Conneaut, Ohio
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May it be made know to all men by these presents that we, the class of 1927 (the parties of the first part) separately and severally, being in full command of our mental and intellectual faculties, and in a state of physical equilibrium, do hereby make, print, publish, and copyright this august document and declare it to be our last will and testament. In publishing this aforesaid document we, (the parties of the first part) do sincerely hope that our heirs and beneficiaries, the members of Conneaut High School, separately and severally, (the parties of the second part) will accept these bequests in the proper spirit and so strive to "carry on" that the school life of Conneaut High School will attain to the "Higher Level." Following is a list of the bequests: To our immediate predecessors and successors to our throne of Seniors, the Juniors we bequeath our over-abundant supply of good looks, good manners, pleasing ways and our never failing supply of knowledge. We also bequeath to them our seats in the study hall and any notes found in them. All this is on condition that they pass them on without failure to all future classes so the charm of 1927 class will live forever. To the Sophomores, we the Senior class leave all wads of gum in any portion of the building, all pencil stubs, all our knickers, dolls, rubber bands, and other things which they will need to amuse themselves with while waiting their chance to be Seniors. Personal Bequests. We, Howard Bell and Girard Betz, bequeath our success as campaign managers to James Lowell. I, Paul Dripan, bequeath my blond hair and handsomeness to Paul Perkins. I, George Hill, leave my ability as track manager to Dick Harris. I, Gary Painter, leave my craze for bow ties to Harry Wallace. I, George Turja, leave my famous blush to Beila Kovach. I, Thomas Goldsmith, bequeath my broad shoulders to George Lindgren. I, Edwin Kako, bequeath to "Slugger" Hicks my everlasting grin. I, Walter Lyon, leave my mustache to Cleo so that it may remain in the family. I, Evelyn Salisbury, leave my dainty figure to Martha Huston. We, Frances Johnson, Donna Mae Gunion, and Irene Forster, refuses to leave anything to anyone of such irresponsible dispositions as the Juniors and Sophomores. We, Mara Cox and Bertha Barber, bequeath our places on the debate team to Jane Davis and Elizabeth Johnson, knowing thta they will be able to fill the positions. We, Robert Marcy, and Miles Dorman, bequeath to Miss Johnson, the care of all our Sophomore girl friends, knowing that they will be well cared for. I, Lewis Stanton Brown, bequeath my soldierly bearing and ability to salute a superior officer to Kenneth Watson.. I, Joe Stanziano, bequeath to Mauno Laituri my dark complexion in order that his blush will not be so evident when some girl looks at him. I, Earl Taylor, bequeath to anyone who needs it my patent smile, with which any fair damsel may be captured. I, Maurice Bartoo, bequeath my ability to stay away from the fair sex to Frank Wheeler, knowing that he will need it. I, William B. Fenton, leave my best girl to George Fortune, because I will not need her after June 11. I, J. Grant Joslin, bequeath my beautiful knickers to Roland Marcy, hoping they aren't too small. To Paavo Plosila, I, Kenneth Stewart, bequeath my second best lead pencil, requesting him not to write notes in Biology Class with it. I, Earl Frederick, give to my entire Sophomore Class my wealth of wavy black hair, and hope they will be as proud of it as I am. I, Sulo, Kangas, bequeath my best pants to Roland Shriver. I, Edward Kuzman, leave my natural shyness to Russel Bordon. I, Ralph Meckley, leave my humorous ability to Paul Prescott. I, Dick McGuire, bequeath my Ford to anyone who will take it. I, Louis Mondy, bequeath to Paul Wheeler my dainty wasteline. I, Fancis O'Connor, bequeath my love of football to John Friend.
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This webpage created by Sharon Wick 2004