her and a Mr. Myron Rice of New York, the manager of the theater there.  This engagement must have been terminated by the lady, however, for that Mr. Smith was destined to be the happy man was evidenced by the fact that on May 29 Mr. J. W. Stinchcombe of this city took out a marriage license for H. L. Smith and Lottie M. Crane.  The issuance of the license from the probate court here was a necessity as Ohio law provides that a license must be taken out in the county where the lady lives.  Nevertheless, Miss Crane was in Conneaut and the marriage took place there.  The bride had for some time been in ill health and indeed is in a very serious condition even now, it is said.  The marriage, which was probably at first intended for Memorial day as a fitting occasion of the wedding of the daughter of a brave officer who was killed in action, was deferred until  some time when she was able to go through the ceremony.  In the meantime no definite date was set as no one likes a deferred marriage day, no matter how little superstitious he may be.
     Mr. Smith has fitted up a beautiful new home in Conneaut for his bride and there they will live.  A trip to Europe will be take at once for the restoration of Mrs. Smith's health.  "Bon voyage" will be the speeding of a great many Cleveland friends.
Source:  Duluth News-Tribune
Dated: Nov. 13, 1896

Sportsmen From Conneaut Tried to Ship Out Moose Meat.

Deputy State Game Warden John Green made an important-seizure of moose and caribou meat and hides at Two Harbors yesterday.  He has had his eye upon a party of Conneaut, O., sportsmen that have been east of Two Harbors for some days, but when they returned to Duluth they had nothing contraband about them so Mr. Green took the back trail and went to Two Harbors to investigate.
     On the platform in front of the engine house and just delivered to a drayman the warden discovered about 500 pounds of moose and caribou meat, some hides, two Winchester rifles and a Parker shotgun, all billed to be shipped on board the steamer Olympia for below.
     The guns, meat and hides are now the property of the state of Minnesota and the Conneaut men will have to settle with Sam Fullerton.  They will most probably do this at long range.  Deputy Green is inclined to believe that the meat was purchased from Indians, but even then it is liable to seizure.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Oct. 7, 1899
JEFFERSON, Ohio, Oct. 6 - Andrew Carnegie has made public his plans to give the citizens of Conneaut and the dock laborers and employes at the harbor a fine public library building.  The drawings have been approved by him.
Source:  Philadelphia Inquirer
May 4, 1900

Box in Which Body Was Found at Cambridge Springs, Purchased at Conneaut, Ohio.

Special to The Inquirer.
CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, Pa., May 3. - Just a ray of light was today thrown on the corpse mystery.  Chief of Police Sutton went to Conneaut, Ohio, this morning, taking along the box in which the woman's body was found, the place of false teeth and a photograph of the dead face.  A clerk at Pelton's dry goods store, recognized the box as one of two boxes he sold April 15 to a man who looked like a workman, and who said another man would call for them.  The other man, described as about 50 years old and well dressed, called a little later and took the boxes away.
     The theory that the false teeth plate was made in Conneaut is dissolved by all the dentists of the town declaring they never saw the plate before.  There are various rumors and sensational stories regarding the affair, but the foregoing covers today's developments, and the matter is as much a mystery as at first.  The story that a bullet wound has been found in the body is pure sensation.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Jan. 9, 1901
Largest Tube and Pipe Works in the World, to Cost Twelve Million Dollars
PITTSBURG, Jan. 8 - In explanation of extensive land purchases of the Carnegie company at Conneaut Harbor, Ohio, President Charles M. Schwab today made clear the plans of the company with respect to these purchases. 
   Mr. Schwab states that for over a year the Carnegie company has contemplated entering into lines of manufacture other than those in which it has been engaged hitherto, and the first step in carrying out this purpose is to be taken at once by the establishment of the largest pipe and tube manufacturing plant in the world, at Conneaut Harbor, Ohio, which is the Lake Erie terminal of the Carnegie, Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie railroad, 153 miles from Pittsburg.
     The company has purchased 5,000 acres of land immediately east of the Conneaut Harbor docks and a large part of this vast tract will be utilized as a site for the tube works.
     The works will stretch over a mile of the lake front and will be the most extensive and complete plant of its kind ever built.  The investment, exclusive of ground, will reach $12,000,000.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 10, 1902
Unknown Man Killed at Conneaut
CONNEAUT, O, Nov. 9 - The body of an unknown man was found at the Broad street crossing of the Lake Shore this morning.  It was evidently the body of a laboring man, but no identification has been made.s
Source:  Walnut Valley Times
November 27, 1903 - Vol. XXXIV, Number 45

A. O. Griggs
has word of the death of a sister at Ashtabula, Ohio. She was a daughter of Solomon and Achsah Griggs, pioneers on the Western Reserve.  She belonged to the old folks who lived the good simple lives now rapidly becoming only a memory. She was an earnest Christian, a Methodist and she lived her faith from girlhood to the day of her death.
Source: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: Dec. 21, 1904
Officials Claim Concerns Are Solvent and Will Resume.
     Conneaut, Ohio, Dec. 20 - The First National Bank of Conneaut Harbor, did not open their doors for business today.  The suspension resulted from runs on both concerns during the past few days.  Officials claim the concerns are entirely solvent, and declare that business will be resumed again in a short time.
     The two banks are closely affiliated.  O. C. Lilley, the cashier of the First National Bank, being president of the Marine Bank of Conneaut Harbor.
     Cashier O. C. Lilley made the following statement today on behalf of the First National Bank:
     "Ever since the exposure of the Chadwick matter our depositors have been withdrawing their funds.  We do not hold any Chadwick paper, but there was a general feeling of unrest.  The money has been taken gradually, but on Saturday $50,000 was withdrawn.  On Monday practically all the remaining cash on hand was taken out."
Source:  Idaho Daily Statesman
December 31, 1904

Bank Officials Arrested President and Cashier of Conneaut, O.,
Bank Must Answer Charges

CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 30. - Cashier O. C. Lillie and President C. M. Traver of the National Bank of Conneaut, Ohio, were placed under arrest this afternoon at Conneaut by United States Marshal Chandler upon a warrant charging the bankers with a violation of the national banking laws, the specific charge in Mr. Lillie's case being the making of a false entry in the books of the bank.  Mr. Traver is charged in the warrant with being an accomplice of the cashier in the alleged falsification.  Cashier Lillie waived preliminary examination and gave bail in the sum of $10,000.
     The National Bank of Conneaut closed its doors nearly two weeks ago, after a run upon it the preceding day.  The bank has a capital stock of $50,000.
     The cause of the run, the bankers said at the time, was that the report had gained currency that Mrs. Chadwick had succeeded in securing large loans from it.  The bank officials deny holding any Chadwick paper.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Sept. 8, 1906
Accident Occurred at Conneaut, Stern of Boat Badly Damaged.
(News Tribune Special)
     CONNEAUT, Sept. 7 - While entering port late last night the steamer Sahara ran into the western end of the east breakwater.  The stern of the boat was badly injured and it will have to be dry docked.  A 50 foot section of the concrete breakwater was displaced several feet and two more were badly cracked.  The accident was caused by thick weather.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Apr. 19, 1907
Attacked in Conneaut, He Comes to Cleveland in a Dazed Condition.
     ANTON LUMBERG, 1330 W. 78th st., sent for a doctor when his brother-in-law, JOHN KENNEY of  Conneaut walked into his house Wednesday night, bleeding and dazed.
     Kenney, who runs a saloon at Conneaut, said three men assaulted and robbed him of $300 the night before.  He got on a train for Cleveland, not knowing what he was doing and wandered about the city all day Wednesday.
Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
Oct. 30, 1907

Young Boy Detained by Police Admits That He Ran Away From Parents.
     Jacob Lemponen, a 15-year old runaway boy from Conneaut, Ohio, was detained yesterday at the central police station until his parents could be notified.  It was only after being locked up that the lad began to realize the error of his way and when not looking out of the window he lay on a cot bewalling his fate.  Were it not for a cross-fire of question put to him yesterday by Lieutenant Scoon the boy might still be wandering about the city or on his way west.  He claimed that he left home with the intention of going to 'Frisco.
Roaming the Streets.
     "I'm looking for my father.  He's a tall man with a light suite of clothes and if you can't find him I want a place to sleep," was the reply of the boy to a query of Police Officer Pounder when he found the lad roaming about the lower end of town early yesterday morning.  Further questioning led the officer to become suspicious and he took the boy to the central station, where he was turned over to Lieutenant Scoon.  Contradictory stories were told the lieutenant with the result that the boy was searched for marks of identification.
Lad Breaks Down.
     The first think the officer found was a 22-caliber revolver in a hip pocket while another contained a couple of dime novels.  The lad broke down when divested of his weapon and finally made a clean breast of things.  He said he left home Sept. 8, and came to the head of the lakes by boat.  He worked in a camp as a "cookee" for a short time.  He earned money enough to buy a revolver which he said he wanted for protection on his way west.
     "It's a small reason that caused me to leave home," said the lad between sobs.  "Mother was good to me, but father was so cruel and I couldn't stand it any longer.  I ran away just because father whipped me when I wouldn't go to school.  This old blue suit of overalls is the best I ever hand and I wouldn't be seen at school with such old clothes.  I guess I have had enough of this knocking around and if the folks will send a ticket I will be glad to go home and try to get along better."
     The police have communicated with the authorities at Conneaut with the expectation that the boy's parents will arrange for his transportation home.

Source:  Duluth News Tribune
Jun. 28, 1908

CONNEAUT, June 27 - Another Conneaut local of the longshoremen's association was disbanded Friday night when No. 98 resolved to dissolve.  About 100 hoisters and engineers were members of the organization.  Local 154 of the same organization was dissolved on Thursday last.

Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
Sept. 1, 1908
DETROIT, Aug. 31 - The barge Carryington which broke her wheel chains and smashed into a dock at Port Huron early this morning was picked up tonight and taken from here to Conneaut by steamer George Stephenson.  The Carrington has big Norway pine timber through her  bow near her hawser pipe and has lost both anchors.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Jan. 27, 1909
Bishop Leonard Says Episcopalianism Entered Ohio Three.
     CONNEAUT, O., Jan. 26. - Conneaut was the first city to introduce Episcopalism to Ohio, according to William A. Leonard, bishop of the diocese of Ohio.  In addressing a meeting at the consecration services of the St. Paul's church here today, Bishop Leonard stated that Robert Searle brought Episcopalianism to this city early in the eighteenth century, being the first missionary of that creed to touch Ohio.
     He was followed in 1816 by Dr. Chase, who drove from Canada across Lake Erie on the Ice and preached a sermon here.
Source: Lexington Herald - Kentucky
Dated: Aug. 6, 1908
Conneaut, O., Will Be the Home of Popular Couple Married at Georgetown
(Georgetown Bureau of The Herald)
GEORGETOWN, Ky., August 5 - The culmination of a happy romance came this morning when Dr. Guy Porter Bannister, of Conneaut, Ohio, and Miss Mary Florence Griffith were united in marriage.  The ceremony was performed at the home of Mrs. William Hunleigh,  mother of the bride.
     The house was beautifully decorated with rich floral designs.  A bank of ferns, palms and trailing vines was formed over the mantle, relieved by scarlet plants of many varieties.
     The bride, attired in a gown of French chiffon and lace, with a moire hat, trimmed in flowing white plumes, entered upon the arm of her betrothed.  Standing under the floral embankment, Dr. W. G. Argabrite performed the ceremony that made them man and wife.  Mrs. Argabrite presided at the piano, softly playing "Hearts and Flowers" during the ceremony.
     The young couple went in an auto to Lexington, where they were entertained at dinner by the groom's brother, Dr. W. E. Bannister.  They will return to Georgetown Thursday, when they will be given a dinner party by Mr. and Mrs. Hunleigh, and a luncheon on Friday by Mrs. Argabrite.  They expect to leave the following day for their home in Conneaut, where the bridegroom is a prominent dentist.
     Among the out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs. Kirkley Bannister and son, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Bannister and children, of Lexington; Miss Hattie May Bannister, of Sherman, Ky.; Mrs. J. W. Palmer and daughter, of Stamping Ground; besides a few intimate friends of the bride from Georgetown.
Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
Dec. 11, 1909


Big Car Ferry is Latest Toll of Wintry Gale.
Hope That Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 Has Outlived Storm Practically Abandoned by Owners.  Capt. R. R. McLeod of Conneaut and Crew of 31 Probably Lost.
Wives and Children of the Missing Keeping Cheerless Vigil on Wharf Awaiting Return of Tub.  Lifeboat of the Burned Clarion, Containing 13 Men Unreported.
DETROIT, Dec. 10 - All hope that the car ferry Marquette & Bessemer NO. 2 outlived the wintry gale which has made of Lake Erie a watery graveyard during the last 72 hours, has been practically abandoned at the head offices in Walkerville, Ont., of the Marquette & Bessemer Docks & Navigation company, owners of the ill fated vessel.  It is believed that Captain R. R. McLeod of Conneaut, Ohio and his crew of 31 men have gone down to death with the big steamer.
Steamer Sights Wreckage:
     The Marquette & Bessemer NO. 2 left Conneaut, Ohio at 10:25 o'clock Tuesday morning for Port Stanley, Ont. with 30 loaded coal cars and under ordinary conditions should have arrived at her destination at 3 p.m. the same day.  She has not been sighted by other boats.  An empty green yawl boat and some wreckage was seen by the steamer W. B. Davock near Long Point, Ont., in the path which the ferry would have taken.  The yawl boats of the No. 2 are painted green.
List of the Crew:
The list of the crew as given out by Manager Leslie of the Marquette & Bessemer company follows:
Captain Robert McLeod; first mate, John McLeod; second mate, E. C. F. Stone; purser, R. C. Smith; Wheelsman, J. Clancy; Wheelsman, W. W. Wilson; watchman, F. Walker; chief engineer, E. Wood; first assistant engineer, E. Buchler; second assistant engineer, T. Kennedy; seamen, F. Barret, E. Harvey, P. Hughes, M. Sharp, D. Hall; firemen, J. Olson, W. Wigglesworth, J. Cook, T. Steele; oilers, J. Wirtz, J. Hart, A. Snyder, Charles Allen; coal passers, R. Hine, J. King, C. Couptf; steward, G. R. Smith; second cook, H. Thomas; waiter, J. Swartz; porter, G. Larence, and one other.
Made Homes in Conneaut.
     It is believed that all of the crew lived most of the year in Conneaut.  It is not definitely known whether or not there were any passengers on board.
     The Marquette and Bessemer No. 2 was valued at $350,000 and the cargo at upward of $40,000.  She was built at Cleveland in 1905.  The boat is operated by the Pere Marquette and the Bessemer & Lake Erie roads.  She was of 2,514 gross tons, 1,484 net tons, 241 feet long and with a beam of 54 feet.


     CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 10 - The wives and children of the officers and men of the missing car ferry No. 2 of the Bessemer and Marquette line are grouped tonight at the wharf awaiting the return of the tug which left Port Dover this afternoon for Long Point.  If the ferry is not found in shelter, the last hope that she is safe will be gone.
     In case the scattered wreckage reported by the steamer W. B. Davock is actually that of the ferry, the cause of the disaster will be ascribed here in part to the manner in which she was loaded.  A heavy weight of bridge iron piled on top of ordinary freight cars, may have shifted in the heavy seas, placing the craft out of control.

Source:  Duluth News - Tribune
Dated: Dec. 12, 1909
     CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 11 -
Preparations for a public funeral in remembrance of the crew of the Marquette & Bessemer car ferry No. 2, believed to have turned turtle in Lake Erie, were begun tonight by the people of the town of Conneaut.  The boat left here Tuesday morning.
     Officers and crew of the ferry were mostly young men, 14 of them living in Conneaut.
     Frank S. Stone, 23 years old, second mate, the youngest on the lakes, is mourned by his aged parents, William Ray, coal passer, was on his first trip.  Others among the men of family are: Eugene Wood, chief engineer, wife and two children; Edward Butler, wife and one child; George R. Smith, wife and two children; R. C. Smith, wife and baby; William Steel, mother and sister.
Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
December 13, 1909
Part of Crew of the Ill-Fated Car Ferry Bessemer & Marquette No. 2 Picked Up by Searching Steamer on Lake Erie Yesterday - Dead Are Identified.
After Quest of Forty-Eight Hours Steel Fisheries Boat Succeeds in Locating First Wreckage of the Big Transfer Ship Which Was Swamped Last Week.
ERIE, Pa.  Dec. 12 - With her  flag at halfmast, the steel fisheries __at. Commodore Perry, Capt. Jerry Driscoll, brought to this port late today the frozen bodies of nine of the crew at the Bessemer and Marquette Ferry No. 2, which left Conneaut, Ohio, Tuesday morning carrying 32 men and which probably foundered in the middle of Lake Erie.
     For the last 48 hours the Commodore Perry has been cruising eastern Lake Erie for traces of teh care ferry, but until a tiny 10 man yawl was sighted 15 miles off tis port at  11 o'clock today,  The Men on the little fisheries craft had almost given up hope of being able to ever tell even a portion of the story of the fate of the big vessel.
     Yawl Discovered in Open Lake.
As the lookout on the Perry sighted a small half-sunken yawl at about noon today, orders were given to steam down upon the object.  Glasses discovered the boat to be loaded with nine men.  When the Perry came abreast of the yawl, the occupants of the boat, which was marked "Bessemer & Marquette No. 4." were frozen stiff.  Taking the yawl in tow the Perry arrived here late today.
     News of the finding of the bodies quickly spread and thousands swarmed the wharves.  The bodies were taken to the morgue.
     Conneaut, Ohio, where most of the men live, was notified and 100 residents of that city arrived within two hours.  The dead were identified as follows:  The dead were identified as follows:  H. Thomas, second cook, Port Stanley; William Ray, Conneaut; G. R. Smith, steward, Conneaut; F. Steel, fireman, Conneaut; J. Shenk, fireman, Conneaut;  J. Hart, officer?, Conneaut;  ____ O'Haga"; Conneaut; Charles Allen, Conneaut.
     The cook of the car ferry was the only man to wear an overcoat.  The eight other men were dressed in overalls and jumpers, indicating that the departure from the care ferry had been hurried.  In the bow end of the boat was found complete clothing for one man and it is the belief that the yawl originally contained 10 men and that one becoming crazed had discarded his clothing and jumped into the icy waters of Lake Erie.
     Albert J. Weis, of this city, treasurer of the Keystone Fish company and the Bay State Iron works, was a passenger on the ill-fated boat.  His body has not been found.
Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
December 14, 1909


CONNEAUT, Ohio, Dec. 13. - The field of search for the 23 bodies from the wrecked car ferry No. 2 which are still unfound, was changed today by the discovery that the ferry within a very short time of the disaster was within two miles of the port of Conneaut.  It was from here that the lost Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 put out on her last journey.
     A Pullet, harbor employe, and the captain and engineer of the steamer Black say that they saw the vessel about midnight Wednesday trying to make this harbor.  Evidently Captain McLeod decided that he could not get his boat inside and steered away toward Erie.
     It is now thought that the remaining bodies will be found on the southern shore not far from here or floating some place in the remaining yawls.
     There are three of these which have no been found, the three first launched.  The one that was found with nine of the dead was No. 4 and always the last to be lowered.

Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
Dec. 14, 1909

Gale on Erie Halts Search for Lost Men
No More Bodies on Car Ferry Victims Are Recovered Four of the Nine Victims.
According to Story Related in Pennsylvania City, Sister of One of Unfortunate Men Saw the Boat Sink While Dreaming Steamer Jesse Spaulding Safe.

ERIE, Pa., Dec. 13 - Four of the nine bodies picked by the Commodore Perry yesterday the first of the remains found of the 38 men who lost their lives when the car ferry Bessemer & Marquette No. 2, foundered on the angry billows of Lake Erie were sent to their homes tonight.  The bodies shipped are those of William Ray to Butler, Pa; Thomas Steele to Conneaut, Ohio; George R. Smith to Conneaut, Ohio.
     The body believed to be that of J. O'Hagan of London, Ont., was identified as that of Rhines of Port Stanley, Ont.
     The Commadore Perry which did such heroic work in bringing the bodies in Sunday afternoon, lay in her slip all day with team up, but the gale that swept over the entire lake region was of such a nature that to venture upon the waters of the lake would have been suicidal.  The wind subsided tonight.
     According to a story related here, Sarah Clancy, a sister of one of the missing men, saw the car ferry sink while dreaming Tuesday night and since that time she has insisted that her brother is dead and all with him were lost.

Rumor Proves to Be False.
A report was received here this afternoon that another yawl boat had been signed near Westfield, N. Y.  This rumor proved false.  The south wind which has been blowing all day, would have washed all wreckage and bodies towards the Canadian shore and lake men expect that the next discovery will be made on the other side of the lake.
     Following is a corrected list of the men still missing not including all of the passengers:  R. R. McLeod, captain, Conneaut; J. C. McLeod, first mate, Courtwright, Ont.; Frank Stone, second mate, Coneaut; Eugene Wood, chief engineer, Conneaut; E. Buckler, first assistant, Conneaut; T. Kennedy, second engineer, Conneaut; W. Wiglesworth, fireman, Conneaut; W. Wilson, Wheeslman, Conneaut; Fred Walker, unknown; Watchman F. Annis, Conneaut; J. Clancy, Cleveland; J. Wirtz, oiler, Detroit; G. Lawrence, cook, Port Stanley; coal passers P. Keith, Conneaut; J. King, Port Stanley; J. Bailey, Canada; F. Barrett, seaman, Wisconsin; E. Harvey, seaman, unknown; P. Hughes, seaman, Conneaut; D. Ball, seaman, unknown; Charles Kreitts, seaman, unknown; Albert J. Weis, passenger, Erie; Christ Johnson, passenger, Erie.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Dated: Feb. 27, 1910
ASHTABULA, Ohio, Feb. 26. - John Castler of Conneaut got into more trouble than he knew when he blithely entered court in the pursuit of a divorce.  His first session on the witness stand ended when Judge J. W. Roberts sent him to jail for contempt of court.  The grand jury thereupon indicted him for perjury, who which charge he was arranged today.  Now Castler's counsel has asked that a medical examination be made to ascertain whether Castler is insane.  Castler therefore faces a chance of a permanent retirement from the world, originating in the fact that he could not get along with his wife.
Source:  Tucson Daily Citizen - AZ
Dated: Sept. 22, 1910
LIMA, Ohio, Sept. 22 - Chicago and Erie train No. 4 was wrecked near Conneaut, killing an aged woman and injuring 25.  The smoker day coach and two Pullmans were overturned in a ditch twenty feet deep.  The track where the wreck occurred was recently raised several inches.
Source: The Duluth News-Tribune
July 4, 1911

, July 2. - Collector of Customs J. P. Reig and completed his report of the business done at the local harbor during the month of June.  The report shows that receipts of ore were 320,772 tons, which is 90,000 tons less than the same month last year.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Dated: Aug. 25, 1911
     CONNEAUT, Aug. 24
- The Gillen Dock, Dredge and Construction company completed the work on the new breakwater today.  It is not known when the contract will be let by the government or when the work will start on the addition to the west breakwater.
     It is thought that August will be the banner month of the season in regard to ore receipts at the local harbor.  At the present time they are within a few thousand tons of the million ton mark.
     The steamer Cratwick cleared today for Fort William with cement.  The steamer Chilli will sail tomorrow for the same place, the vessels carrying 17,000 barrels of cement.
Source:  The Duluth News Tribune
September 22, 1911

Conneaut Harbor Work Marked by Buoy Light
     The Lake Carrier's association has sent notices to all vesselmen that the work of constructing the west outer breakwater at Conneaut Harbor has started and a temporary red spar buoy showing a fixed red light at night will be maintained at the easterly limit of the work about 1,000 feet westerly from the red light.  Vessels should pass to the eastward of the red light on entering the harbor.  By keeping out about half a mile from the red buoy light and coming in on the harbor range all danger will be avoided.

Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated: June 7, 1912
CONNEAUT, O., June 6. - While a mob clamored around the jail in which cowered Jesse Sharp, a carpenter, accused of the murder here this afternoon of Fred E. Brydle, lumber dealer, the police slipped up to the rear of the building in an auto and hurried the prisoner to the county jail at Jefferson to save him from threats of lynching.  Tonight the townspeople still are in an inflamed mood, but the object of their wrath is safely quartered within the stone walls of the county institution.
     Brydle, who was vice president of the Conneaut Lumber Co. and one of the town's wealthiest business men, was shot through the body just above the heart following an altercation at the lumber yard early this afternoon.  He died almost immediately.  According to statements of workmen, Sharp and Brydle had had words over business affairs during the morning and they say the quarrel was renewed in the afternoon.
     The police say that Sharp obtained $3 from a grocery store proprietor while he was on his way home at noon and with the money purchased a revolver and a supply of cartridges in a hardware store, saying that he intended to shoot rats.  About 1 o'clock after Sharp returned to work, employes say he engaged in an argument with Brydle, as they walked down an alleyway in the lumber plant.  A shot was heard and Brydle staggered toward a workman, exclaiming "I'm shot."
     After the shooting Sharp left the lumber yard and the police found him at his home changing his clothes.  He said he was preparing to go to the station and give himself up.
     A crowd gathered about the building and threats of lynching were heard, so Chief of Police Randall decided to hurry Sharp to Jefferson for safety.  Before the trip Sharp was given a preliminary hearing and Pleaded not guilty to first degree murder, claiming self-defense.
     While en route to Jefferson the police say Sharp gave this version of the shooting:
     "Brydle has always had it in for me, and has found fault if I would quit when the whistle blew.  When the whistle blew this noon I got off my wagon and started home.  Brydle started to abuse me.  After the argument I went to dinner.  When I came back I went into the office to tell Brydle how to straighten out some lumber before going to work.  Brydle said I could not tell him anything.  I went out and he followed.  I told him not to follow and pulled my gun.  Brydle kept coming with his fists doubled up.  He threatened to fix me.  Then I shot.
     Brydle leaves a widow and two children, besides and aged mother, who collapsed at the news of her son's death and is reported to be in a serious condition.
Source: The Duluth News Tribune
Jun. 7, 1912

Conneaut Lumberman Killed by an Employe
CONNEAUT, Ohio, June 6, - F. R. Brydle was shot and killed today at the yards of the Pond Lumber company of which he was vice president by Jesse Sharp.  Sharp was arrested and hustled away in an automobile to Jefferson to avoid a possible lynching.
     Sharp was an employe of the yards.  The cause of the shooting is not known.
     Brydle was wealthy and prominent here.

Source:  Olympia Recorder, Washington
Oct. 27, 1913

Report comes from Conneaut, Ohio, of this sudden death of a woman at the age of 105, who had never been sick a day in her life.  The report is lacking in failing to state whether she had been a user of tobacco or not.

Source:  The Duluth News Tribune - Minnesota
April 1, 1914

Because a Jeffery Quad proved its ability to negotiate the heavy mud roads leading into a tract of timber near Erie, Pa., after teams and rear drive trucks had been abandoned in dispair, the Conneaut Shovel company of Conneaut, Ohio, saved 40,000 feet of first quality white ash timber.
     "We purchased this timber under a contracta with a teaming concern to haul the logs into Erie at $7.50 per thousand, loaded on the train."  says G. W. Benton, secretary, treasurer and manager of the Conneaut Shovel Company, in a letter to C. W. Nash, president of the Nash Motors company.
     "The teamsters went into the woods with three big teams and worked two months.  At the end of that time they had made no advancement and we were forced to loan them money to continue their contract, incidentally advancing the price per thousand to $10.50.  They finally threw up the contract.
     "I went to Kenosha and saw a Jeffrey Quad perform.  We tried the Quad on the timber and found that we could bring the logs from Erie at a saving of $7 a thousand.

Source:  Aberdeen Daily News
June 29, 1914

Municipal Summer Resort.
Little Town of Conneaut, O., is Run Strictly for Benefit of People There.

CONNEAUT, O., June 29 - The little city of Conneaut with only 9,000 inhabitants and lying forty miles east of Cleveland on Lake Erie has "out-municipated" municipal Cleveland.  This quiet little port claims the distinction of being the only municipal summer resort in the country.
     Every night hundreds of men and women leave the wharves and glass factories to enjoy a municipal swim at the municipal beach, to eat a municipal meal or to sleep in a municipal bed at the municipal hotel.  If they wish they can dance at the municipal dance hall or ride in the municipal roller coaster, and Sunday they can see a baseball game played by municipal teams.  For twelve years Conneaut saw its resort which had been purchased at a cost of $12,000, mismanaged and run down by private individuals to whom it had been leased.  Last fall D. W. Brace was elected mayor and S. W. Mahaffey director of public service on a Socialistic ticket.  Brace had been a railroad conductor and Mahaffey a day laborer.  The first thing Brace and Mahaffey did was to clean up the park so that it might become a real place of rest for people of small means.  That they succeeded was shown in the first warm days of June when people had to be turned away for lack of room.  Enlargement of the resort is planned for next year.

Source: Duluth News - Tribune
Dated: Jul. 8, 1914
     CONNEAUT, Ohio, July 7 - Conneaut is keeping up with former years in the matter of ore receipts, notwithstanding the slow condition of the lake trade.  The report of business done during June, as givne out by Deputy Collector of Customs Reig. shows that the ore receipts for the month were 1,157,262 tons, about 90,000 tons behind the corresponding month of 1913.  Coal shipments for the month amounted to 17,094 tons.  Exports were valued at $115,038 adn imports $11,623.  there were 169 arrivals and 166 clearances.
Source:  Macon Weekly Telegraph - Macon, Georgia
Sept. 22, 1914

CONNEAUT, O., now has a municipal dance hall.

Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot -
Dated: Oct. 23, 1916
Was Picked Up on Life Raft After Long Exposure.
By Associated Press Leased Wire)
     Cleveland, O., Oct. 23. - Captain Walter Grashaw, sole survivor in a crew of twenty-two men of the steamer James B. Colgate, is battling for life in a hospital at Conneaut, Ohio, today, following his rescue Sunday.
     Captain Grashaw of the Colegate, was picked up in Lake Erie on a life raft by the Marquette and Bessemer car ferry No. 2, after he had been at the mercy of the storm without food or water for thirty-four hours.  He lives in Cleveland.
Source:  Wilkes-Barre Times, Pennsylvania
May 2, 1917

Times-Leader Travelette, CONNEAUT
     Conneaut, Ohio is where iron meets coal.  It is a shore city on the Lake where the coal trains from the Pennsylvania fields are dumped into boats and the boat-loads of iron and copper ore from the Michigan fields are dumped into trains.  Incidentally, it gives the impressive glimpse of the power and immensity of the steel industry of our Eastern district that is doing so much to win the war.
     The steel coal-cars come rumbling down to the lake-front and on each car is stenciled its weight and its capacity.  The two figures will total seventy or eighty thousand pounds.  A string of them makes the earth shake and the car of Juggernaut looks like an infant's perambulator.  But as each car reaches the wharf it is seized by a disrespectful and sturdy piece of mechanism that jerks it up on end as though it were a toy car and shoots the coal into a waiting steamer's hold.  After the black torrent has crashed down, the giant power adds the last touch of indignity by giving the car a few careless shakes to dislodge stray lumps, and then reaches out for the next.  It is an impressive spectacle.
     No less impressive is the contrary process of unloading the copper and iron ore from the boats.  The ore is dumped in huge red hills along the shore that dwarf the ships that bring them.  By this process both boats and exchanging burdens at Conneaut.  The scheme for this simple and efficient back and forth traffic was one of the things that built the Rockefeller fortune.
     For the rest, Conneaut is a pleasant, three shaded little Ohio city, with the lake before it and the broad fields behind; prospering in the shadow of the ceaseless flow of the minerals that make the skeleton of modern civilization.

Source: The Montgomery Advertiser
October 18, 1917
Matrimony Notice:

Lieut. Robert O. Smith, commissioned at the first officers training camp was back at his post in Camp Sherman today after a hurried trip on leave to Conneaut where me married Miss Ruth Range.  Both lived in Conneaut.

Source: Republic News - Rockford, Illinois
Dated: Oct. 24, 1917
     Conneaut, Ohio, Oct. 24. - Jealousy was today given as the cause of the murder and suicide last night of Mrs. Rose Foote, 27, and Milton G. Shipley, 24, of Avery, Ohio.  Shipley shot and killed Mrs. Foote and then turned the gun on himself.
     With Mrs. Foote at the time were her two little daughters and Morris Fernandez, of Erie, Pa.  They were waiting for a train to take them to Mrs. Foote's mother at Pont, Pa.
Source: Saginaw News - Michigan
Dated: Oct. 24, 1917
Conneaut, O., Oct. 24 - Mrs. Rose Foote, 27, was shot and instantly killed in a Bessemer & Lake Erie train here Tuesday night by Milton G. Shipley, 24, of Avery, O., who shot himself to death afterward.
     Mrs. Foote, a divorcee, was leaving Conneaut with Morris Fernandez, 26, of Erie, Pa., and her two daughters, Irene, 10, and Erna, 9.
     Shipley was jealous of Fernandez, who was accompanying Mrs. Foote to the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Shellito at Pont, Pa., 12 miles south of here.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Nov. 4, 1917
Conneaut Girl is New England Bride
CONNEAUT.  Nov. 3 - A former high school teacher here, Mrs. Bruce T. Kocher, is now living in Ossittee, N. H., where her husband is county farm agent.
     They were married in Conneaut a short time ago.  Before the wedding she was Miss Cora Louise Mitchell.  Mr. Kocher's former home is North East., Pa., just across the state line.
Source: Aberdeen Daily News
Dated: March 16, 1918
     Fred Dean of Conneaut, Ohio, formerly Aberdeen barber, pleaded guilty to the charge of perjury in circuit court this morning and was sentenced to three years in the state penitentiary by Judge Bo__k.
In a suit for divorce Dean swore falsely as to the length of his residence in South Dakota.
Source:  Miami Herald Record
Dated: Sept. 29, 1918
     The following casualties are reported by the Commanding General of the American expeditionary forces:
Among others is the following:
Killed in action:
Norman H. Veith, Conneaut, Ohio
Source: Tampa Tribune - Florida
Dated Nov. 5, 1918
Among many other names, the following was listed:
Wounded in Action (Degree Undetermined)
Sharp, Dewey N.,
Conneaut, O
Source: Duluth News - Tribune - Minnesota
Date: Sept. 9, 1920
MARQUETTE, Mich., Sept. 8 - Licenses of Captains Lawrence J. Francis of Lakewood, Ohio, master of the steamer H. P. McIntosh and Kenneth McRae of Conneaut, Ohio, of the steamer Adriatic, accused of "gross neglect and misconduct" in management of their vessels in connection with attempts to rescue 16 members of the crew of the steamer Myron, which foundered off Whitefish Point.  Fred J. Meno, supervising steamboat inspector of the Eighth district.
     Their licenses were revoked on April 3, by John H. Hansen and Charles M. Gooding, local inspectors, before whom the case was tried.
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 27
Dated: Sunday, Dec. 3, 1922
Arms He Has Not, Ambition A-Plenty Conneaut Boy, Deformed at Birth, Does Most Things Able-Bodied Do.
CONNEAUT, O,. - Dec. 2 - One of Conneaut's most enterprising and ambitions young citizens is known to the neighboring boys who have grown up with him as "No-Arm Johnny."
He is John P. King, born in this city May 19, 1905, coming into this world of knocks and opportunity with a good brain, a stout heart, plenty of ambition and plenty of pride, but with no arms.
He is one of five children of Mr. and Mrs. Steven King of this city, and is the only child born on either side of the family as far as can be traced with any kind of deformity.
     King has no sympathy nor patience for the cripple or unfortunate of the beggar type whose ambition is to make capital solely of his deformity, trading upon the sympathy and generosity of his more fortunate fellowmen.
     King's own ambition and determination is to become a lawyer.
     "I have traveled extensively and have interviewed many successful men, including lawyers and judges," said King, "and before deciding upon a profession I was convinced from what I have learned and from advice and encouragement by them that there is no reason why I should not make a success of my life if I stick to my aims and equip myself to take full advantage of the talents I possess.
     "I am going through high school and expect to finish a year from this spring.  After that i  am going to take up the study of law at Ohio State university, and will not stop until I have earned the right to practice law solely upon my merits and ability, asking for and receiving no favors from anyone.
spent one summer vacation traveling with a show, "but never again," he says.  "The world has no time, except a moment of passing sympathy or curiosity for those who lie on the world's sympathy.  I know I could get rich in a few years without working, but what good would it do me?  My companions would only be beggars, doing the same as I, and, after a while, I would be getting old, my story would be an old one and I would be dropped by the wayside.  I have no desire to be cast aside by the world that does things.  I want to associate with people who amount to something in the world by being one of them.
is not sensitive and does not resent the interest and attentions of others.  He mingles with other boys and girls in the sports and to a surprising extent partakes of their activities but does not intrude on them or insist upon doing things which he can't.
     Learns to Play Baseball.
While a small youngster he started to help himself, and soon commanded respect by the manner in which he could use his legs to help himself and to defend himself.  He practiced by himself until he could play baseball on the corner lot, stopping the ball with his feet and throwing it with his instep.  He catches a ball between his shoulder and chin.  He holds a bat in the same manner and has skill in hitting the ball, asking no favors in the pitching.
     He has learned to use a cue so skillfully that none of the boys in his section of the town are a match for him on the pocket billiards table.  He holds the cue with his chin and shoulder and guides it with the bridge.  He also played considerable football, although he has given this up.
     "I got hurt severely several times," he says, "and decided that I could not afford to cripple himself."
     His opponents found that he could spill a runner better than many with two good arms, and could use his feet to advantage in felling players in scrimmage.  His kicks are good for fifty to sixty yards any time.
     In the lower grades in school he did everything the others did, taking off his shoes and stockings and doing all his writing with his toes in the school room with the other pupils.  In high school, however, he has confined his work in the school room to recitations, arrangements having been made by school authorities for him to do his writing at home.
     "When I got older I decided I did not care about having the others staring at me." he said.  An exception is made for him in examinations in mathematics, he being given a chance to write out these papers in a school room with only one of the teachers present.  He carries books under his chin, always asking someone to get them out of the desk or put them back.
Has Combed Own Hair.
     At home he learned early in his life to handle a knife and fork with his toes but in later years does not resort to this method, having his food cut for him.  He dresses himself, except for buttoning his clothes and tying his shoes.  He gets one shoes on himself but needs assistance for the second shoe.  He can get into his own overcoat and has on numerous occasions combed his own hair by fastening a comb to some object and rubbing his head against it.
     Johnny also can handle a pencil effectively in drawing.  He attracted attention in the fifth and sixth grades when he won second prizes in county drawing contests.  His chief delight in drawing is to reproduce scenery from memory or copy drawing of landscapes.
     "I do not have the imagination or originality, however, to make original drawings, and for that reason never took up painting." he said in sensible recognition of his own limitations.
     Johnny at one time had a paper route for the local paper, a younger brother helping him.
is a good conversationalist, with a clear voice well adapted for public speaking.  He was a member of the high school's debating team that participated last year in the annual triangular debating contest of Conneaut, Geneva and Painesville and will be on the team again this year.
     He was on the program for a school entertainment a few days ago, delivering a speech on "Our Duty as Americans to vote."  He is a frequent contributor to the Tattler, the school's monthly publication his latest article being a several thousand word description of his trip east last summer.
"Writer's Cramps" in His Insteps.
"It took me parts of four days to write it and I got tired before I got through." he said.  The article is written in a breezy, happy style.  Johnny gets his "writer's cramps"  In his instep.
     Another of his accomplishments is driving nails by handling an ordinary hammer with his feet.
     Johnny is not satisfied with representing the school in its literary activates, but attends all the athletics events and participates in the inter-class track meets.  He took several places in the dash events in last years meet and this year plans to try for the varsity.
     "I believe it's a good thing for me, even if I do fail to make the teams."  he says.  "I know that if I get through what I have mapped out for myself I have to take care of myself and will need all the physique I can build up.  In this  way my athletic training ought to be a big help to me.
     One might think he would excel in the distance runs, abut he handicapped in getting a start in the dashes but just the opposite is the case.  His legs give out on him in the long runs, although he successfully has run the 440,  the trackman's nightmare - He is better in the 220 yard dash and at his best in the 100 yard dash invariably beating all his opponents on the getaway and finishing strong.  Last year he ran the 100 yard strong  Last year he can the 100 yard dash in 1815 seconds and this year hopes to cut his time down enough to make the varsity team.
     This interview was procured on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, and, while it was causing the writer to be thankful that he had two good feet, a good head and plenty of nerve and ambition to use them.
     He recalled a newspaper story of a child born without arms or legs, whose father wanted the doctors to let the child die.
     "That man was crazy somewhere." avers Johnny.  "Give the boy a chance.  He has no arms, nor legs, but he has a head and who knows but what great things may come from it.  After all, the chief essentials for getting through this world, I believe, consist of a good, healthy brain and nerve enough to get out in the world and use it.
     I have met others in the same predicament as myself, some of whom have trained themselves better than I have.
     "I have met others infinitely worse off than I.  One girl I met had neither hands nor feet and could no nothing for herself.  Her sole accomplishment was talking.
     "Why should I kick.  I find people are most generous.  I have been helped mostly by business men.  Poor people have all they can do to look out for themselves and the rich are out of touch with the rest of us.  It's the business man who is generous and most unselfish.  My experience has been that people are willing to give you a chance, and that is all one has a right to ask."
     In parting Johnny said:
     "Of course, I'm thankful for the chance I believe I have.  I am happy and am enjoying in the greatest of all schools, experience.  You can tell the world that I'm glad I am alive."
Source: The Sunday Repository - Canton, O.
Dated: Feb. 25, 1923
R. R. Fireman Injured.
Cleveland, Feb. 24, - (A. P.) -
Traffic over the Nickel Plate railroad near South Euclid was delayed for several hours this morning when a head-on collision between two freight trains, in which Fireman H. O. Sharp, Conneaut, suffered slight injuries, tore up rails and flung cars over the right of way.  Relief came when trains were re-routed over New York Central lines.  An investigation into the cause of the wreck was ordered by railroad officials.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: July 10, 1926
Hunt Conneaut Man. 86
CONNEAUT, O., July 9 - Police have been asked to search for R. J. McSwan, 86, who disappeared from his home here two days ago.

Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: July 10, 1926
In Vain in Conneaut, Says Chief in Order to Children
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O. July 9 - Curfew in Conneaut is going to mean something more than ringing the fire bell at 8 o'clock, Chief of Police M. C. Childs has decreed.
     boys and girls under 16 must be off the streets after that hour.  Complaints of depredations by children led to the order.

Source:  Repository - Canton, OH
Dated: Oct. 10, 1928
Six Cavalry, Battery Warriors Go To 62nd Reunion
     CLEVELAND, Oct. 10 -
Six of the 2,000 original members of the second Ohio cavalry and the 25th Ohio battery of the Civil war ranging in ages fro 82 to 92 years, attended their 62nd annual reunion here.
     H. J. Kinney, 92, Geneva, was elected president by Alden Hazen, Chardon; E. M. June, Greenwich; Comrade Benson, Conneaut; Nelson Root, East Cleveland, and W. R. Austin, Cleveland.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland - OH
Dated: Aug. 8, 1929
Conneaut Fish Companies Set for Activity Sept. 1
(Plain Dealer Special)
CONNEAUT, O. Aug. 7 - Conneaut fish companies are anticipating heavy catches when the fishing industry opens in earnest Sept. 1.
     Nets are being repaired and tarred.  The Conneaut Fisheries Co. is building a breakwall to the northwest of its plant to prevent undermining of buildings during heavy lake storms.
Source: Morning Star - Rockford, Illinois
Dated: Oct. 12, 1930
CONNEAUT, O. - (UP) - An apple measuring 14 1-8 inches in circumference and weighing one and one half pounds, is the prized possession of M. A. Ring, Conneaut fruit grower. The apple is of the Baldwin variety and remained on the tree until it had matured.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: May 20, 1031
Conneaut Woman Killed; Boy, 14, Hurt in Collision.
(Plain Dealer Special)
     CONNEAUT, O., May 19. - A woman was dead and a boy was in Brown Memorial here tonight, after two automobile accidents today.
     Mrs. Fred Erb, 76, was fatally injured when struck by an automobile in front of her home.  Mrs. Erb stepped from the curb and walked into the moving car, according to police who did not hold the driver.
     Edwin Simons, 14, was in the hospital with severe head bruises after the automobile in which he was riding was in a collision.  Five others, occupants of the two automobiles in the crash, escaped.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: June 10, 1931
SIMONSEdwin A., age 13, died at his home in Conneaut, Monday.  Graveside service.  Brooklyn Heights Cemetery, Wednesday, 3 p.m.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH
Dated: June 11, 1933
     CONNEAUT, O. - Announcement was made Tuesday of the wedding of Miss Charlotte Barr of Conneaut and Mr. George W. Gusler.  Miss Barr is a graduate of Conneaut High School and Ohio Wesleyan University.  Mr. Gusler is in the College of Business Administration at Ohio State University.

     Miss Rozelle Zimmerman of Erie became the bride of Mr. Ira Edward Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith of Conneaut, Wednesday in a ceremony at St. Mary's Church here.

Source: Seattle Daily Times - Washington
Dated: Feb. 17, 1935
By United Press
CONNEAUT, Ohio, Saturday, Feb. 16.  - The mother of a dead baby girl and her hired man were arrested today after the child's body was found on a hillside near here.
     Sheriff Jerry Benson announced the 4-year old child, Rita Lent, had been slain only recently and her body placed where it was found.  He ordered the arrest of Mrs. Oliva Lent and her farmhand, Martin Quinn.
said the child could not have been dead since Nov. 22, when she disappeared.
     After the child disappeared Mrs. Lent asked officers to search for the baby and for a big police dog that disappeared at the same time.  Shortly after dark Mrs. Lent announced that the dog had returned.  The animal's paws were not muddy, despite the fact that it rained earlier in the day.
     Authorities tried to connect Rita's disappearance with a divorce suit pending between Mrs. Lent and her estranged husband, Darrell Lent.  After the child disappeared they arrested Mrs. Lent and Quinn for questioning, but released them.
     A schoolboy discovered the body on the farm of Carl Hall, about two miles from the Lent farmHall insisted the body had been placed on his farm recently.
     "I passed that spot a dozen times recently, and it wasn't there," he said.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: Dec. 3, 1935
Bury Conneaut Principal Today.
CONNEAUT, O., Dec. 2. - Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow for Edity Atwater, 60, principal of W. Maine Street School and the oldest teacher in Conneaut schools, who died Saturday.
Source:  Morning Star - Rockford, Illinois
Dated: May 10, 1938
Monoxide Fatal To 'Other Woman' In Ohio Murder
     Conneaut, O., May 9. - (AP)
Death wrote a sequel today to one of Ohio's most baffling murder cases.
     Miss Theresa Ludwig, once the in-amorata of Deuber S. Cable, Canton contractor whose wife was slain mysteriously 14 months ago, was found dead under her automobile in the garage of her sister's home here.  Police Chief Kenneth Pounds said she was a carbon monoxide suite.
     She apparently had died about 10 hours after a dramatic "showdown" with Cable in which, the contractor declared, she had demanded money for "the seven best years of her life."
     In Canton, 140 miles from here, Cable disclosed the 46-year old divorcee had come to the home of his brother, A. B. Cable, about 10 p.m. Sunday.  Cable said he and his brother refused his demand for money and told her she had no claim upon them.
Voices Threat
     Miss Ludwig
was ejected from the house, he said, when she became abusive and threatened to "make it tough" for him.
     "You haven heard the last of me," Cable quoted her as crying as she drove away.
     For 10 days last year Miss Ludwig was held with Cable on technical charges of "suspicion" while police sought information that would lead them to the killer of the contractor's 47-year-old wife.  Cable subsequently was freed of the charge.  Miss Ludwig was released on bond, and the charge still was pending at her death.
     The divorcee, who once ran a Canton dress shop, came to the home of her sister, Mrs. George Rodebaugh, shortly after she was released on bond.
Slaying Unsolved.
     Coroner c. C. Webster
said Conneaut police were satisfied it was a case of suicide, and indicated he thought no further investigation was necessary.
     For months Canton police have sought an answer to the question "who killed Mrs. Cable?"  The matron, active in Canton lodge affairs fell fatally wounded by a charge of birdshot on the night of March 11, 1937, while she was with her  mother in the sunroom of the Cable home.
     Cable, 49, was in Cleveland at the time, investigators determined.  Detained for questioning, he said he had maintained an apartment in Akron for Miss Ludwig.  Police who went there found a well stocked bar.
Source: Morning Star
Dated: Mar. 28, 1953
Ambulances Rush To Wreck Site
     CONNEAUT, O. (AP) - A Gas station proprietor near the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line Friday night said 25 persons died in teh triple wreck of two fast New York Central passenger trains and a freight train four miles east of Conneaut.
     "We've counted 25 bodies already," said Tony Talarico, one of the early eye-witnesses to teh ghastly wreckage.
     "They're strewn all over the tracks.  They'll be up there for five or eight more hours.
     "The telephones are down and everything."
Bodies Mangled
     Talarico talked in spurts, greatly excited.
     "There's all that, easily," he said.  "They're all mangled and everything else."
     State police earlier said 12 were dead and 20 injured.
     The accident occurred when a west-bound freight train struck "some sort of vehicle" and was rammed by passenger train No. 5, the "Chicago Special" en route from Buffalo to Chicago.
     The two trains then were rammed by the crack east-bound "Southwest Limited" one of the fastest trains between St. Louis and New York.
Crash on State Line
     The trains collided on the Ohio-Pennsylvania border about 2 1/2 miles from here at about 10:30 p.m. (EST)
     Hospitals in the area along the Lake Erie shore were alerted for a "large number of casualties."  The New York Central office in Cleveland said "all available" hospital space in the area had been canvassed and extra doctors called in.
     Conneaut Police Chief J. A. Pounds said "a good many persons had been injured" in the wreck.  Railroad cars were scattered all along the border.
127 on Express
     The New York Central said an estimated 127 persons were aboard the Southwest Limited when it left St. Louis.
     H. J. Michels, assistant chief dispatcher in Buffalo, said the other trains had 11 cars but declined to estimate the number of passengers aboard when it left here at 7:41 (EST)
     Patrol Sgt. John Gosling said the number of fatalities would probably rise.
     The wreck occurred just along U. S. Highway 20, the main artery between Columbus and Buffalo.  The only access to the scene was a dirt road leading one mile from the highway.
Passengers Calm.
     A Muncie, Ind., manufacturer who was shaken up in the wreck told the Associated Press he was amazed there was so little panic.
     A. L. Johnson, 53, of (80 Warwick Road) Muncie, told of his experiences in a telephone call from the Columbus, O., Associated Press bureau to the State Line SErvice Center on teh Ohio-Pennsylvania border on U. S. Road 20.
     Johnson is president and general manager of the Warner Machine Products, Inc., which makes automotive parts.  He and his wife, 49, were enroute to Worcester, Mass., to attend the marriage Saturday of "my favorite niece, Barbara Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Franklin.
5 Die on 1 Train
Johnson said he didn't think more than five or six persons on his train, the eastbound St. Louis to New York and Boston No. 12, were killed.
     He said, "Things certainly were a jumble.
     "I was surprised not more people yelled and hollered, and that there was not more panic.  Some of us dressed as quickly as we could.  I dressed and put all the handkerchiefs I could find in my pocket, thinking I would be able to use them for tourniquets.  I didn't use any of them.
     Fireman told Johnson "lots of passengers" were trapped in coaches of the other passenger train for a time.
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, Ohio
Dated: May 29, 1958
G. J. Record Scholarship Unit Formed.
Plain Dealer Special
     JEFFERSON, O., May 28 - State certification of the George J. Record Foundation was received today by Probate Judge J. Philip Perry from the Ohio secretary of state.  The foundation will have responsibility to select Ashtabula county students to be schooled with Record money.
     The incorporation charter notice ends litigation stretching over a period of many years.
     The Conneaut Industrialist died in 1920.
     Record's wife, Mary, died in 1938 and the legal battles began then.   Record's will left a charitable trust of $250,000 to be used after her death to establish a Protestant polytechnic school or go to an existing school that met his religious requirements.  The original $250,000 grew into more than a million dollars over the years.  Trustees said they could find no school that qualified.
     In a 20-page opinion handed down by Judge Perry on April 5, establishment of the foundation to distribute the $1,300,000 trust was approved. 
     The foundation will provide scholarships to approved colleges and universities for Ashtabula County high school graduates.  First preference will be given to Students of Conneaut, second to Geneva, and third to other Ashtabula County communities.
     The foundation board of trustees consists of the present trustees of the estate, Attorney George Kingdom and Robert Haliday, both of Conneaut, plus Jerry S. Benson, Jefferson; John C. Soet, Conneaut and J. Allan Pinkerton, Conneaut.
Source:  Morning Star - Rockford, Illinois
Dated Feb. 11, 1978
ORANGEVILLE - Patricia Baldwin, no age available, was killed in an auto accident Thursday in Conneaut, Ohio.  Services in Conneaut.


Conneaut, Ohio

This webpage was created by Sharon Wick, 2004