1878 History
Ashtabula Co., Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its' Pioneers and Most
Prominent Men. Philadelphia Williams Brothers 1878 256 pgs.
ALSO NOTE: I will transcribe biographies upon request. Please
state the County and State in the Subject line of the email. ~ SW

David Edward Kelley,
D.D.B. |
gentleman, who is a citizen of Ashtabula, and who is regarded as a
rising young man in the field of dentistry, is a native of this county,
the son of David
H. Kelley, Esq.,
of Saybrook township. May 8, 1853, is the date of his birth. His
education was obtained at the district schools of his native township
and at Grand River institute, Austinburg. His professional education
was obtained at the Philadelphia Dental college, Philadelphia, receiving
from that institution his graduating diploma, Feb. 27, 1875. In 1875,
November 11, he was united in marriage with Nellie
Roy Moore,
daughter of M.
M. and Helen Moore,
Erie, Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley are
the parents of one child, Edward
Raymond Kelley,
born Sept. 1, 1876. Mr. Kelley is
a gentleman of unblemished character, is attentive to his business,
skillful in dentistry, studious of his profession, ambitious to attain
the highest standard, and is highly esteemed by his professional
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 145 |

Hon. Abner Kellogg |
Abner Kellogg was born in Alford, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, Jan.
8, 1812. He was the fourth of nine children, five sons and four
daughters. The oldest, Laura,
born Aug. 4, 1806; married to Dr.
Greenleaf Fifield,
of Conneaut, Feb. 28, 1830; now living in Conneaut a widow. Second, Louisa,
born Jan. 22, 1808; married to S. B. McClung, Nov. 23, 1826, who died
May 22, 1829; again married June 23, 1832, to James
M. Bloss,
since deceased. Third, Walter,
who died in infancy. Fifth, William,
born in Salem, Ohio, July 8, 1814. Sixth, Lucius
born in Salem, June 9, 1816; studied medicine; attended medical and
surgical lectures, and graduated at Geneva, New York, in 1840; now
living in East Ashtabula, Ohio. Seventh, Clarissa,
born Oct. 12, 1819, in Monroe; married Jan. 16, 1841, to Robert
of Conneaut; now living a widow. Eighth, Amos,
died in infancy; and ninth, Pauline,
born in Monroe, Jan. 13, 1824; married to William
B. Dennison,
Jan. 3, 1844, and died in the city of Buffalo, New York, Sept. 10, 1844.
Like boys of his age in those early times, Abner attended
the common schools of the district, sustained by the voluntary
contributions of the patrons according to the number of pupils sent, for
a few months during the winter; attended a district school taught by the
late Hon.
B. F. Wade for
one term, and labored on the farm during the summer until, at the age of
eighteen years, he graduated, after
six weeks' attendance as the old Jefferson academy, under the
instruction of L.
M. Austin, Esq.,
of Austinburg. In his early manhood his business occupations were
keeping a village tavern, farming, buying and driving cattle to an
eastern market for sale. In December, 1834, was elected a justice of
the peace for Monroe township, re-elected in 1837, and resigned Nov. 13,
He was one of the early anti-slavery men of the county, and an
ardent Whig, and, at the Whig County Convention of 1839, with the late Colonel
G. W. St. John,
of Morgan, was nominated as a candidate for a member of the legislature,
a nomination by the Whig party at that time being regarded as equivalent
to an election. The ticket presented by that convention to the people
of Ashtabula County for their support and approval contained the names
of the late Benj.
F. Wade,
for State senator; Colonel
Gains W. St. John and Abner
for members of the house of representatives; Platt
R. Spencer,
for county treasurer; and Flavel
then the law partner of Hon.
J. R. Giddings,
and a younger brother of Judge
Milton Sutliff,
of Warren, for prosecuting attorney, with others for the different
offices, - all of whom were then known as anti-slavery Whigs. Upon the
nomination of this ticket some disaffected Whigs, with the few Democrats
then in the county, united in calling a union convention, and nominated
a ticket made up of Whigs and Democrats, each one of whom was then
regarded as a pro-slavery man. And, what may now be regarded as a
singular fact, the opposition to the agitation of the slavery question
was such at that time in Ashtabula county that the entire Whig ticket,
with B.
F. Wade at
its head, was defeated at the election, and pro-slavery men elected
In 1843 he was again nominated as a candidate for a member of the
house of representatives by the Whigs, and elected by his party. In the
spring of 1845 he exchanged property in Kelloggsville for farm lands in
Sheffield, to which he removed with his family in the early part of
April of that year, where for the next four years, he engaged in farming
and making lumber. In 1846 he was appointed, and performed the duties
of, one of the appraisers of real estate in the county, and in November,
1847, was elected justice of the peace for Sheffield, which office held
until the spring of 1849. As the spring term of the court of common
pleas in 1849 he was appointed clerk of that court, and in May of that
year removed from Sheffield to Jefferson, where he has since resided.
Under this appointment he held the office of clerk until the adoption of
the new constitution, in 1852, when he was elected to the same office,
and re-elected in 1855.
At the September term of the district court, 1857, he was admitted
to the bar, and in the spring of 1858 commenced the practice of his
profession in company with the late Colonel
A. S. Hall and Judge
D S. Wade,
which partnership continued until the retirement of Colonel
Hall and
the election of Wade to
the office of probate judge, when, in the autumn of 1860, he formed a
partnership and is now doing business with E.
Jay Pinney, Esq.
the general election of 1863 he was elected a member of the house of
representatives, where he served two sessions. On the expiration of his
term in the house he was elected to the State senate, when, on the first
day of the first session of the senate of 1866, he, among other things,
introduced his resolution to amend the State constitution by striking
the word "white" from article five, section one, thereby giving the
elective franchise to the colored men, which resolution was adopted by
the requisite two-thirds majority, with an objectionable amendment at
the close of the session of 1867, submitted to the people and defeated
the same year; thus showing that as late as 1867 the people of Ohio
refused to give the elective franchise to the colored man, thousands of
whom had volunteered and been accepted to fight the battles of the War
of the Rebellion and save the nation from dissolution and ruin.
On the expiration of his term in the senate, in 1867, he retired
from political life, since which time he has devoted his time and
attention to private business and that connected with the Second
National Bank of Jefferson, of which he is and for some years has been
director and president. Being uncompromisingly hostile to human slavery
and ardently attached to the Union, and believing from the first that
the Rebellion would ultimately work the extinction of slavery from all
our fair and proud land, he gave the best energies of his mature manhood
towards raising men and means for the support of the government, and
contributed of his time and money for that purpose. Politically a Whig,
Free-soiler, and Republican successively, he always attached himself to
and acted with the spirit of the constitution and the natural rights of
man, and gave his earnest and active support to Mr.
for President, in 1872.
Making no profession of any distinctive religious faith or dogma,
he for many years contributed of his means to the support of that branch
of the church known as Congregational. Mr.
Kellogg died,
suddenly and unexpectedly, on the 27th day of April, 1878.
his wife, was born at Vernon, Trumbull county, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1815; was
the daughter of Allen
and Maria Spencer,
and granddaughter of General
Martin Smith who
emigrated from Hartland, Connecticut, to Vernon, with his family, in
1799, and died at the age of ninety-five, after a long, useful and
exemplary public and private life. The mother of Matilda dying
in her infancy, and her father contracting a second marriage, after a
few years spent with her father and step-mother in Hartford, Trumbull
county, Ohio, and the death of her father in 1830, went to
Kelloggsville, and remained with an aunt until she was married to the
subject of this sketch, Oct. 2, 1834, at the age of nineteen years.
Having a delicate physical organization able to resist the
demands and strain made upon it by the rearing of a family, and the
cares, labors, and responsibilities incident thereto, her life has been
one of much pain and suffering, all of which she has borne with great
fortitude and patience, and discharged all the duties of an affectionate
and devoted wife and a wise and conscientious mother, regardless of any
and all consequences to herself, and is still living at the age of
sixty-three years, the mother of three sons and three daughters all
Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County,
Ohio with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and
Most Prominent Men by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 -
Page 106 |
AMOS & MARTIN KELLOGG. Amo+s Kellogg was
born in Alford, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, June 17, 1782, was
married to Paulina Dean,
July 30, 1805, and was the seventh in a family of nine children, each
one of whom lived to maturity and reared families of their own. Amos and
his brother Martin,
two years his senior, who had previously married Miss Anna Lester,
remained at home as the joint owners of and cultivating the old
homestead until 1811, when one Colwell,
of Albany, New York, who was the owner of a large tract of wild lands in
western Virginia, by representing his land to be valuable for farming
purposes and just coming into market, and offering him the position of
surveyor and general agent for the sale of his lands, with a liberal
compensation, induced Martin,
who was a practical and skillful surveyor, to accept his offer.
Accordingly, after the necessary preparations, on the 12th day of June,
1811, Martin with his family,—consisting of his wife and two children,
aged respectively seven and three years,—started from the old homestead
to seek a new home in the then far west; their outfit consisting of a
pair of horses, wagon, and harness, carrying the family and household
goods. The route taken was from Alford to Newburg, where they crossed
the Hudson river, from thence to eastern New Jersey, Bethlehem,
Allentown, Reading, Harrisburg, Carlisle, and Chambersburg,
Pennsylvania; Cumberland, Maryland; Clarksburg and Parkersburg,
Virginia, to Belpre, Ohio. On arriving at his destination, after a
journey of some six hundred miles, occupying some five weeks,—having
crossed the Blue Ridge and seen the country,—he became satisfied that
nothing could be done in the way of selling lands that then were hardly
worth surveying. He was, therefore, on the point of turning back and
retracing his journey, without unloading his goods, when he was offered
a house to shelter him for a season. This induced him to remain until
he could better determine what to do. He remained at Belpre, on the
Ohio river, until the death of his father, late in the autumn of 1812,
when, on the 24th of December of that year, he started on foot to return
to the old homestead, following the same route traversed on his journey
the year previous, arriving at Alford about the 1st day of January,
1813. On the failure of the land enterprise, the death of their father,
and the return of Martin,
the brothers concluded to embrace one of the then many opportunities to
exchange cultivated farms in the east for wild lands in what was then
known as New Connecticut. They accordingly made such exchange,
receiving for the old homestead eleven hundred and fifty acres of
uncultivated land situated in Ashtabula and Geauga counties. Early in
1813, Martin returned
to Belpre, and with his family removed to their new lands in Salem, in
this county, in time to erect a log house, one mile north of the present
village of Kelloggsville, in which they spent the winter of 1813-14. In
February, 1814, Amos with
his family,—consisting of his aged mother, wife, two daughters, aged
respectively eight and six years, and a son, aged two years, with a
hired laborer,—started from their old homestead for their new home in
the wilderness of New Connecticut, the outfit being four horses with two
sleighs, carrying the family and household goods. Arriving at
Phelpstown, Ontario county, New York, where his wife had expected to
meet her father, two brothers, and a younger sister, who had preceded
her the year before and settled in that locality, she learned for the
first time, by a messenger whom she met but a few rods from the door,
that her father had died since she had started on her journey. After a
short visit among relatives in what was then known as the “Genesee
country,” they pursued their journey until they arrived at their new
home early in March, after a journey of more than five hundred miles
entirely on runners, and occupying four weeks. On the arrival of Amos with
his family, in the spring of 1814, the brothers, who were still
partners, and held both real and personal property in common, commenced
clearing and opening up their new lands preparatory to cultivation, and
during the following six years, while they so remained in company, they
cleared, fenced, and brought under cultivation some two hundred acres of
original forest lands, being very largely assisted in their labors by Mr.
John Hardy,
now living in Kelloggsville, hale and strong in his eighty-third year.
They continued to reside together with their families until February,
1815, when they purchased from the late Hon.
Eliphalet Austin,
of Austinburg, a large part of the tract of land now covered by the
village of Kelloggsville, then known as the “Foggerson settlement.
"Martin moved
on this tract, where he remained until 1819, when they dissolved their
partnership and divided the property. Amos taking
what was known as the Foggerson farm and Martin going
back to the new one. In 1815, on account of some unsettled business
matters and a strong desire to revisit the scenes of his childhood and
early manhood. Amos made
the journey on foot to and from the old homestead. Prior to
the time he had hardly made up his mind to remain permanently in Ohio;
but on his return from this journey he abandoned all desire to return to
Massachusetts, and cast his lot permanently with the new settlers of the
Western Reserve. The business occupations of his life were farming,
merchandising, buying, driving, and selling cattle, and keeping a
village tavern.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 115 |

Dr. L. D. Kellogg |
Born June 9, 1816, in Salem (now Monroe), Ohio, his education was
acquired at the common district school and the old Jefferson academy.
In early life he served as clerk in a country store; subsequently
studied medicine with Dr.
Greenleaf Fifield,
of Conneaut, Ohio and graduated at Geneva, New York, medical college in
the spring of 1839. In the same year commenced the practice of his
profession at Albion, Pennsylvania. Removed to Williamsfield in this
county in 1840. Married Dec. 16, 1841, to Miss
Emily R. Castle, daughter
of Amasa
and Rosalind Castle,
at Ashtabula. Remained in Williamsfield, to the practice of his
profession, until 1851, when he removed to Conneaut to occupy the place
left vacant by the death of Dr.
where he remained until 1855, when he removed to Canton, Fulton county,
Illinois, where he practiced his profession until June 1, 1861, when he
received the appointment of surgeon of the seventeenth Regiment,
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, then in camp at Peoria, Illinois; soon
after which the regiment was ordered to the front in Missouri.
The first battle in which it took an active part was at
Fredericktown, Missouri. It afterwards participated in the battles of
Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Tennessee. From Donelson ordered to
Pittsburg Landing, and took part in the fearful struggle of two days at
Shiloh, in which engagement probably each of the contending armies
suffered greater loss in killed and wounded, in proportion to the number
engaged, than in any other engagement during the war. After marching
and countermarching over a large part of western Tennessee and northern
Mississippi, the regiment embarked at Memphis for Vicksburg, in the
siege of which, being little less than a continuous battle for weeks, it
participated until its fall and final surrender, in all of which
engagements and service the surgeon of the regiment was at his post of
duty in the field and hospital, serving most of the time as
brigade-surgeon. At Memphis he received the appointment of division
surgeon-in-general, McArthur's
division, which he held until the corps was reorganized, when, on
account of ill health, he resigned and left the service. On regaining
his health, in June, 1865, he was appointed by the then secretary of the
treasury assistant appraiser of merchandise for the port of New Orleans,
the duties of which office he discharged under that appointment until
April 10, 1867, when he received a commission for the same office signed
by Andrew
as President, and Hugh
secretary of the treasury. Continued to discharge the duties of the
same office until Apr. 21, 1869, when he was commissioned by President
Grant as
general appraiser of merchandise for the south, which position he held,
with headquarters at New Orleans, until the autumn of 1871, when, on
account of protracted and dangerous sickness consequent upon the
miasmatic and unhealthy character of the climate, he resigned the
position and returned to his home in Canton, Illinois; soon after which,
on account if inability to resume the practice of his profession, by
reason of ill health, he disposed of his property in Canton and returned
to his native State and the county of his birth.
As an evidence of his reputation for official integrity, it was
once said to the writer of this by a former resident of this county,
whose public and private character for honesty and integrity is above
reproach or suspicion, after a visit to New Orleans, "I believe he,"
referring to the subject of this sketch," is the only man connected with
the custom-house at New Orleans who is not charged, and probably
truthfully, with peculation and fraud.
Politically he is a supporter of President
his southern policy, and administration. As a religionist, not zealous
or bigoted; is willing that each shall enjoy his own faith, and demands
the same tolerance from others, always regarding the moral obligation to
do unto others as he would that others should do unto him.
He now resides in East Ashtabula, on the premises formerly owned
and occupied as a homestead by the late Amasa
Castle, Esq.,
with health restored, in an independent and pleasant retirement, not
permitting the common vicissitudes and perplexities of life to harass or
disturb him.
His wife, Emily
daughter of Amasa
and Rosalind Castle,
born in Ashtabula, Aug. 15, 1823, married in the township of her birth,
December 16, 1841, was with her husband during most of his military
service and residence at New Orleans, and probably saved his life by
hastening, unattended, from Ashtabula to New Orleans, in July, 1870, to
nurse and care for him during a dangerous illness consequent upon the
unhealthy climate of that locality. Without waiting or hoping for his
recovery in that climate, she at once procured his removal to a
steamboat and proceeded to the north. Her treatment of the case proved
to be judicious, and from the time of her assuming its management he
began to mend, and continued to improve until final recovery.
A lady of refinement, she calls around and attracts to herself the
best society of her neighborhood, and makes her home the resort of the
intelligent and refined. She is the mother of Augustus
G. Kellogg,
lieutenant-commander, United States navy, at present on duty at
Portsmouth navy yard, an only child. And during all the years of her
married life she has been an affectionate and exemplary wife and mother.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 120 |
wife of Amos
Kellogg, Esq.,
was born in New Marlborough, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, May 21,
1782, and was married in the county of her birth July 30, 1805. She was
the daughter of Captain
Walter Dean,
who entered the Massachusetts line at the commencement of the
Revolutionary war, and remained in the service during the entire war,
leaving the service with a captain's commission. Having the advantage
of a common-school education, she taught a district school one season,
but, being the oldest daughter, the early death of her mother made it
necessary for her to assume the entire charge of her fathers large
family until her own marriage; after which, the duties of a mother and
the care of her own household devolved upon her. Nine children were
born to her, two of whom died in infancy, and seven reached maturity.
Being a woman of vigorous health, she was able to and did perform
most of the household labor for a large family composed of the husband,
children, and farm-laborers engaged in clearing, fencing, farming, and
keeping a village tavern, and manufactured the cloth and made much of
the clothing for her family. On the death of her husband, in 1830, she
caused herself to be appointed administratrix of his estate, and with
only the aid of her oldest son, then but eighteen years of age, she
continued to keep the tavern, manage the business, and settle the
estate; and to her good management and wise economy was her family
largely indebted for the retention of a home to which all were very
greatly attached. After giving up the responsibilities of business to
her son. who relied upon her advice and counsel in reference to
important transactions with great confidence and sought it for many
years, she made her home with him. and spent much of her time
with her several sons and daughters, rendering such assistance in
nursing and caring for their young families as only a devoted mother and
grandmother could. Her affection for and kindly remembrance of her
children, grand and great-grandchildren, never faltered, as she was
always impartial, and always anxious to aid them in any lawful
enterprise. Except the death of her husband, to whom she was ardently
attached and a most devoted wife, the death of her youngest daughter Paulina,
who married at the age of twenty and died at twenty-one, was the
greatest affliction of her life. Being her youngest daughter, delicate
and lovely, recently married with fair prospects of a happy and
prosperous life, her death was long and deeply mourned. She died at
Conneaut, in this county, on the 21st day of June, 1875, aged
ninety-three years and one month, in the enjoyment of her mental
faculties unimpaired, leaving behind her two aged sisters, two sons, and
two daughters, twenty-four grandchildren, and nineteen
great-grandchildren, to mourn her departure. She was an affectionate
and devoted wife, a kind, indulgent, and wise mother, and in all the
relations of life performed her duties with a conscientious devotion to
the right.
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 116 |

Hon. William Kellogg |
This gentleman was born in Salem, now Monroe, Ohio, July 8, 1814. He
emigrated to Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, in 1837; read law;
admitted to the bar; practiced his profession; acquired an extensive
practice, especially in respect to land titles; member of the State
Legislature in 1849 and '50; judge of the circuit court, which position
he held for three years; elected to Congress from the Peoria district in
1856; re-elected in 1858, and again in 1860. In 1864 was appointed
minister resident in Guatemala by President Lincoln, and in 1865
chief-justice of Nebraska, which position held until the organization of
the Territory into a State, in February, 1867. In 1869 he was appointed
one of the Judges under the provisional government of Mississippi, and
retained it until the inauguration of Governor Alcorn, in February,
1870, and died at Peoria, Illinois, December 20, 1872.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 107 |

Gen. Henry Keyes |
Twp. -
is an only child; was born on the 16th day of November, 1793, in New
Marlboro’, Massachusetts. His parents, Elias
and Phebe Keyes,
removed from that point to Ohio, in 1814, and made settlement in
Conneaut township. The education of the general was obtained in his
native State prior to his removal to Ohio arriving here his life has
been spent in farming, he being now an extensive landowner and
capitalist. Has held numerous offices in his township; was first mayor
of the village of Conneaut. The title by which he is familiarly known
was given him years since, he having been commissioned as such in the
State militia. Jan. 19, 1819, he was married to Mary Cale,
of Conneaut. The children of this union are Henry
born Feb. 14, 1820; married Sarah M.
Huntington. Alvin
born Oct. 25, 1821; married Minnie Rupp.
These two children reside at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mary
C., the
next child, was born Nov. 14, 1823; she married Edward Grant,
now living in Conneaut. In 1824 occurred the death of Mrs. General Keyes,
and on July 9, 1829, he was again married, to Vesta Bates,
from Cummington, Mass. Seven children have been born to them, viz., Marcus
who married Louisa Gordon,
deceased; Martin
married Ann
Eliza Lloyd; Charles
died in 1854; Elias
married Charlotte
E. Trenton; Phebe
A., Russel
and Milo
O. Of
these, all living reside in Conneaut, except those designated above.
Politically, General Keyes is
Republican. He is a 3Iason and a member of Evergreen lodge, No. 222,
Conneaut, Ohio.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 168 |

Res. of
Wm. Kiddle,
Wayne Twp.,
Ashtabula Co., Ohio |
Twp. -
This gentleman was the youngest of three, the children of Richard
and Jane Kiddle,
of Long Sutton, Somersetshire county, England, and was born on June 29,
1837. He came to America in 1858, landing at Bedford Canada, July 31
of that year. On Aug. 10, same year, he arrived in the township of
Wayne, and located in the southeastern corner of the township. He is by
occupation a wagon-maker. His first purchase of land was but a part of
his present fine estate. He has now some four hundred acres of land,
and is largely engaged in dairying and the raising of Durham cattle. In
1860 he returned to England, where he remained some five months. On the
23d day of April, 1861, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary,
daughter of Hezekiah and Caroline Platt,
who are at present both deceased, as are also his parents. The result
of this marriage has been a family of five children,—three girls and two
boys. Prior to the birth of his children (1869), he again returned to
England, with his Yankee bride, and remained on this visit some two and
one-half months. A fine view of his farm is given in connection with
this sketch.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 249 |

Aunt Lydia King |
Twp. -
This lady, who is the widow of Benjamin
Howard King,
is daughter of Avery
and Lydia Proctor Moulton,
whose nativity was, the former, Amesbury, Massachusetts, and the latter
Kingston, New Hampshire. Mrs.
was born in Loudon, New Hampshire, in May, 1794. Her parents removed to
Stanstead, where her father died in 1828. The mother came to Ohio, and
died in Conneaut, November, 1865. The education of Mrs. King was
acquired at Stanstead; was married in 1818, and her husband died in
1852, and left her on a farm, but having no heirs, the property reverted
to her husband’s brothers. She, however, bought them out, and
eventually sold the farm to the late D.
C. Allen. Mrs. King is
a very worthy woman, and has been a member of the Christian church for
more than fifty-five years.
----- Source:
1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most Prominent Men by Publ.
Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Page 167 |

Marcus Kingsley, MD |
Twp. -
was born in Barrington, Yates county, New York, on Mar. 15, 1837. He is
the youngest of five children. His father, Simon Kingsley,
was a native of Providence, Rhode Island, and his mother, Miss
L. Stanton,
of Litchfield county, Connecticut, at which point they were married.
Removed to Barrington in about 1828, and here the father died, in the
fall of 1844. The mother soon afterwards removed to Dundee, New York,
and remained until 1860, when she removed to Kingsville, and yet resides
there. The subject of this sketch attended district school and Dundee
academy until at the age of nineteen years, when he chose the profession
of medicine as the best suited to be his life’s labor, and began its
study in the office of Dr.
George Z. Noble,
of Dundee. Continued to read medicine three years, making himself
generally useful about the place as an equivalent for his board. He
attended the Cleveland Homoeopathic college during the years 1859 and
1860. In the spring of the latter year coming to Kingsville, he located
there as the pioneer of his practice in northeast Ashtabula County. His
means were limited; there was prejudice against his school; he was an
entire stranger; yet he went to work, and, as a result, has now a large,
rapidly increasing, and lucrative practice. He was elected in 1863 an
honorary member of the Ontario and Yates County medical society, of New
York, and in the following year of the Ohio Homoeopathic medical
society, of Cleveland. Was elected a member of the board of education
of Kingsville township in 1870, and was mainly instrumental in the
organization of the special school district, where is now a fine graded
school, with an average attendance of over one hundred scholars. In the
fall of 1873 was elected coroner of Ashtabula County, and, on the death
of Sheriff Hart,
the subsequent July, assumed the duties of that office; he, however,
soon resigned. He was in 1875 the originator of the First Evangelical
society of North Kingsville, and was instrumental in erecting an edifice
for public worship. He is a member of the Baptist church and a Knight
Templar, affiliating with Cach6 commandery, No. 27, of Conneaut, and the
lodges subordinate to that. Dr. Kingsley was
on the 3d day of March, 1870, united in marriage to Celina Stella,
daughter of James
C. and Clarissa M. Smith, who
were of New England parentage. Dr. Kingsley is
Republican in politics, and a strong advocate of total abstinence.
----- Source: 1798 History of Ashtabula County, Ohio with
Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Pioneers and Most
Prominent Men by Publ. Philadelphia - Williams Brothers - 1878 - Pages
between 208 & 209 |