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Welcome to CONNEAUT, OHIO History & Genealogy www.conneautohio.us
Year |
Line No. |
Name of Deceased | Race |
Age at Death |
Social Status |
Duration of Illness |
Dte of Death |
Cause of Death | Occupation | Where Born | Where Died |
Residence at time of death |
Physician | Undertaker |
Place of Interment |
Where Buried |
1897 | 49 | Sanders, Amanuel | White | 59y.5m.5d. | Married | 5 days | Sept. 2 | Tetanus |
Carpenter & Builder |
Woodville, Sandusky Co., O |
Conneaut, O | Broad St. No. 200 | E. D. Merriam | C. W. Deveraux | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1895 | No line # | Sanders, Mamie E. | White | 20 | Single | 4 months | Nov. 22 |
Tubercular Pneumonia |
School Girl | Conneaut, O | Conneaut | Broad St. | E. D. Merriam |
Hughes & Deveraux |
Conneaut Cem. | |
1900 | 12 | Sanford, Baby | White | 1 | Single | 2 wks | Mar. 3 | Cholera Infantism | None | Conneaut, O | Conneaut | Broad St. |
Mabel S. Watson |
Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1900 | 42 | Sanford, Baby | White | 15 m | Single | 3 dys. | July. 17 | Convulsions | None | Conneaut | Conneaut | Broad | B. M. Tower | Chas. Marcy | Lockport, N. Y. | |
1900 | 82 | Sanford, John | White | 40 | married | 1 day | Nov. 25 | R. R. Accident | R. R. Carpenter | Lockport, Pa | Conneaut | Main St. | W. H. Leet? | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut Center | |
1899 | 63 | Sarimaski?, John | W | 28 | S | 6 da. | Aug. 26 | Typhoid Fever | Laborer | Finland | Conneaut | (blank) | H. Wilson | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut | |
1900 | 68 | Saxton, Edward | White | 10 m. | Single | 2 weeks | Sept. 28 | Cholera Infantism | None | Conneaut, O | Conneaut | (blank) | B. C. Eades | Chas. Marcy | Kellogsville, O | |
1900 | 67 | Schuckberger?, Elmer | White | 6 m | Single | 3 days | Sept. 28 | Pneumonia | None | Conneaut, O | Conneaut | (blank) | O. O. Blakeslee | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1896 | No line # | Scrambling, Sarah | White | 51 | Widow | one week | Jan. 11th | Pneumonia | Housekeeper |
Hartford, Trumbull Co |
Conneaut | Sandusky St. | W. W. Wetmore | Willard Marcy | Conneaut Cem. | Center Cem |
1899 | 2 | Selden, Wm. | White | 72 | Married | 3 months | Jan. 21 | Senility | Carpenter | New York | Conneaut | Broad St. | O. O. Blakeslee | Marcy & Belding | Albion, Pa | |
1898 | 18 | Shane, J. Andrew | White | 42 | Married | 10 days | April. 15 | Acute Alcoholism |
Laborer (Telegraph operator) |
not given | Conneaut | Monroe St. | D. S. Cossitt | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | |
1895 | No line # | Shave, John | White | 76 | Widower | 4 years | Nov. 8 | Brights Disease | Harness Maker | England | Conneaut | Liberty St. No. 119 | D. S. Cossitt | Willard Marcy | Kelloggsville C | |
1897 | 45 | Shears, Geo. | White | 74 | Widower | several months | Aug. 7 | Bright's Disease | Farmer | Mayville, N.Y. | Conneaut | Conneaut | F. W. Upson | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1898 | 51 | Shefank, ?, Baby | White | 1 day | Single | not given | Oct. 4 | not given | None | Conneaut, O | Conneaut, O | Broad St. | No Physician | Marcy & Belding | Conneaut, O | |
1895 | No line # | Shepard, George | White | 11 m. | Single | 24 hours | Sept. 11th | Cholera Infantism | (Infant) | Conneaut | Conneaut | Broad St. | F. W. Upson | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, OH | |
1900 | 39 | Sherman, Wm. | White | 68 | Married | 3 m. | July. 15 | Heart Trouble | Machinist | Patterson, N. J. | Conneaut | Conneaut | W. W. Wetmore | Chas. Marcy | Paterson, N. J. | |
1898 | 29 | Shiss?, Baby | White | 2 months | Single | June. 1 | Inanition? | none | Erie, Pa | Conneaut, O | Harbor St. | B. M. Tower | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | ||
1896 | No line # | Silvas, Francis S. | White | 7 weeks | Single | one week | March. 12 | Pneumonia | No occupation | Conneaut Harbor | Conneaut | Conneaut Harbor | C. D. Baker | W. Marcy | Conneaut Cem. | |
1899 | 14 | Silverthorne, Alma? | White | 77 | Married | 2 weeks | Mar. 8 | Congestion Lungs | Laborer | Prussia | Conneaut, O | Broad St. | W. W. Wetmore | Marcy & Belding | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1900 | 53 | Siva, Baby | White | 3 m. | Single | 3 m. | Aug. 25 | Marasmus? | None | Conneaut | Conneaut | Day St. | D. S. Cossitt | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1897 | 44 | Smith, Baby | White | 0 | Single | Aug. 6 | Still Born | None | Conneaut | Conneaut | Maple Ave. | D. S. Cossitt | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | ||
1898 | 37 | Smith, Baby | White | 6 months | Single | Four days | July. 4th | Gastro Enteritis | none | Conneaut | Conneaut, O | St. not given | R. J. Baxter | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1899 | 18 | Smith, Baby | White | 21 days | Single | 2 days | Mar. 20 | Bowel Trouble | none | Conneaut | Conneaut, O | Madison St. | M. G. Spaulding | Marcy & Belding | Conneaut, O | |
1897 | 50 | Smith, Bert, Mrs. | White | 31 | Married | one & half years | Sept. 6 | Consumption | housekeeper | Penn Line, Pa | Conneaut, O | Clark St. | O. O. Blakeslee | Chas. Marcy | Penn Line, Pa. | |
1897 | 58 | Smith, Eugene | White | 45 | Single | 5 hours immediate | Oct. 30 | Railroad Accident | Painter | Erie Co., Pa. | Conneaut Twp. | Amboy, O | D. S. Cossitt | Chas. Marcy | Springfield, P | |
1900 | 91 | Smith, Frank, Mrs. | White | 42 | Married | 3 wks | Dec. 29 | Burned | Housekeeper | not given | Conneaut | Conneaut | C. E. Watson | Chas. Marcy |
Conneaut (Glenwood) |
1895 | No line # | Smith, Howard | White | 11 m. | Single | 2 weeks | Aug. 30th | Cholera Infantism | (Infant) | Conneaut | Conneaut | Buffalo St. No. 142 | B. M. Tower | Willard Marcy | Center | |
1897 | 7 | Smith, Levi | White | 73 | Widower | five days | Feb. 4th | Pleuro Pneumonia | Watchman | not given | Conneaut, O | Not given | W. A. Ward | C. H. Simonds | Buffalo, N.Y. | |
1900 | 84 | Smith, Louisa | White | 70 | Widow | 10 days | Dec. 4 | Apoplexy | Housekeeper | not given | Conneaut | Main St. | O. O. Blakeslee | Chas. Marcy | Kellogsville, O | |
1897 | 53 | Sous, Jos. | White | 1y | Single | 3 weeks | Sept. 14 |
Dropsey & Whooping Cough |
No occupation | Ashtabula, O | Conneaut, O | Conneaut, O | C. D. Baker | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1899 | 47 | Spaulding, G. H. | White | 57 | M | 3 wk. | July. 25 | Carbuncle | Retired | W. S. ? | Conneaut | Harbor | C. E. Watson | M. & B. | Keefville? | |
1898 | 15 | Spellacy, John | White | 49 | Married | 3 wks | April. 11 | Gangrene of Lung | Laborer | Ireland | Conneaut | Chesnut St. (sic) | B. M. Tower | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | |
1897 | 59 | Sprague, Joseph | White | 54 | Married | 3 days | Oct. 28 | Pneumonia | Laborer | Albion, Pa. | Conneaut | Oklahoma, O | G. H. Cole | Chas. Marcy | Albion, Pa | |
1897 | 30 | Standish, Cora | White | 22 | Single | one week | May. 23 | Typhoid Pneumonia | Not given | not given | Amboy, O. | Ambon, O | G. H. Cole | Chas. Marcy | Perry, O | |
1896 | No line # | Stevens, Baby | White | 2 days | Single | 2 days | Feb. 2nd | Collapse | None | Conneaut | Conneaut | Oklahoma | W. W. Wetmore | Willard Marcy | Center | |
1900 | 51 | Stevens, Clara | White | 40 | Married | 3 months | Aug. 17 | Typhoid Fever | Housekeeper | Conneaut | Conneaut | Buffalo St. | G. H. Cole | Chas. Marcy | Kingsville, O | |
1897 | 55 | Stines, Fred F. | White | 35 | Married | 6 months | Sept. 27 | Paralysis of Insane | Merchant | Conneaut, O | Cleveland, O | Liberty St. Conneaut, O | H. C. Eyman | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1895 | No line # | Stoke, Chas. B. | White | 24 | Married | one month | Nov. 26 | Typhoid Pneumonia | Merchant | Springboro, Pa | Conneaut, O | Buffalo St. No. 142 | F. W. Upson | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut Cem. | City Cem |
1896 | No line # | Storer, Jacob (*) | White | 39 | Married | 3 weeks | July. 18 | Typho-malarial fever | Brakeman | Erie, Pa | Conneaut | Madison St. | W. A. Ward | C. H. Simonds | Erie, Pa |
Erie Cem. Erie, Erie Co., PA See Obituary |
1897 | 66 | Sturtevant, Timothy | White | 85 | Widower | two weeks | Dec. 14 | Heart Disease | Retired | N. Y. State | Conneaut | Buffalo St. | L. P. Sturtevant | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1899 | 17 | Sutton, Baby | White | 21 days | Single | 1 week | Mar. 20 | Whooping Cough | none | Conneaut | Conneaut, O | Mill St. | C. D. Baker | Marcy & Belding | Conneaut, O | |
1900 | 78 | Swain, Loren H. | White | 78 | Widower | 6 months | Nov. 6 | Heart Disease | Blacksmith | (blank) | Conneaut | Mill St. | G. H. Cole | Simonds & Bennett | Monroe, O | |
1895 | No line # | Swan, Samuel B. | White | Married | Sept. 21st | Typhoid Fever | Blacksmith | (not given | East Conneaut | East Conneaut | B. M. Tower | Willard Marcy | Greenwood | |||
1898 | 1 | Tagenhurst, Charles | White | 50 | Married | one year | Jan. 8 | Paralysis | Retired | Germany | Conneaut | Liberty St. | W.W. Wetmore | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1900 | 16 | Taylor, Jessie | White | 18 | Married | 9 months | Mar. 21 | Malorial | Housekeeper | Michigan | Conneaut | Conneaut | C. E. Watson | M. & B. | Ashtabula, O | |
1898 | 12 | Taylor, Lydia | White | 25 | Married | one week | April. 1 | Septicannia? | Housekeeper | not given | Conneaut Township | Lake Road | G. H. Cole | Chas. Marcy | Linesville, Pa | |
1900 | 43 | Thayer, Raymond | White | 9 m | Single | 24 hrs. | July. 22 | Cholera Infantism | None | Conneaut | Conneaut | Unknown | L. P. Sturtevant | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1897 | 47 | Thompson, Ad. | White | 65 | Married | one year | Aug. 9th | Consumption Bowels | Not given | Sprinfield | Conneaut, O | Madison St. | C. D. Baker | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | City Cem |
1896 | No line # | Thompson, Hugh C. | White | 64 | Married | 3 weeks | Feb. 23 | Acute Peritonitis | Farmer | (not given | Ripley, N.Y. | Ripley, N. Y. | (Not given) | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut Cem. | City Cem |
1897 | 54 | Thompson, Mary Jane | White | 63 | Single | not given | Sept. 18 | Insane | No occupation | not given | Infirmary Kingsville, O | Kingsville, O | not given | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | |
1900 | 89 | Thulen, Elizabeth | White | 53 | Married | one year | Dec. 23 | Cancer | Housekeeper | Germany | Conneaut | Lake St. | O. O. Blakeslee | Simonds & Bennett | Ashtabula, O | |
1899 | 28 | Tinney, Frankie | White | 11 y | Single | 6 mo | Apr. 10 | Whooping Cough | (blank) | Conneaut | Conneaut | Mill St. | O. O. Blakeslee | Marcy & Belding | Conneaut, O | |
1895 | No line # | Titus, Lydia | White | 60 | Married | 2 months | Aug. 28th | Malarial Fever | Housework | Conneaut | Conneaut | Liberty St. | W. A. Ward | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, OH | City Cem |
1895 | No line # | Titus, Marcus E. | White | 65 | Married | 3 months | Aug. 28th |
Malarial Fever, Gangreen, Shock of amputation |
Carpenter | Conneaut | Conneaut | Liberty St. | W. A. Ward | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, OH | City Cem |
1896 | No line # | Townsend, Mary A. | White | 58 | Married | 3 weeks | Aug. 1st | Paralysis/Exhaustion | Housekeeper | Girard, Pa. | Conneaut, O | Liberty St., Conneaut | G. H. Cole | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut Cem. | City Cem |
1897 | 22 | Traver, Anna C. | White | 89 | Widow | Six months | April 5th | Cancer | Housekeeper | Vermont | Conneaut | Jackson St. | B. M. Tower | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut Cem. |
City Cem (See Biography) |
1898 | 42 | Trimble, Maggie | White | 42 | Married | two years | Aug. 5 | Cancer | none | Conneaut, O | Conneaut, O | Madison St. | W. W. Wetmore | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, O | |
1899 | 51 | Turia, Helma | W | 4 m. | S | 1 wk | Aug. 5 | Cholera Infant. | (blank) | (blank) | Conneaut | Liberty St. | W. A. Ward | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut Cem. | |
1896 | No line # | Turk, Baby | White | still born | Single | Oct. 31 | Conneaut | Conneaut, O | Conneaut | O. O. Blakeslee | Chas. Marcy | Conneaut, O | ||||
1900 | 31 | Turner, Clara M. | White | 35 | Married | 2 yrs. | April. 28 | Cancer | Housekeeper | U.S. | Conneaut | Liberty St. | G. H. Cole | C. H. Simonds | Cleveland, O | |
1896 | No line # | Turner, Cynthia | White | 76 | Widow | two years | May. 28 | Softening of the Brain | Housekeeper | not given | Conneaut, O | State St., Conneaut | L. P. Sturtevant | C. H. Simonds | Conneaut, OH | City Cem |
1900 | 54 | Tuttle, Kittie | White | 37 | Married | 2 m. | Aug. 23 | Cirrhosis of Liver | Housekeeper | Linesville, Pa | Conneaut | Buffalo St. | D. S. Cossitt | Chas. Marcy | Linesville, Pa |
* NOTE: Jacob Storer's actual name is Johann Jacob Storer as advised by family member Lyn Loken
This Web Page Created by Sharon Wick 2002