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City Cemetery A - B -
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Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Area No. | Comments |
SACKET, Mary M. | 24, July 1870 | C08-022 | Aged 30 yrs. Wife of David Sacket. Day date could be 21. | |
SACKETT, Bertha C. | 1879 | 1950 | D07-139 | Double stone with Edward H. Sackett. |
SACKETT, Edward H. | 1872 | 1941 | D07-140 | Double stone with Bertha C. Sackett. |
SAGE, Henrietta | 23, May 1868 | C02-032 | Aged 85 yrs. "Wife of James Sage" Broken and leaning against a tree. | |
SAGE, James | 13, April 1863 | C02-033 | Aged 83 yrs. | |
SALISBURY, Frank D. | 1843 | 1925 | C01-040 | No other data. |
SALISBURY, Martha E. | 1872 | 1940 | D11-091 | GAR Flag Holder |
SALISBURY, Mary E. | 1850 | 1932 | C01-039 | No other data |
SALISBURY, Minnie | 1846 | 1925 | C08-071 | Double stone with Wallace Salisbury |
SALISBURY, Ralph D. | 1872 | 1945 | D11-092 | IOOF Flag Holder |
SALISBURY, Wallace | 1843 | 1913 | C08-072 | Double stone with Minnie Salisbury. |
SAMMETT, Inge Pletsch | 1903 | 1970 | G01-19 | Pletsch may be her maiden name. |
SAMMETT, Max Bernard | 1894 | 1938 | G01-20 | No other data |
SANBORN, Celia Clark | 7 Aug. 1886 | E02-089 | Aged 64 years, 8 mo's and 29 dys. Clark family monument with Rev. Rufus Clark. Clark is her married name. | |
SANBORN, Harriet Farnham | 24, Oct. 1817 | 23, Dec. 1890 | E05-138 | Former wife of Reuben Sanborn. Farnham is her married name at time of death. Double stone with Reuben Sanborn. |
SANBORN, Reuben | 14, Sept. 1848 | E05-138 | Age 44 yrs. Double stone with Harriet S. Sanborn Farnham. | |
SANDERS, A. | 1838 | 1897 | C04-060 | Family monument with Jennie C.
Sanders "his wife" and Mary E. Sanders. Single stone with father on
it. Sharon Wick's Note: - See Death Register |
SANDERS, Anna Payne Mother | 1872 | 1934 | E06-138 | Payne may be a maiden name. |
SANDERS, Burton | 1882 | 1883 | C04-058 | Sanders Family monument with Ralph A., Eva C., and Burton on it. Also A. Sanders and Jennie G. |
SANDERS, Burton | C04-056 | Single stone with just Burton on it, but in the Sanders lot. | ||
SANDERS, Charles | 1821 | 1886 | C09-090 | No other data |
SANDERS, Eva C. | 1866 | 1866 | C04-058 | Saunders family monument with Ralph A., Eva C. and Burton on it. A Sanders and Jennie G. also on it. |
SANDERS, Eva L. | C04-055 | Single stone with just Eva on it, but in the Sander's lot. | ||
SANDERS, "Father" | Single stone with "FATHER" on it in Sanders lot. | |||
SANDERS, Jennie G. | 1841 | 1889 | C04-061 | Family Monument with A. Sanders, "his wife". Mary E. Sanders, Ralph, Eva C. and Burton. Also a single stone with Mother on it. |
SANDERS, Mary | 1827 | 1884 | C09-089 | No other data |
SANDERS, Mary E. | 1875 | 1895 | C04-061 | Family monument with A. Sanders,
Jennie G., wife of A. Sanders. Ralph, Eva C. and Burton. She
also has a single stone Sharon's Note: Sharon Wick's Note: - See Death Register. Lists the following: Maybe Mamie b. 1875 d. Nov. 22, 1895. |
SANDERS, "Mother" | Single stone with "MOTHER" on it in Sanders lot | |||
SANDERS, Ralph A. | 1864 | 1865 | C04-058 | Sanders Family monument with Ralph A., Eva C., and Burton on it. Also A. Sanders and Jennie G. |
SANDERS, Ralph A. | C04-054 | Single stone with just Ralph A. on it, but in the Sanders lot. | ||
SANFORD, Alvin T. | 1828 | 1915 | D04-110 | Double stone with Mercy S. Sanford. |
SANFORD, Mercy S. | 1844 | 1933 | D04-111 | Double stone with Alvin T. Sanford. |
SANFORD, S. M. S. | C11-098 | Single stone with just initials. No other data. | ||
SANFORD, Sarah M. | 1809 | 1880 | C11-096 | North side family monument. Webster may be her maiden name because she is on the Webster stone. Sanford is her married name. |
SAWTELL, Esther Jacobs | 1801 | 1885 | C11-050 | Wife of D. Jacobs. Monument on ground but readable. Dana and Esther are on the same side. Sawtell may be maiden name. |
SCHAEFER, Louise | 1897 | 1961 | E09-145 | No other data |
SCHMIDT, Bertha C. | 1860 | 19__ | D07-136 | Death date not completed. Rebekah flag holder and DAR flag holder and IOOF Conneaut Lodge. Dbl. stone with Frederick Schmidt. |
SCHMIDT, Frederick W. | 1850 | 1927 | D07-137 | Dbl. stone with Bertha C. Schmidt. IOOF flag holder Conneaut Lodge 775. |
SCOTT, Mary A. Venen | 28, April 1876 | D-B-154 | Age 37 yrs. Venen may be her maiden name. Wife of John A. Scott. | |
SEARL, Charles | 1855 | 1893 | C02-085 | Double stone with Elizabeth Searl. Stone in the form of a tall tree stump. |
SEARL, Elizabeth | 1858 | 1928 | C02-086 | Double stone with Charles Searl. Stone in the form of a tall tree stump. |
SEARL, Fred H. | 1888 | 1918 | C02-084 | Stone in the form of slabs of wood. |
SEARL, Guy C. | 1885 | 1923 | C02-083 | Stone in the form of a log. |
SEARL, Lucy S. | 1835 | 1909 | C02-086 | Monument broken and behind Charles and Elizabeth Searl's monument. |
SEARL, Mother | C02-081 | Single stone in the form of a log with just Mother & no dates on it. In the Searl lot. | ||
SEARL, Son | C02-087 | Single stone in the form of a log with just "son" on it, & no dates or surname. In the Searl lot | ||
SESSIONS Family Monument | B08-023 | Large Family monument is on the ground and unable to read the side in the ground. To large to move. | ||
SESSIONS, Galusha H. | B08-023 | Two stones say Galusha Shepard but she's in the Sessions lot & on the stone with Henry C. Sessions. | ||
SESSIONS, Henry C. | 1816 | 1903 | B08-023 | Sessions family monument with Henry C. Sessions and Galusha H. Shepard. Can't read one side of family monument on the ground. |
SHACKSON, John W. | 1847 | 1892 | F06-16 | No other data |
SHACKSON, Mary Perry | 1861 | 1937 | F06-17 | Perry may be her maiden name. |
SHARKEY, Pat | B05-034 | Weathered badly. Illegible. No
dates given. Co. F., 82nd Ohio Inf. Vet flag holder. Sharon Wick's Note: - There was an Patrick Sharkey in the Conneaut News Herald Nov. 20, 1912, p. 6, who was in the War of the Rebellion. |
SHARP, Anna | 1891 | G01-33 | Double stone with Nathan Sharp. No death date given. | |
SHARP, Nathan | 13, July 1897 | 31, Aug. 1966 | G01-032 | Double stone with Anna Sharp. OHIO PVT 115 Sanitary train. Military foot marker. WWI. |
SHARPE, Elizabeth | 1848 | 1929 | D08-132 | Four people on this stone, Elizabeth Sharpe, Herbert Ward, Nina Wilcox and Nicholas Bugbee. |
SHAW, Father | B01-021 | Single stone in the Shaw lot. No dates given, they are on the family monument. | ||
SHAW, Mary Beachdel "Mother" | 31, Aug. 1804 | 1, Jan. 1884 | B01-021 | Beachdel may be her maiden name. "Wife of W. W. Shaw" Stone is broken and top is on the ground. |
SHAW, Mother | B01-022 | Single stone in the Shaw lot. Dates are on the family monument. | ||
SHAW, W?. W. "Father" | 15, Nov. 1802 | B02-021 | Death date not given. Monument broken and top is on the ground. Father is on the single stone in the Shaw lot with no dates. | |
SHEARS Family Monument | C02-040 | Family monument between rows 2 & 3. Could not find any other Shears monuments. | ||
SHEPARD, Galusha | B08-022 | Single stone with no dates but data on Sessions family monument. Main monument broken & on ground. Can't read one side. | ||
SHEPARD, Galusha | 1850 | 1902 | B08-023 | Large family monument with Henry C. Sessions but can't read one side. She may have been a Sessions at one time. |
SHIELDS, Julia Kahler | 1878 | 1968 | D07-109 | Kahler may be her maiden name. |
SHOUP, Charles E. | 1856 | 1940 | D09-124 | No other data. |
SHOUP, Elizabeth | 1860 | 1933 | D09-124 | No other data. |
SHREVE, John | 1815 | 1890 | E04-121 | Double stone with Rachel, his daughter. |
SHREVE, Rachel | 1842 | 1912 | E04-122 | Double stone with John Shreve, his daughter. |
SHULTZ. Ellen | 1836 | 1893 | C090-026 | "Mother" |
SCHULTZ, Francis | 21, Sept. 18__?? | C09-025 | Son of S. & E. Shultz, Death date illegible. | |
SHULTZ, Peter | 1862 | 1911 | C09-024 | No other data. |
SCHULTZ, Samuel E. | 1825 | 1899 | C03-027 | No other data Sharon Wick's Note: - There was an Samuel Shultz in the Conneaut News Herald Nov. 25, 1912, p. 18 and Nov. 21, 1912, p. 6, who was in the War of the Rebellion. |
SILVERTHORN, A. | 1824 | 1899 | C05-017 | East side of stone, Mary R. Silverthorn, wife
of Jeffery. West side of stone, A. Silverthorn & Caroline, his wife.
Sharon Wick's Note: - See Death Register See 1870 Census Conneaut Boro |
SILVERTHORN, Caroline | 1831 | None Given | C05-018 | East side of stone, Mary R. Silverthron, wife of H. Jeffery. West side of stone, A. Sliverthorn & Caroline, his wife. |
SILVERTHORN, Estella M. | 1882 | 1978 | E01-117 | Double stone with Sherman J. Silverstone. |
SILVERTHORN, George W. | 1828 | 1920 | C03-074 | Double stone with Jane Harris Silberthorn. |
SILVERTHORN, Jane Harris | 1832 | 1921 | C03-073 | Double stone with George W. Silverthorn. Harris may be her maiden name. |
SILVERTHORN, Mary R. Jeffery | 1867 | 1889 | C05-016 | East side of stone, Mary R. Silverthorn, Wife of H. Jeffery. West side of stone, A. Silverthorn & Caroline, his wife. |
SILVERTHORN, Sherman J. | 1877 | 1946 | E01-118 | Double stone with Estella M. Silverthorn. |
SIMMONS, Jessie | 1873 | 1898 | D07-100 | "Gone but not forgotten" |
SIMONS BENTON Family Monument | E08-112 | No data on this monument. Offset between Rows 8 & 9. | ||
SIMONS, Jackson | 19, Oct. 1831 | 8, Sept. 1911 | E08-111 | No other data |
SIMONS, Martha M. | 25, May 1834 | 22, Oct. 1910 | E08-112 | No other data |
SKINNER, Ellen Taber | 1857 | 1937 | D10-168 | Double stone with S. Samuel Skinner. Taber may be her maiden name. |
SKINNER, Levia M. | 1888 | 1909 | E06-151 | Dau. of Lizzie Weldon Bond and in the Harwood lot. |
SKINNER, Mary Elizabeth | 1878 | 1961 | D10-169 | No other data. |
SKINNER, S. Samuel | 1855 | 1940 | D10-168 | Double stone with Ellen Taber Skinner. |
SKINNER, Susan Taber | D09-168 | No other data | ||
SLAUGHTER, Ara Father | 1875 | 1953 | E03-118 | Double stone with Nancy R. "Mother" |
SLAUGHTER, Nancy R. Mother | 1864 | 1962 | E03-117 | Double stone with Ara Slaughter "Father" |
SLINGERLAND, Elizabeth F. | 1880 | 1971 | E06-074 | Fenton may be her maiden name. |
SLINGERLAND, J. Edward | 1880 | 1939 | E06-075 | No other data |
SMALLEY, Thomas | B05-030 | Weathered badly, Civil War marker. Illegible. Vet. Flag holder. | ||
SMERKEL, Carl. E. | 1900 | 1965 | B09-031 | Masonic emblem engraved on monument. |
SMERKEL, Emma T. | 1905 | 19___ | B09-030 | Death date not complete. Eastern Star emblem on stone. |
SMITH Family Monument | D06-127 | No other data | ||
SMITH Family Monument | D04-142 | No other data | ||
SMITH Family Monument | E04-086 | Face down on the ground. Too heavy to move. | ||
SMITH KEYES Family Monument | C03-026 | Large family monument for Smith and Keyes family. No date. Offset between rows 3 & 4. | ||
SMITH, Abigail | 6, Nov. 1821 | D11-163 | Aged 11 yrs. Daughter of Henry & Sarah Smith. | |
SMITH, Alice M. | 1843 | 1890 | C02-029 | No other data |
SMITH, Alicia Lake | 1836 | 1889 | E06-112 | Lake may be a maiden name.
Wife of S. J. Smith Sharon Wick's Note: - See Biography of Sagito J. Smith |
SMITH, Alvin H. | 1875 | 1951 | B09-006 | Double stone with Charlotte A. Smith. |
SMITH, Aurelia | 1810 | 1893 | D06-125 | No other data. Sharon Wick's Note: - See Biography of Plin Smith |
SMITH, Bertha M. | 1878 | 1942 | C04-024 | Double stone with Neal W. Smith. |
SMITH, C. Warren | 1850 | 1903 | D04-142 | Double stone with Eva Howard Smith. "Woodman of the World Monument" |
SMITH, Catherine Crocker | 1850 | 1949 | E06-114 | Crocker is her married name. |
SMITH, Catherine Keyes | 1839 | 1918 | C03-024 | Keyes is her married name. |
SMITH, Charlotte A. | 1875 | 1962 | B09-005 | Double stone with Alvin H. Smith. |
SMITH, Daphne Jones | 1845 | 1930 | E09-134 | Jones may be a maiden name. |
SMITH, Daughter | 9, Feb. 1887 | 10, Feb. 1887 | E07-113 | Baby daughter of H. L. & L. H. Smith. |
SMITH, DeForest | 14, Aug. 1861 | 13, Nov. 1911 | E14-160 | Two stones with the same name and the same death date. The other is in row 13 grave 161. |
SMITH, Delilah Havens | 1805 | 1880 | C01-013 | Havens is her married name. Family monument with Capt. J. W. & Maria S. Lynn; Rex Havens & his wife, Delilah Smith. |
SMITH, Earl C. | 1892 | 1958 | G01-54 | Double stone with Eva M. Smith. |
SMITH, Edward E. | 28, June 1851 | D11-120 | Aged 1 yr., 10 mo's. Son of E. P. & K. A. Smith. | |
SMITH, Effie G. C. | 1894 | 1981 | D10-101 | Her maiden name may have been Gilbert, 1st married Sith and name at death is Cappuccilli. |
SMITH, Eliza A. | 1844 | 1867 | D06-121 | No surname but it looks like it's in the Smith lot. |
SMITH, Elizabeth Hale | 1872 | 1963 | C03-047 | Double stone with Mae Harriet Smith. Hale may be a maiden name. |
SMITH, Eva | D04-141 | No dates and no surname but in the Smith lot. | ||
SMITH, Eva Howard | 1858 | 1920 | D04-142 | Double stone with C. Warren Smith. Howard may be her maiden name. Woodman of the World monument. |
SMITH, Eva Jones | 1854 | 1883 | A01-007 | Jones may be her maiden name. |
SMITH, Eva M. | 1885 | 1958 | G01-53 | Double stone with Earl C. Smith. |
SMITH, George Robt. | Sharon
Wick's Note: - Lost on Lake Erie. Dec. 1909 (Will get more info and picture upon request ~ s.wick 4/13/08) |
SMITH, H. L. | 1860 | 1919 | E06-109 | No other data. |
SMITH, Ida O. | 1865 | 1953 | E06-108 | No other data. |
SMITH, Irus | 1795 | 1879 | E06-107 | Stone broken and we aren't sure of the 5 in the birth date, 1795? |
SMITH, J. | 1821 | 1893 | E06-160 | Close to the Chesman lot. Offset between rows 6 & 7. |
SMITH, Jane | 1809 | 1890 | C04-095 | No other data. |
SMITH, Josie | 1867 | 1899 | E03-090 | Smith family monument with Justus, Josie, his wife; Shelby, Ruma, his wife. |
SMITH, Justus | 1843 | 1913 | E03-090 | Smith family monument with Justus, Josie, his wife; Shelby, Ruma, his wife. |
SMITH, Kate | D11-119 | Single stone with just Kate on it and in the Smith Lot. | ||
SMITH, Kate Stevenson | 1856 | 1891 | D11-118 | Smith may be her maiden name or 1st married name. On the Smith monument. Kate on the North side of stone. |
SMITH, Lettia Knight | 28, May 1862 | 11, Feb. 1887 | E07-111 | Knight may be a maiden name. Wife of H. L. Smith. |
SMITH, Levi R. | 1798 | 1874 | C02-031 | No other data |
SMITH, Mae Harriet | 1897 | 1911 | C03-046 | Double stone with Elizabeth Hale Smith. |
SMITH, Mary E. | 1857 | 1890 | C07-015 | No other data |
SMITH, Mother | D11-116 | Single stone with just Mother on it, but in the Smith lot. | ||
SMITH, Nancy | 1828 | 1913 | D11-121 | Wife of Marquis Smith. |
SMITH, Nancy A. | 31, Dec. 1811 | 18, April 1892 | E04-099 | Double stone with Norman Smith. |
SMITH, Neal W. | 1877 | 1951 | C04-025 | Double stone with Bertha M. Smith. |
SMITH, Newton J., Capt. | 1833 | 1863 | C03-025 | 2nd Ohio Infantry. |
SMITH, Norman | 4, March 1814 | E04-100 | Double stone with Nancy A. Smith. No death date given. | |
SMITH, Plin | 1802 | 1881 | D06-126 | No other data Sharon Wick's Note: - See Biography |
SMITH, Plin W. | 1847 | 1880 | D06-122 | No surname on it but looks like but close to the Smith lot. |
SMITH, Prudence | 1795 | 1878 | C02-030? | No other data |
SMITH, Ruany | 1816 | 1891 | D11-117 | Double stone with Kate Stevenson on the Smith stone. Ruany on the West side of the stone. |
SMITH, Ruma | 4, March 1886 | E03-090 | Smith family monument with Justus, Josie, his wife; Shelby, Ruma, his wife. Aged 69 yrs. | |
SMITH, S. J. | 1834 | 1902 | E06-113 | No other data. Sharon Wick's Note: - NOTE: This is Sagito J. Smith (See Biography) He was married to Alicia Lake |
SMITH, Shelby | 16, April 1883 | E03-090 | Smith family monument with Justus, Josie, his wife; Shelby, Ruma, his wife. Aged 69 yrs. | |
SNOW, Harriet E. | 15, Oct. 1850 | C08-126 | Aged 23 yrs. Wife of James E. Snow. | |
SOPER, Gladys B. | 1880 | 1966 | G02-064 | Double stone with Rev. William L. Soper. Married 1909 |
SOPER, William L., Rev. | 1877 | 1964 | G02-065 | Double stone with Gladys B. Soper. Married 1909. |
SPALDING, Elma J. | 1857 | 1946 | C03-071 | "Wife of Marion." |
SPALDING, Lucinda Grant | 1817 | 1878 | D10-165 | Grant is her married name. |
SPEARHOUSE, Bertha B. | 1888 | 1921 | E02-078 | Double stone with Louis A. |
SPEARHOUSE, Louis A. | 1889 | 1951 | E02-078 | Double stone with Bertha B. |
STAFFORD, Lydia A. Cleveland | 15, July 1841 | 26, Oct. 1902 | E06-124 | Cleveland is her married name. Wife of Geo. H. Cleveland. |
STANTON, Lorenzo D. | 12, July 1865? | C06-029 | Aged 48 yrs., 3 m., 2 d. Stone broken in 2 pieces. The 5 may not be correct for the death date. | |
STANTON, William F. | 2, Oct. 1861?? | C06-028 | Aged 27? yrs., 6 mo's, 6 dys. Son of L. D. & L. S. Stanton. Stone broken and top is on the ground. Difficult to read. | |
STEARNS Family Monument | D-B-153 | No other data. | ||
STEARNS, Heman | 1819 | 1877 | D-B-153 | No other data. |
STEARNS, Mabel W. | 1822 | 1875 | D-B-152 | No other data. |
STEFFLER, Unknown | D05-144 | Twin daughter of P. M. & Ella Steffler. No dates given. | ||
STEPHENS, Isaac | 13, April 1880 | C09-114 | Age 74 yrs. Double stone with Pheby. | |
STEPHENS, Pheby | 9, March 1879 | C09-115 | Age 70 yrs. Couble stone with Isaac. | |
STERLING, Henry A. | 1894 | 1964 | B03-017 | Double stone with Verdia M. Sterling. |
STERLING, Verdia M. | 1896 | 1963 | B03-016 | Double stone with Henry A. Sterling. |
STEVENS, Louis F. | 1892 | 1969 | G02-73 | Double stone with Pearl M. Stevens. |
STEVENS, Pearl M. | 1890 | 1972 | C02-72 | Double stone with Louis F. Stevens. |
STEVENSON Family Monument | D04-124 | No data on this monument. Stone offset. | ||
STEVENSON, Elizabeth | 1835 | 1916 | D04-125 | No other data |
STEVENSON, Kate Smith | 1856 | 1891 | D11-118 | Stevenson is her married name on the Smith Monument. Kate is on the North side of the stone. |
STEVENSON, Robert Andrew | 1870 | 1872 | D04-122 | No surname but in the Stevenson Lot. |
STEVENSON, Robert M. | 1830 | 1910 | D04-126 | No other data. |
STINES Family Monument | F12-01 | Facing north drive. No other data | ||
STINES, Esther | 1836 | 1919 | F12-03 | Stines Family Monument |
STINES, Fred F. | 1862 | 1897 | F12-04 | Stines Family Monument. Sharon Wick's Note: - See Death Register |
STINES, George W. | 1837 | 1912 | F12-02 | Stines Family Monument |
STODDARD, Anthony | 1822 | 1883 | D06-112 | Double stone with Eunice H. Goodspeed Stoddard, "his wife" |
STODDARD, Eunice H. G. | 1824 | D06-113 | No death date given. Double stone with Anthony Stoddard. Her maiden name may be Goodspeed. Wife of Anthony Stoddard. | |
STOKE, Almeda D. | 1854 | 1914 | C08-035 | Triple stone with Almeda D., Frank P., and Harriet T. Stoke. |
STOKE, Charles B. | 1871 | 1895 | B09-019 | No other data.
Sharon Wick's Note: - See Death Register |
STOKE, Clara C. | 1887 | 1952 | D09-122 | No other data. |
STOKE, Frank P. | 1853 | 1934 | C08-036 | Triple stone with Almeda D., Frank P., and Harriet T. Stoke. |
STOKE, Harriet T. | 1864 | 1961 | C08-037 | Triple stone with Almeda D., Frank P., and Harriet T. Stoke. |
STOKE, Jessie C. | 1870 | 1959 | B09-018 | No other data |
STONE, Addie O. | 1858 | 1947 | E08-156 | Eastern Star Emblem engraved on the stone. |
STONE, Don Olmsted | 1886 | 1972 | E09-155 | Double stone with Jessie Porter Stone. |
STONE, E. A. | 1825 | 1895 | E08-154 | No other data |
STONE, Eliza A. | 1818 | 1906 | E08-153 | No other data |
STONE, Frank | 7, Dec. 1909 | E09-151 | Frank Edward Stone, eldest son of Laurel V. & Addie O. Stone. Lost his life on Lake Erie. AE 25 yrs. 2nd Mate of M & B. No. 2. | |
STONE, Jessie Porter | 1884 | 1973 | E09-154 | Double stone with Don Olmsted Stone. Porter may be a maiden name. |
STONE, John O. | 1912 | 1914 | E09-151 | Double stone with Mary Louise Stone. Son of Don O. & Jessie Stone. |
STONE, Laurel V. | 1855 | 1920 | E08-155 | Mason emblem engraved on stone. |
STONE, Mary Louise | 1916 | 1917 | E09-151 | Dau. of Jessie Stone. Double stone with John O. Stone. |
STORY Family Monument | E06-095 | Family monument with William and Margret, wife of Wm. Story. Margret spelled that way on the stone. Offset between rows 6 & 7. | ||
STORY, Margaret | E06-095 | Single stone with just Margaret on it and no dates & in the Story lot. | ||
STORY, Margret | 29, Dec. 1802 | 4, March 1888 | E06-095 | Story family monument with Wm. Story. Wife of William Story. Spelled this way on monument. Offset between rows 6 & 7. |
STORY, William | 25, Dec. 1795 | 1, Jan. 1880 | E06-095 | Story Family monument with Margret, wife of Wm. Story. Margret spelled that way on the stone. Offset between rows 6 & 7. |
STORY, William | E-6-096 | Single stone with just William on it and no dates & in the Story lot. | ||
STOUT, Bertha O.. | 1902 | 1978 | D-A-163 | Double stone with Durwood V. Stout. |
STOUT, Clara | 1903 | 1905 | D-A-160 | 13 months Old. |
STOUT, Durwood V. | 1907 | D-A-164 | Double stone with Bertha O. Stout. No death date. Was still living in 1991 | |
STOUT, Hurley G. | 1871 | 1950 | D-A-162 | Double stone with Lillian I. Stout. |
STOUT, Lillian I. | 1875 | 1955 | D-A-161 | Double stone with Hurley G. Stout. |
STRANAHAN, Mary Irene | 1902 | D08-170 | No death date given | |
STRANG, Lana | 1884 | 1960 | E10-166 | Double stone with Robert B. Strang. |
STRANG, Robert B. | 1878 | 1971 | E10-167 | Double stone with Lana Strang. |
STRANGEWAY, Henriettah | 1863 | 1939 | D-C-167 | Double stone with Thomas W. Strangeway. |
STRANGEWAY, Thomas W. | 1864 | 1929 | D-C-166 | Double stone with Henriettah Strangeway. IOOF Flag holder. |
STRATTON, C. J. | C10-112 | Co. H. 34th N.Y. Inf. Civil War Wtone. Offset between rows 9 & 10. | ||
STRATTON, Calvin J. | 1837 | 1886 | C09-108 | Double stone with Lydia I. Stratton. |
STRATTON, Lydia I. | 1838 | 1913 | C09-109 | Double stone with Calvin J. Stratton. |
STRONG, Elisha Norton | 1873 | 1950 | E04-056 | Norton is her married name. |
STULTS, Lois W. | 1810 | 1888 | F10-01 | Brown Family Monument |
STURDEVANT, F. F. | C10-004 | Co. I 2nd PA CAV. No dates. No doubt Civil War monument. | ||
STURTEVANT, Callie E. | 1851 | 1936 | E04-132 | Single stone with only Callie E. & dates on it, but in the Sturtevant lot. |
STURTEVANT, Father | E04-138 | Single stone with only father on it, no dates, but in the Sturtevant lot. | ||
STURTEVANT, Luman P., Dr. | 1846 | 1920 | E04-132 | Single stone with only Dr. Luman and dates on it, but in the Sturtevant lot. |
STURTEVANT, Mother | E04-137 | Single stone with only Mother on it, no dates, but in the Sturtevant lot. | ||
STURTEVANT, Rachel | 8, Oct. 1811 | 24, Nov. 1887 | E04-135 | Family monument with Rachel and Timothy Sturtevant |
STURTEVANT, Timothy | 19, July 1812 | 14, Dec. 1897 | E04-134 | Family monument with Rachel and
Timothy Sturtevant. Sharon's Note: See Death Register |
SULLIVAN, Arthur J. | C09-023 | No dates given. Double stone with Margery Sullivan. | ||
SULLIVAN, Margery G. | 1916 | 1971 | C09-022 | Double stone with Arthur J. Sullivan. |
SUMNER, Lydia Melissa | 2, Sept. 1839 | 4, July 1855 | F11-01 | Crandall Family Monument |
SUMNER, Mary A. | 1851 | 1929 | B06-027 | Double stone with William H. Sumner. |
SUMNER, Reuben | 1798 | 1852 | F11-01 | Crandall Family Monument |
SUMNER, William H. | 1843 | 1908 | B06-028 | Double stone with Mary A. Sumner. Sharon's Note: - There was an Wm. H. Sumner in the Conneaut News Herald Dec. 6, 1912, p. 3, who was in the War of the Rebellion. |
SWAIN, Lois Moulton | 16, June 1785 | 19, May 1860 | D11-124 | Born London, N.H. Wife of Thomas Swain. Moulton may be her maiden name. |
SWAIN, Nancy Cushing | 3, April 1812 | 17, Dec. 1886 | C01-023 | Cushing is her married name. Mother on front of stone. |
SWAIN, Thomas | 10, March 1785 | 9, Aug. 1850 | D11-125 | Born in Saco, Maine. |
SWANEY, Geo. W. | 1834 | 1915 | C10-028 | No other data. Appears to be
in the Jerrils/Sweany/Puffer lot. Sharon's Note: - Have picture of stone - More can be found about George W. Swaney in the History of Ashtabula County, Ohio. I have a copy of article. ~ SW - ALSO, CLICK HERE for another biography |
SWANEY, Lydia | 1838 | 1928 | C10-027 | No other data. Appears to be
in the Jerrils/Sweany/Puffer lot. Have picture of stone |
SWARTOUT, Judson J. | 8, Feb. 1903 | C11-103 | Aged 51 yrs. Name spelled different than the other but in the same lot. | |
SWARTOUT, Ida M. | 6, Nov. 1873 | C11-102 | Aged 11 yrs. & 2 mo's. Dau.
of L. & H. Swartwout. Sharon's Note: - Her father was in the Conneaut News Herald Nov. 30, 1912, p. 5, who was in the War of the Rebellion. His name was Locy Swartout. - See 1870 Census Conneaut Boro, Ashtabula Co., OH Roll 1170 Book 1, Pg 122a |
SWEANY PUFFER JERRILS | C10-029 | Family Monument for the tree families, Between rows 10 & 11. Near Swaney stones. | ||
SWEANY, G. W. | C10-029 | West side of monument. No dates given. Co. G. 5th Wisconsin Volunteers. | ||
SWEET, Harriet Hale | 1869 | 1891 | C08-056 | Hale may be her maiden name. |
SYMOND, Arthur H. | 1858 | 1928 | B03-039 | No other data |
SYMONDS, Henry W. | 1830 | 1894 | B03-037 | No other data. |
SYMONDS, Infant daughter | 1857 | B03-035 | Only one date was given. Daughter of Henry & Sylvia. No surnames on the stone but next to Henry and Sylvia Symonds. | |
SYMONDS, Iva J. | 1865 | 1936 | B03-038 | No other data. |
SYMONDS, Sylvia H. | 1836 | 1891 | B03-036 | No other data. |
This Web Page Created by Sharon Wick 2004